Review - Dahua SD49225XA-HNR 2MP 25x Starlight + IR PTZ AI Camera with Deep IVS & SMD Plus

Andy was kind enough to provide me with a new firmware he just got:
V2.810.10O8000.0.R.P9.2522.UN.NR, Build Date: 2021-09-24

I've installed it just on one camera at the moment. Perform factory default twice, flash firmware, perform two more factory defaults, then restore backed up settings. Unfortunately, very few of the settings restored, so essentially it's like setting up the camera from scratch.
After a firmware update and factory default, you should always set the camera back up from scratch, don't import saved settings. You may want to try reseting the cam cam to factory defaults once again, then set it back up from scratch.
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After a firmware update and factory default, you should always set the camera back up from scratch, don't import saved settings. You may want to try reseting the cam cam to factory defaults once again, then set it back up from scratch.

Yep, I figured that and I ended up doing that soon after. Though the auto tracking of smaller objects does not seem as good. For right now, I'm reverting back to 201312 and restoring my previous config.
The new one can support RTMP, So i just ask them to add in, still need to do some more testing on this version.
Hello all, I'm looking for some help with tracking. I can't get it to work....I have no touched any firmware, but as far as i can tell i'm on the correct version where tracking is supposed to work? I have posted a bunch of pictures of each thing that I've configured. Please let me know if you can see anything I'm missing.
  • System VersionV2.800.1341000.0.R.P9.2520.UN.NR, Build Date: 2020-03-12

I have a preset:

My Smart Plan is using IVS:

This is my Deep IVS settings:

Here are my key Blue Iris settings that I believe should be OK:
Hello all, I'm looking for some help with tracking. I can't get it to work....I have no touched any firmware, but as far as i can tell i'm on the correct version where tracking is supposed to work? I have posted a bunch of pictures of each thing that I've configured. Please let me know if you can see anything I'm missing.
  • System VersionV2.800.1341000.0.R.P9.2520.UN.NR, Build Date: 2020-03-12

Try adding tripwires in addition to the intrusion. I have Intrusion, vertical and horizontal tripwires.


  • Deep_IVS_Intrusion_and_Tripwires.png
    3.8 MB · Views: 31
First thing to do is to take out the min object size. Keep it as 0,0 and let AI do it's thing. Only add in a minimum size if you are looking to eliminate false triggers that it thinks a dog is a person for example LOL.

Try that and then report back.

I would suggest simply deleting that IVS and starting new with it as 0,0.

Also, make sure you are using Internet Explorer - this camera is really sensitive to the browser. If you want the track time to be more than 15 seconds, it needs to be Explorer, not Edge, not chrome with IE tab, but plain ole Explorer baked into Windows 10.
thank you for the suggestions. I just updated it with your suggestions using plain old internet explorer and still no tracking...the camera definitely triggers but does not move.

There is a bug in the Firmware 200312 when using Blue Iris. At least I get it on my five cameras. When you have "Get ONVIF trigger events" enabled, Motion Detection and Video Tamper are enabled. From what I understand, SMD also needs to be disabled (like you have it) when using Deep IVS.
Yep, you will have to go into SMD and MD and change the sensitivity to the least sensitive and make the detection area small. For some reason, BI will turn those on and then you got motion all over the place.
I have a question...
is there a way to keep the camera at the same position for a longer period of time after it tracks something. For instance...a car pulls up my driveway...and the driver sits in the car for a while. By the time the driver gets out, the camera resets back to the original position and can't view the car anymore so doesn't track the person after they get out. I have successfully setup some triggers from other cameras around my house which seems to be working well...but i'd still like for the camera to stay a bit longer after it thinks it's done tracking before it resets back to preset1 position.
Once it looses track on a subject it is designed to go back to Preset1. The time can be set from 15 seconds to 300 seconds in the setup.
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Once it looses track on a subject it is designed to go back to Preset1. The time can be set from 15 seconds to 300 seconds in the setup.
interesting...i'll change my track time to 60 for now and try again....but i don't think it was even close to 15 seconds that it waited before moving back to preset1 before.
Tracking needs to be fine tuned and have the Tracking Size set to big it will loose track and set to small it won't zoom in enough so needs to be fined tuned. I find around 30 ideal for tracking size but this will also depend on your view.
These are two different things. Tracking time is how long it tracks an object in motion. Once that object stops, this camera has no way of user input to say stay on that object for X seconds in case it moves again.

So in your example, if the car pulls up and the person doesn't immediately jump out of the car, it will go back to the preset.

Now what you could do is set up a spotter cam with a fixed cam for that area that would trigger the PTZ to a different preset that would then come into play when someone gets out of the car.
Mine does same thing after 1 second of no movement it goes back to preset. Would be nice to be able to set time in seconds before it goes back to preset kinda like track time.


@merkaba Definitely dialing in of the configuration is key to great tracks as I’ve shown in a number of reviews including this one. How you dial in tracking target size will differ from install to install based on FOV etc but once you get that crisp, successful tracks will become the norm. I also highly recommend the spotter cam approach, utilizing PTZ activation to call the PTZ to a preset. As I’ve mentioned before you can make this work very well in even tri or quad cam configs with a PTZ.
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Thanks all...I'll keep playing with it. I am currently using 3 spotter cams which seem to work great. Now i'll start messing with tracking size at each preset.