But...But...But look at that nice picture of the criminal that will stop dead in their tracks long enough to get a clean picture... because that is what all perps do is just stop for a moment to let a camera get a good shot LOL

In the end, people spend money on crap and they don't even know it is crap until they have an event that they need to get the police involved with. The police come and view their footage and say "Thank you very much, but we can't use this footage at all because it is crap". Only then do they start to understand that they have crap cameras. Luckily this happens to a relative few number of people and so the false narrative is continued for the masses.
You give people way too much credit LOL. Look at the ring forums and other sites than this where people willing accept that the cameras do not perform well at night "well my camera is great during the day, but no camera can capture a good image at night, but at least I know if they tried my car or not" and other such nonsense.
I do not chat to my neighbors that I have cameras. Some have noticed, but most do not. When we had a break in here a couple years ago or so and the neighbors with cameras were talking how their great arlo, ring doorbell, Lorex, Foscam, and reolinks captured something happened but the police couldn't find any useful video from them (one had their car broken into and his camera is less than 10 feet from his car) and they were chatting how this is just an accepted fact from camera systems. I just stood there smirking to myself.
One of them joked that my cameras probably didn't catch anything since I don't have a car on the driveway and they skipped me. I let them see what my cameras captured and they were blown away. The money shot that got all their stolen stuff back was my varifocal 50 feet away zoomed in to a spot on the sidewalk at the street where the perp walked past and my LPR got their plate. They were shocked my 2MP cameras were blowing away their 4K cameras...and one with sense started buying cameras from Andy since they would work with his Lorex DVR. He was all ticked that his $1,300 Lorex 4k box kit was being beat by a 2MP camera LOL, but he recognized now what we all preach and went with 2MP cams to replace his 4K cams...
This varifocal you speak of. You said zoomed in you already had it zoomed in or was it auto tracking and zooming in as the perp passed? Just curious.I have a few cameras that are cheaper than Reo's that allow me to set gain and i-frame rates and provide a much better image than my neighbors Reo's...now the sensor is tiny so it does suffer from lack of details and some other things (like I cannot use ONVIF trigger for it with BI because it triggers and then doesn't stop), but I don't get the ghost like that picture above on Post #22. It is also an overview camera, so I am not as concerned about the video quality but wanted to be able to at least make out was that a 2-door or 4-door vehicle and what color was the clothing of the person walking by at 2am.
Like everything, we each have a subjective view on what is good video. If someone says their Reo's provide great video at night, let's see their video post with motion at night and prove to us that they perform at night. Otherwise, the texting debate continues with people defending their reo's and people knocking the reos (or whatever consumer grade camera someone is saying provides a great image). We have dozens, if not hundreds, of video clips of cameras in action, but not many of the Reo's or other consumer cameras.
When we had a thief come thru here at 3am and get into a lot of cars, the police couldn't use one video or photo from anyone's system back here but mine - the arlo and nest and swann and reos and rings and who knows what else people have back here sure looks nice on a still image and gives a great wide angle view, but you cannot identify anyone at night, so at night with motion they all found their system is worthless.
Prior to this event, my neighbor was bragging to me how he only needed 4 arlos to see his entire property. His car was sitting in the driveway practically touching the garage door and his video quality was useless to ID the perp not even 10 feet away - complete blur and ghosting. All that lets him know is someone got in his car. Meanwhile, the perp didn't come to my house but walked past on the sidewalk at 80 feet from my house and my varifocal zoomed in to a point at the sidewalk was the money shot for the police.
This varifocal you speak of. You said zoomed in you already had it zoomed in or was it auto tracking and zooming in as the perp passed? Just curious.
I guess iFrame is something that a lot of cameras offer as a setting in firmware, where as Reolink is locked at 0.5 for main stream and 0.25 on sub stream and not adjustable (that is what support officially says).If iframes were the only part of the issue.... Why isn’t anyone talking about F-Stop/F-number? The aperture size in a lens has two major effects on image capturing: the amount of light and depth of field.
For low lux conditions here are the important things order of importance
Focal Length
IR spread/diffusion
Image Sensor