Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

I’m right there with ya.
When Affirmative Action replaces merit for confirming Supremes, you know we live in a Banana Republic.
Add Affirmative Action and political correctness to the top of the list of things that could take down this nation, if we let it. Demand voter ID and get your asses out there and vote. As they say on Greg Gutfeld, Period!
OMG I hate this man and his hoe VP. But I HATE those that voted for them even worse. Pathetic losers. OK....meltdown in progress. Time to chill. Sorry for the rant.
I feel the exact same way. It’s one thing to have a POS on the ballot, but to get anywhere near the votes they say he got is a direct reflection of the lack of intelligence of the people who voted for him. In other words, those voters are the reason we are experiencing all this BS right now.
Actually there is some racism involved here because if that were a white guy that went up there and slapped him, he'd still be in jail right now and cities would be burning. Change my mind...
Exactly! That’s what pisses me off. Law and order needs to be consistent in dishing out punishment, not vary it based on color and status. But, that being said, I feel there are certain professions that need to held to a higher standard, school teachers, police offers, doctors, etc.
Another one that has absolutely no clue of how life happens while they camp out on mommas couch.

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Unbelievable! In his/her little world, giving everyone a ”living” wage won’t raise the price of hamburgers at McDonalds. How did these people get so stupid? Was the “No Kid Left Behind” law really that affective in delivering a bunch of dumb asses to the work-force?
California thinks it is 32 hours :lmao:

And a quote:

"According to studies, the U.S. ranks among the top countries in hours worked per year. Americans also spend less time than people from other developed countries on personal care and leisure."

If that is true, why do I see so very few workers and most places shutting down early due to no staff?
They want to make it easier for people to work TWO jobs.
I think the above photo is photoshopped.

From two days ago...
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Ah, ok. I tried fact checking it by viewing Disneyland's live (and roving) webcam and it's a little tough as every time it moves over an area that might give a clue, it goes like mad..