You asked for it
@rcirz so I'm going to provide a lot of detail on this
First, Auto Tracking exists in generally 2 ways within PTZ’s that support it, Alarm Tracking as part of an IVS rule (and generally part of most cams) and Auto Tracking (under the Intelligence menu of PTZ function). The latter was always part of the Pro and above line of PTZ’s but recently with the advent of newer AI cams has been dropped in a number of models in favor of Alarm Tracking. These forms of Auto Tracking are where the camera has full autonomy on what it tracks within a given scene based on a triggered rule (intrusion or tripwire). In older models, things like lights, shadows, leaves etc could throw the camera off, newer models don't suffer from this as much.
To be honest Auto Tracking under the Intelligence menu was never that great which is why for Auto Tracking enabled cams you will hear myself and others talk about using Alarm Tracking through IVS triggers as the favored approach. This approach allows for much more configuration tweaking and really allows you to dial in the Auto Tracking, within reason. The caveat here is that any form of Auto Tracking will never be 100% just by nature of what it is trying to do within its FOV BUT using Alarm Track (for cams that support Auto Tracking) gives you a much better chance to get a usable end result.
Now with all that said when I mention MD, IVS triggers and Presets or PTZ activation that is different again and is available on ‘all’ PTZ’s and associated NVRs / NVR platforms. Using this method you don’t need Auto Tracking (neither of the two options above in first paragraph). Instead you setup an equivalent, I would argue better (as its more configurable) experience.
Below are just a couple of quick examples, can go into more IVS related detail later if needed
1st example - below is all achievable on cam
- Set 4 presets (#1 front door, #2 driveway wide, #3 side street, #4 vehicle in driveway)
- Set tour, scan, pattern to move between the above or scan your property in general at set durations of your choosing
- IVS in each preset (based on camera features) can be set for object filtering for human vs vehicle etc
- Then can use Motion detection on cam to enable PTZ activation to a specific preset when motion detected on current scene that the tour is facing
- IVS rule gets tripped, and scene is captured
So what could this look like in a scenario. Cam is on tour, as it gets to the driveway it detects motion in that scene and calls/moves to preset 4 which is a closeup of the vehicle and then the IVS rule for that preset kicks in and you capture an individual by your car.
2nd example - Using NVR - Multi cam ‘spotter & overwatch’ approach
- Cam 1 = LPR cam covering approach to property
- Cam 2 = Static driveway
- Cam 3 = Sidewalk shot
- Cam 4 = Front door
- Cam 5 = PTZ at front of property
Preset configuration on PTZ
- Preset 1 = Close up of approach to property
- Preset 2 = Vehicle shots on driveway
- Preset 3 = Close up of sidewalk to property
- Preset 4 = Close up of pathway to front door
In this scenario your 4 static spotter cams are setup with their regular IVS rules to capture intrusion or tripwire. However 1 IVS rule (or more if you choose) per static cam is set for PTZ activation of a set preset. In this example Cam 1 detects a vehicle approaching, captures its plate, the vehicle triggers the IVS tripwire on the LPR cam which through the NVR then activates the PTZ and calls it to Preset 1 which is just in time to get a nice image of the car driving towards your property. Then the occupant exits the vehicle and starts up the sidewalk towards your driveway, Cam 3 kicks in, tripwire triggered, calls PTZ to Preset 3, body shot of individual. Then they walk up to your vehicle on the driveway which triggers Cam 2’s tripwire and calls the PTZ to Preset 2 now you have a nice closeup of face and anything the individual is trying to do on the vehicle (intent).
I think by now you get the idea and this is just a few examples of things I’ve set for some. This approach is WAY more accurate and gives you a lot more control and flexibility than Auto Tracking will ever give you, regardless of budget. This still is very much an art so if interested in these kind of setups you can always reach out. I've configured these on multi point sites and even building to building with shared infrastructure and 360 surveillance etc.
Now don’t get me wrong, Auto Tracking (through Alarm Track in IVS), when implemented well (as on the 49225 for example) is an AMAZING step up from where the feature started and with Deep IVS, SMD and AI (on some cams) help keep cams honest and dialed in with some phenomenal results. The Hunter series is another perfect example of innovation in this area where you have a panoramic cam feeding the PTZ location details to move to which in effect is PTZ activation on cam but with spotter (static) and overwatch (PTZ) built into 1.
Hope that gives you an idea of the types of Auto Tracking and the options everyone has in this area regardless of whether your PTZ supports it or not.
Lastly, lets not forget that Pan Tilt Zoom cams were originally built NOT to auto track but to be controlled (and still are in most installations) by manned security with control panel / joystick in real-time. Auto Tracking was to cover when they were off for a break
BTW Spotter and Overwatch are my names for these types of cam, taking T-shirt orders now
What is the difference between Auto Tracking and IVS rule application? I just returned my 59230 and it had Auto Tracking but it was jumpy. Is Auto tracking when the camera smoothly pans and follows a subject? I am not sure because my camera would notice a subject, start to zoom in, blackout on writing, and come back zoomed in. Jumpy and super UNsmooth. Just want to understand things clearly because my next camera needs to work right.