Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

On Shooting Your Way Out | Blog & Mablog
Time to tell all, the age of grieves is over

"Do these people know what Irony means? "
"Donald Trump would be able to weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents he could even turn the FBI into his own personal police force .. "


Black Professor Accidentally PROVES “Anti-White” Double Standard
The Based Conservative
Aug 7, 2024

Black Professor Accidentally PROVES “Anti-White” Double Standard

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Kamala Harris is a Lobotomized Communist - An Economics Lesson (THE SAAD TRUTH_ 1713)
Gad Saad

Amish owe Feds $400,000? Dumb Young Thing fills up? Houthis prepare for war?

Designed to divide the HD community? So, they are not conceding that their DEI policies were wrong or bad for the company. They are saying that they caved to the social media people even though HD thinks those policies are right.
Sounds like a perpetually recovering drug addict in my wife's family...nothing is ever HIS fault, it's always someone else's fault. :headbang::mad:
I'm grateful I got all my flying done from '56 to '68 as the son of a 32 year Delta Airlines employee and from '68 to '72 in servitude to U.S. Navy and Naval Air because of these articles:

20 Woke Liberals TRIGGERED by Professor's "Whiteness" and 1 simple question!
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Well @mat200 , it looks like everyone of them is an "Ocean Toad" and I would not even
put your...woops! Family Channel. The dude is one of those hang arounds that hopes
to get lucky.:rofl::lmao::rofl:

Indeed .. watching the decline of the USA birthrate right there .. and wanting to kill government guaranteed student loans for DEI related degrees
At times , I laugh at them, but I see the "Lost" and it saddens me.

Indoctrination is so strong in many coming out of our education systems .. how much is students loans did they saddle these folks with? Could have just gone the scientology route for cheaper ..
We knew that was coming...

Libs will make sure they are set free or only receive a slap on the hand. So many coming here to this country illegally see America as an ATM or a playground for their entertainment.

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