Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

I guess this shouldn't be too much of a shock. After all, it's New York. The kids have more sense than the adults...

I still say, the schools went to complete shit once they started going hard core on punishing “bullying.”

In the 80’s and 90’s there wouldn’t be a walk out. These freaks would have been hanging hanging from coat hangers from coat racks years before they decided to cut their dicks off.

I am so thankful we pulled our kids out of the government schools 5 years ago…….. Instead of having classes telling them that it’s ok to cut your dick off, or it’s ok to cut your tits off. My kids are learning personal finance, logic, rhetoric, basic home repair, metal working, wood working……
I still say, the schools went to complete shit once they started going hard core on punishing “bullying.”

In the 80’s and 90’s there wouldn’t be a walk out. These freaks would have been hanging hanging from coat hangers from coat racks years before they decided to cut their dicks off.

I am so thankful we pulled our kids out of the government schools 5 years ago…….. Instead of having classes telling them that it’s ok to cut your dick off, or it’s ok to cut your tits off. My kids are learning personal finance, logic, rhetoric, basic home repair, metal working, wood working……

Oh and those gubermint teachers are demanding mo money too
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Your message will really heal old wounds and bring us closer together. Hey, pound sand you f*****g bigot!

Florida may not be solving the national homeless issue but Florida might be solving it in making it less attractive in Florida they might head the left coast.


We need to show them the ridiculousnese of their demands by stealing a page from their play book then forcing them to respect our wishes.

For example...I identify as "polyanimal." When I face north you must address me as moo-moo, west meow-meow, east ruff-ruff, south quack-quack.
We need to show them the ridiculousnese of their demands by stealing a page from their play book then forcing them to respect our wishes.

For example...I identify as "polyanimal." When I face north you must address me as moo-moo, west meow-meow, east ruff-ruff, south quack-quack.
Except on Fridays you must swap north with south and east with west......right? :facepalm::screwy:

No way could I keep up with that...I have a hard enough time getting my shoes on the correct feet! :lmao:
Except on Fridays you must swap north with south and east with west......right? :facepalm::screwy:

No way could I keep up with that...I have a hard enough time getting my shoes on the correct feet! :lmao:

No, not that bad or confusing. They reverse only twice per year with daylight savings time. I like to keep it simple.
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So .. as some blacks owned slaves also .. In Some cases a freed black owned their spouse legally .. I am certain Some churches owned slaves as a way for the slaves not to be owned by a dreadful master .. unfortunately this entire aspect of american history can be very nuanced.

Was it better to be listed as a slave to a church or to a plantation owner? or to and ottoman slave galley ? Or an Islamic salt mine ?
POV Film hates straight, white, males!
Call me Chato