I wonder what the affects would be in image quality regarding that light if you were to block it using the privacy mask within the camera? Might work but my guess is that since the lens and camera still see the light it might still affect overall aperture. Heck if it's static positioned, you can even stick something on the lens to block it. I did that a number of years ago on an analog camera. I took a tiny (literally, smaller than half a pencil eraser in diameter) dot of black vinyl tape, and while looking at a live view of the camera on a screen, stuck the piece of black tape to the lens (had it on the tip of an exacto knife) in just the right spot to totally block the offending light.
The screengrab I supplied showing the image quality issue with the thumbnail is during the day... the light is off... the picture quality shown above that, at night, with the light on, is fine for me at the current point in time....
not sure what the fascination is with the lightbulb, can we focus on the image quality?