I'm new to the forum but just want to detail my mod to mount a cheap vari-focal lens in a Dahua HFW4433M-I2 bullet cam (Both sourced from Aliexpress) using simple parts with no cutting or manipulation of the enclosure or circuitry.
Credit to Nyar for his 25mm 4MP License plate thread which gave me the confidence to buy these cameras (not his exact model) knowing I could fall back to a 25mm lens solution if the vari-focal didnt fit.
I live at the junction of three streets and wanted a zoom camera to identify people (more so than license plates) that come into the area as I live in some what of a gateway to the suburb.
Items and tools used:
4Megapixel Varifocal Lens 5-50mm M12 Mount
Original dahua IPC-HFW4433M-I2
Standoff sizes don't include the threaded male part
2 x 25mm M3 nylon standoff
2 x 15mm M3 nylon standoff
2 x 10mm M3 nylon standoff but could use originally screws probably
1 x 20 x 5mm foam spacer

1) Remove the face plate (Just by pressing a tab under the face) and then the 4 screws on the housing.

2) Then unplug the longest multi-coloured wire connector to separate the whole camera assembly from enclosure. Unplug IR connector (blue circle) and then the two screws (one is circled red, the other is hidden on other side) removes the unit from the face plate.

3) This is the hardest part - removing the glue holding the lens in focus. I just used a sharp blade down the threads to separate glue on both sides. You don't need a lot of force to unscrew so if it doesn't give, keep removing glue. The lens and mount do not feel delicate so this wasn't a hard process just takes some time.

4) Then attach the new lens. I tried going about half way down and gluing but the focal length wasn't right so I removed the glue you see below and then screwed the lens all the way home which was great as didn't need glue to secure; friction fit stops it moving.
5) As luck would have it, two nylon standoffs (25mm + 15mm not inc thread) were perfect length to allow the end of the lens to sit off the glass a few millimeters while keeping the whole assembly firm with no play. The end standoff acts as the screw and the standoffs fit nicely in the existing thread hole. A small piece of foam against the lens supports from the front. I added a ground cable as the camera ciruit is now isolated from the metal face but I don't know if this is needed (Update, didn't do this to my second cam mod and all seems OK).

6) I had to move the positioning of the silica bag but plenty of room

7) (Edit: added step) Plugged in the two connectors to complete the wiring. The camera needs to be focused for the desired distance before re-assembling. Luckily the multi coloured wire is long enough that the camera assembly sits out far enough from the enclosure that the camera can be powered while manually adjusted while looking at the laptop next to me . I just used some books by a window to see far enough to focus. It is sensitive but both rings have a locking screw so as long as you lock in the front one first (harder to get to so you'll knock focus if you do that last), make the rear adjustment and lock that in.

8) Screwed back into enclosure and clip the front fascia back on. I'll add a pic of the finished unit later and forgot to take one.
So with the thread of the new lens all the way in, I lose a little of the macro and tele views as I run out of focus. I suspect I'd need to cut off some threads but for the minimal gain, wasn't worth the risk.
Overall very happy with the results!
One suggestion, tighten the front adjustment knob on the lens first so the back knob (easier to get to) can then fine adjust and you can lock that in without changing focus.
Here is a license plate at 90 meters (300 feet) from my camera.

Night shot of a license plate at 80m(266 feet)

Widest view available in focus (aircon unit is 80M (266 feet) away)

Max zoom available in focus (aircon unit is 80M (266 feet) away)

Credit to Nyar for his 25mm 4MP License plate thread which gave me the confidence to buy these cameras (not his exact model) knowing I could fall back to a 25mm lens solution if the vari-focal didnt fit.
I live at the junction of three streets and wanted a zoom camera to identify people (more so than license plates) that come into the area as I live in some what of a gateway to the suburb.
Items and tools used:
4Megapixel Varifocal Lens 5-50mm M12 Mount
Original dahua IPC-HFW4433M-I2
Standoff sizes don't include the threaded male part
2 x 25mm M3 nylon standoff
2 x 15mm M3 nylon standoff
2 x 10mm M3 nylon standoff but could use originally screws probably
1 x 20 x 5mm foam spacer

1) Remove the face plate (Just by pressing a tab under the face) and then the 4 screws on the housing.

2) Then unplug the longest multi-coloured wire connector to separate the whole camera assembly from enclosure. Unplug IR connector (blue circle) and then the two screws (one is circled red, the other is hidden on other side) removes the unit from the face plate.

3) This is the hardest part - removing the glue holding the lens in focus. I just used a sharp blade down the threads to separate glue on both sides. You don't need a lot of force to unscrew so if it doesn't give, keep removing glue. The lens and mount do not feel delicate so this wasn't a hard process just takes some time.

4) Then attach the new lens. I tried going about half way down and gluing but the focal length wasn't right so I removed the glue you see below and then screwed the lens all the way home which was great as didn't need glue to secure; friction fit stops it moving.
5) As luck would have it, two nylon standoffs (25mm + 15mm not inc thread) were perfect length to allow the end of the lens to sit off the glass a few millimeters while keeping the whole assembly firm with no play. The end standoff acts as the screw and the standoffs fit nicely in the existing thread hole. A small piece of foam against the lens supports from the front. I added a ground cable as the camera ciruit is now isolated from the metal face but I don't know if this is needed (Update, didn't do this to my second cam mod and all seems OK).

6) I had to move the positioning of the silica bag but plenty of room

7) (Edit: added step) Plugged in the two connectors to complete the wiring. The camera needs to be focused for the desired distance before re-assembling. Luckily the multi coloured wire is long enough that the camera assembly sits out far enough from the enclosure that the camera can be powered while manually adjusted while looking at the laptop next to me . I just used some books by a window to see far enough to focus. It is sensitive but both rings have a locking screw so as long as you lock in the front one first (harder to get to so you'll knock focus if you do that last), make the rear adjustment and lock that in.

8) Screwed back into enclosure and clip the front fascia back on. I'll add a pic of the finished unit later and forgot to take one.
So with the thread of the new lens all the way in, I lose a little of the macro and tele views as I run out of focus. I suspect I'd need to cut off some threads but for the minimal gain, wasn't worth the risk.
Overall very happy with the results!
One suggestion, tighten the front adjustment knob on the lens first so the back knob (easier to get to) can then fine adjust and you can lock that in without changing focus.
Here is a license plate at 90 meters (300 feet) from my camera.

Night shot of a license plate at 80m(266 feet)

Widest view available in focus (aircon unit is 80M (266 feet) away)

Max zoom available in focus (aircon unit is 80M (266 feet) away)

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