Pulling my weight
I still have mine rigged up in testing state as I haven't had time to mount it yet. But with my limited testing and the fact it's indoors and I can't zoom that far I don't seem to have any issues.
How many people are actually having issues?
I know @ljw2k has been having issues and he too has been comparing like me with the huisun which many are now discarding as rubbish.
I can see massive benefits in image quality especially at night but if that's the only benefit due to buggy software and what seems like poor quality control. What's the benefit of paying a fair chunk of price over a fixed camera.
Heck even the huisun seems to be doing a better job at focusing according to a few people. Surely this can't be right.
Is it something @EMPIRETECANDY can jump in and get direct to dahua about?
But like I say my cam is still on the bench in test as I haven't mounted yet but I don't seem to be having the problems others are.
I think some of the issues is the configuration while some of it is location.
Focusing the camera at long range can be tricky with many different objects at different depths, but they could be lazy and set the focus to a fixed point or presets...
Try changing the focal limit, should speed it up.
Again, try different distances.
Another thing I've noticed is the IR long throw spot light can throw it off if it's set too bright.

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