I bought the Blue Iris package and it won't be here for 7 to 10 days. I would like to read up on the software while I am waiting. Is there somewhere I can download the user manual?
Evaluation version = Demo version.... good for 15 days to test for free. Do a google search for Blue Iris software... you'll find it. Buy or test for 15 days.
I have read a lot of the help files but I haven't yet come across on how to set the detection area that it should alarm. Is there an easy way to do this?
by default blue iris looks at the entire image...you can then select areas to block out, its in the motion tab under mask.I have read a lot of the help files but I haven't yet come across on how to set the detection area that it should alarm. Is there an easy way to do this?
My understanding is that Blue Iris uses the whole camera image to detect motion but you can mask off areas to be ignored. This is the opposite of how detection works in some camera interfaces (eg. Foscam) where you set a detection area.I have read a lot of the help files but I haven't yet come across on how to set the detection area that it should alarm. Is there an easy way to do this?
Hmm, that's strange. Blue Iris detects motion on all my Foscams with the IR lights on at night. I even pickup motion in my neighbor's driveway 100 feet or more from the camera at night. I have motion detection sensitivity size and contrast set about 25% of the scale from the left edge.... What I did notice is that the camera will not detect motion with the IR lights on at night. It did while running Foscam Client but not with Blue Iris.
Hey, You cannot change your external ip. The ip address is set by your internet service provider..tell us what you are trying to do so we can help you.