well let’s be honest, when it comes to tech nothing is future proofed anymore unfortunately

with that said I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with a 5442 if you decide to upgrade to its 4MP all around. The sensors really have come a long way and these 1/1.8” are the only ones that really have started to turn heads towards something other than all of our favorites, the 2MPs that have done an amazing job (still do, looking at you 5231-Z12)
Your choice but again 2 great cams you have your eyes on just need to decide 2MP vs 4MP and AI or not, the sensors on both at their respective resolutions are solid. You also get a little boost in performance from the 4MPs due to the improved SOCs & increased RAM that they use in the AI cams (even more so on the 7x42’s), 128MB Ram on the 2MP vs 1GB on the 4MP. Again nothing that should sway you in a huge way but wanted to make sure you were aware.