Review-I'll be the guinea pig for the new SD59225U-HNI PTZ.

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Have you read the thread especially the last few pages?. I have tried WDR/2D&3D at different settings also the FPS on many many occasions in default middle/low/high.
I live in Owen Street and I would say that street lighting is ample for me to have a camera in colour. All my other cams where run in colour no problems so the starlight should be much better but opposite it's much worse.

As posted many times before by myself I didn't buy the camera thinking I was going to have to use it in B&W, mode at night ,I purchased the Starlight series as they are "suppose" to be the best for colour at night time.
Not sure why you stated I am refusing to listen I'm all ears but please read what's been said first before posting.

Have you tried factory resetting the camera?

Only other thing I can suggest is cleaning the lens.
@nayr, do you have a sample video from your B&W footage that you can share? I experienced not such good results as you describe with B&W and moving targets. I only get bright shiny eyes and extremely overexposed license plates when people or cars pass by. Also it takes a long time for the camera to focus in B&W, so that the moving object is already out of sight before the focus is right. I will post a video later tonight when i can get some B&W IR footage.

I'll get some for you, might try disabling onboard IR or at least turning down the power if your finding it overexposint too much... but plate reading on moving cars is not gonna work w/out a dedicated LPR camera.. you need to be running like 1/300-1/500 shutter speed to get readable plates of vehicles in motion.
Tried factory default many times and you will have to trust me that the lens is perfect no marks or fingerprints.

I'll take my spare 225u-hni and SD29204T-GN home tonight to see if I can replicate the issue you are having.

I've had blur issues in the past with other cameras and wasted a lot of time chasing my tail.

In those instances, the issue was the encoding stream, lowering the fps to 10-15, cranking the bit rate to max, switching to CBR and changing the exposure to increase shutter speed (side affect is decreased light levels) helped a lot. (compensated by cranking up the brightness and in the end adding extra lighting).
But that location was very dark.

One issue was a fault with the sensor, was partly blind and had issues offloading data. (warranty replacement fixed the issue.)
Another was smudge marks on the inner lens sections which was easily fixed by pulling it apart and cleaning it. (Both were Cisco Meraki Cameras ironically)

Another thought is the light colour vs surroundings.

Some cameras have a hell of a time processing certain light kelvins, such as the 2500-3500k used in older street lighting especially when there is brown/orange or white houses/walls/objects around.

One test would be to take one of your other Dahua Star Lights, configure it to the same encoding, zoom level and image settings as your PTZ, then by hand follow a moving target such as a person, does it also blur?

If it blurs as well, then you know it's a setting issue but if it doesn't, then you know there might be an issue with the PTZ.

Another thought is to turn off all the WDR image processing, crank the ISO to max and flatten the contrast, make the image dark/ugly as hell but that would also be another test.

I'm sure @EMPIRETECANDY will do a warranty replacement if you have gone through all those steps.
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Noted and thanks and just a reminder I have to do all this via third party software or in the Web Interface as I can not get the camera working in Dahua's own software for some strange reason which is a concern in its self.

My other 2 Dahua camera's Purchased from Andy have never given me any trouble whatsoever and work a treat in SmartPSS.

Andy is going to send me a different firmware to try later.

That's odd, usually http issues are CPU/RAM at max, bug in the firmware or IP Conflict.

How are you powering the camera btw?
AT POE switch or POE+ injection or the supplied power brick?
It's a time schedule in the WebUI of the camera. You can set the idle time when it returns to whatever preset you like. I'm not in front but have it working for this setup:

Two PIR's at the corners of the pole barn connected to the alarm inputs on the NVR. If they trip, the camera swings to the preset that faces the corner that detected motion. After there is no motion for 30 seconds, it times out and returns to the Driveway preset and tracks motion in an intrusion box.

It's there, just don't have it in front of me.

Does this look right. This is how I have it set up, and it is not returning to Preset 1 if on any other preset.


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Set this camera to B&W and my other Dahua IPC-HFW4830E-S to do a bit of a comparison.
The reason I purchased the Dahua IPC-HFW4830E-S was Daytime footage but being honest I'm happy with it's night time performance also.


PTZ looks really good there.

Can you run outside and set off its tracking to see how it looks?
Or send the wife out. Haha
My PC is the very latest Kabylake K series i5 CPU 32GB ddr4 memory Samsung Pro .m2 SSD Drive and 4GB Graphics Card so plenty enough to run 3 camera's and usually around 25% Cpu load depending on FPS and coding etc and including daily constant use.

Powered Via a dedicated POE Injector.

CPU/ram in the camera rather then PC. Hehe

Poe+ I assume?

Beingaware - you are welcome to remote in via teamviewer if you think you can resolve my problem.

Pm me the details.
Will jump in and take a quick look.
Checked over his config.

Found the reason why his HTTP and Smart PSS kept dying.
UPNP was on, so RSTP, HTTP etc was Internet facing and I'd say it was getting hit hard WAN side as the camera was laggy in the UI until UPNP was turned it off.

Was like a light switch, moment it was killed, SmartPSS came back to life and the http became quick/responsive.

Adjusted his night configuration but will need some night movement to test.

So we will find out in 8-12 hours time I guess. :)
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Checked over his config.

Found the reason why his HTTP and Smart PSS kept dying.
UPNP was on, so RSTP, HTTP etc was getting hit hard WAN side.

Moment it was turned off, camera started to behave again.

Adjusted his light configuration settings but will need some night movement to test so we will find out in 8-12 hours time I guess. :)

Wow, what a great service @beingaware ! I am very anxious to see the results of your light setting with some night movements.
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That looks correct. After moving it anywhere but Preset 1, two minutes of idle time will return it to Preset 1.

Have you tested it?

When I am off of any preset, after 2 minutes, it returns to preset 1. When I go to any other preset, it will not go back to preset 1 after 2 minutes. My SD-49225T-HN goes back to the idle position (which is also preset 1) after the set time. I am thinking of doing a factory reset and trying again, as I am the only one that seems to be having this issue.
Doesn't work for me as well.

I experience the same behaviour, but if you think about the term "idle motion" I would assume it means after someone has moved it and after a period of it being idle you want it to do something.

If you position it on a preset and it's left alone there is no idle motion because you set it on a preset.

Not sure if that makes sense but in my estimation it's working perfectly fine.
I experience the same behaviour, but if you think about the term "idle motion" I would assume it means after someone has manually adjusted it from the preset. If you position it on a preset and it's left alone there is no idle motion because you set it on a preset.

Not sure if that makes sense but in my estimation it's working perfectly fine.
What I am looking to do, is have preset 1 be the Home. If something triggers the camera to another preset, being an alarm activation, another camera, etc, and there is no other trigger for the set time, then it will go back to preset 1. As I stated, my SD49225T-HN does that and works as intended.