Just set up cams for a friend yesterday. 5 of his cameras are on an external POE switch on the other side of the house. That switch is on Port 1 of the NVR.
Is this the same issue as in your post here?
Using A PoE Switch to Connect to NVR
I added the cams one at a time. The NVR wouldn't inialize them itself. It did show with the 108 address in the top frame but the NVR wouldn't let me add or edit them.
Right, because they are effectively connected to a 10.1.1.x network switch which cant negotiate with the 192.168.1.x cam IP
So I connected my laptop to the external switch and changed the cam to a static address in the NVR rannge, but below what it was using for a direct-connected cam. It then found it and allowed us to manually add from top to bottom.
Yep, now the internal PoE switch knows sees and IP it can handle
That worked for the first four cameras. Once we got to the fifth the NVR recognized it existed but it stayed at a red status and wouldn't show video. Gave an error on screen about unreachable.
If we took a working cam from an NVR port (IP 1.70) and put it into the external POE it came up fine, keeping it's IP. Then we put the original non-working cam in an NVR port and it adopted it but gave it the same IP as the cam that we moved external (1.70). The direct connect video showed in both D5 and D6 frames. It's as if the NVR forgot it already gave out the 1.70 address and just assigned it again.
I recall someone saying that if you uncheck Enable Arp/Ping at the bottom of the Networking Tab on the camera, it wont ask the NVR for the IP assigned to the port?
"Enable ARP/Ping to set IP address service"
I'm still not sure I understand it but I believe each port on a PoE NVR assigns and address to the port. So any camera plugged into that specific port and set to DHCP, will assume that same port number.
I changed the IP on the external camera in it's interface and then in the NVR but it wouldn't reconnect. Had to plug direct to an NVR port to get adopted and then back to the external to get it working again.
There is something goofy about the 5th cam on an external POE.
I have no understanding of how PoE switches are built or work, and this is nothing more than a wild assed guess, but something that may be related is that the Dahua built-in poE switches seem to be arranged/built in groups of 4 ports. I Know this because Ive had segments of 4 ports go bad when one port took a voltage surge from a lightning strike. Maybe there's a physical barrier that only allows 4 IP's to one port?
Way over my head, maybe someone else can explain it..
Any suggestions? I can move to a new thread if preferred.
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