I can't believe this C**T wrote such filth....I would love to drop her into Taliban territory and see if she can write something funny about what happens to her. What a evil B*****H!
You know what happens when you take a bunch of insecure, cowardly momma's boys and put them together? Suddenly they're brave and empowered and become a bunch of bullies and thugs that decent, law-abiding people call a "gang". People that work hard, pay taxes, obey the laws, love their country and raise their families to do the same use words like bullies, thugs and cowards to describe such people of undesirable, despicable behavior. It seems that more and more, the professions such as journalist, emcee, news writer, show host and author are losing their traditional association to respectful, trustworthy and valuable occupations.
That's EXACTLY what the anonymity and instant, effective access to the Internet's social media has done for so many people that ordinarily would slink off and keep their mouths shut..... now they are empowered and have a voice. We all are entitled to an opinion but these days everyone is a self-appointed expert and an overnight news media guru. It matters not that they have factual proof or justification, to them and their like-minded readers/listeners it matters only that they take the opportunity presented by a recent event or an unrelated tragedy to make some sort of baseless claim and ficticious association and suddenly they are no longer voiceless cowards but respected, self-proclaimed journalists and heralders of undeniable truth. How dare we question the veracity and accuracy of their statements!
The Internet has reinforced the widely held observation that "you can't fix stupid" and proven that brain decay is caused by chronic and long term exposure to left-leaning, socialist, Marxist propaganda of any form. Idiocy and stupidity ARE contagious regardless of what the medical profession says.
You recall that at one time, people thought the world was flat. They thought that because 1) it looked flat because they had no other point-of-view and 2) everyone believed what they were told. Hence, the fastest growing group today are "sheeple"......they recently outnumbered those that identify with the head-in-the-sand ostrich.
God save us and God bless the U.S. of A.