Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

If I recall, some Act passed in 1964 made this practice illegal, and the USSC recently told universities the same. So how does this keep happening?

(Hint, we no longer have a functional judicial system and the DOJ is as corrupt as any 3rd world banana republik)

No White Faculty Allowed
At the University of Washington, civil rights laws have not stopped blatant racial discrimination in faculty hiring.

No White Faculty Allowed
The wonderful FBI. "Safe Deposit Boxes" apparently are not safe.

Oh, we have already slowed down on our beef intake...not because of the POS CORRUPT UN, but because of the astronomical price of it now. Oh, as for the UN telling me to slow down or stop eating beef? 'HEY UN, GO F**K YOURSELF!

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Watched a lot of it last night. Will change some perspectives on Alex Jones, maybe not all, but some.
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He’s still loud and obnoxious :rofl: but he’s not dumb and not as crazy as the msm makes him out to be.
I don’t follow him but having read about how they have cancelled him and drained him $ dry over the whole school shooting thing is disgusting. He may well have been 100% wrong and he may have hurt feelings with his theory, but if that's all it takes for a court to find judgement in the $Billions against you for pushing a crazy theory, we have much bigger problems
He’s still loud and obnoxious :rofl: but he’s not dumb and not as crazy as the msm makes him out to be.
I don’t follow him but having read about how they have cancelled him and drained him $ dry over the whole school shooting thing is disgusting. He may well have been 100% wrong and he may have hurt feelings with his theory, but if that's all it takes for a court to find judgement in the $Billions against you for pushing a crazy theory, we have much bigger problems

Yeah, it's bullchit that you can't have an opinion without being prosecuted.
Apparently, it's worse in Britain where if they suspect you of praying in your head in front of an abortion clinic they arrest you for suspicion of quiet praying. They would probably love to openly speak an opinion there. You just can't make this chit up. Crazy world!


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I'm a Christian and am of European descent, formerly called a W.A.S.P.....a White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant....where's my reparations? :idk:
</end sarcasm>
I'm a Christian and am of European descent, formerly called a W.A.S.P.....a White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant....where's my reparations? :idk:
</end sarcasm>

hmmm .. if I identify as Afro-White-Jewish .. can I get 3x the reparations ?
You know the scamdemic/woke/liberal/bullshit that's been going on does have a tiny silver lining. There are people that I've been trying to wake up to reality for years and that have been looking at me a little funny like... what's this guy been smoking? Well, a lot of them are suddenly coming up to me and asking how I knew way back then. I came across one guy in a store that I haven't seen in 23 years now (man I hope I never look as old as he looks! :p) The first words out of his mouth were, "You were right". I just hope enough people wake up before it's too late. I doubt it, but at least there is some hope...
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