Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

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That deranged bitch (or is it a guy?) comes in at about 30:00

1701805258369.png Trump says "Grab 'em by the P#@*!"And the woke say "oh yeah?"
All businesses leave California. Problem solved..

Yet another "feel-good" measure that will end up costing businesses money, and do nothing positive.

Well, at least the state budget is solid for this year, with Gruesome spouting off about what to do with the surplus. Oh, wait a sec... Looks to be a $60B deficit instead... Oops!
Damn--- you guys have been busy... I have 5 pages of posts to read through.

Check this out--- I almost did a spit-take at the very first scene showing the street name signs.... LMAO.

Yeap. Nail on head.

I read that this morning also. That article merely reinforces what I've been saying for a long time. Its NOT just leadership, the whole fucking FBI/DOJ Gestapo organization is corrupt and inept. It needs to be thrown out and started over from scratch. Forget that bullshit of "the rank and file are good guys". The rank and file will do whatever the people writing their paycheck demand of them.

We no longer have a common rule of Law. We are NO longer any better than Communist Russia or any 3rd world Banana Republik, we simply have more money and better liars. (with the help of a complicit and morally and ethically bankrupt media)

I'd love to think that voting will make a difference, that electing a President with better values and reporting on the decay will open eyes and make a difference. I used to be a Red White and Blue rock solid patriot. But I fear there is no going back. Not in the way we'd all like to see, with peaceful change for the good.

The cancer is too deep and the rot will continue regardless of the window dressing.
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COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious
COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious | ZeroHedge

............ It’s basically covid all over again.
We know, just like Covid, the official narrative of climate change is a lie.
We know, just like Covid, climate change is being used as an excuse to usher in massive social control and global governance.
And we know, just like Covid, almost every world government on both sides of every divide is backing it.

Even if they don’t always agree, even if they are happy to kill each other’s citizens in large numbers, they are all on board the same globalist gravy train, all going in the same direction to the same destination, and it has never been more obvious.
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