Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

VERY funny until you realize it's not satire.
And its over the top.

I mean a 12 year old could read that and I would think come to the same conclusion we did. "That aint right"

Adults actually wrote and implemented this. This is more "spitting in your face" with a clear goal of degrading yet another industry that is essential to our society
They're going to put The Onion and The Babylon Bee out business with stuff like this. How can those two sites compete...

Now that people realized that the pharmaceutical companies were working on de-population and quit taking the clot shot.

The globalist’s are turning to the airline industry as a way of de-population.
Natural breast feeding your child is "problematic"??? Every time I think they've reached the bottom of the "stupid" barrel, they prove me wrong...

LGBTQXYZ? %^# Must be steaming mad not to mention the weirdos working at Pentagon. She'll probably be court martialed before the month is over and replaced by a dress wearing bulge hider.

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LGBTQXYZ? %^# Must be steaming mad not to mention the weirdos working at Pentagon. She'll probably be court martialed before the month is over and replaced by a dress wearing bulge hider.

Great news for team USA .. a real woman was crowned as Miss America ..
Maybe this explains a lot about the degradation of society.

"But according to data from recent analysis and studies, people who have had at least one psychotic episode after using cannabis are almost 50% more likely to develop schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, and that the risk is even higher for teens and young adults."

To me, this guys movies are a treasure to watch. Just really funny.
For all of the "my distinguished aged " gentile men, I purpose
Mel Tillis as Director of FAA Air Traffic Controllers Division.
With him as ATC, there would be NO FLIGHTS!!!

P.S. Mel was REAL!

There’s some common characteristic thing going on here…..hmmmmm… can’t put my finger on it…:idk:

President Of Canadian LGBT Organization Arrested On Child Sex Abuse Charges