SriCam Device Viewer NOT WORKING

Del Boy

Getting comfortable
Mar 19, 2015
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UK - England
There are cheap cameras which surprisingly are good (Huisun for example) and there are cheap cameras which unsurprisingly are utter rubbish. Sricam are the latter.

Here's their tech support e-mail:
Sep 29, 2015
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You said you just bought it. You can return it. I also gave you advice on how to setup the camera. Call me what you wish. I will not help you justify your purchase. I will call a crap camera, crap. This website was started because other sites were censoring users when giving proper feedback about cameras. Again if you dont like it, you know where the door is.

the thing is i didnt ask if you thought the camera was crap. i knew that buying it. i asked for assistance setting it up. furthermore what advice did you give on setting it up to me?TROLL!!!!!


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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the thing is i didnt ask if you thought the camera was crap. i knew that buying it. i asked for assistance setting it up. furthermore what advice did you give on setting it up to me?TROLL!!!!!
Look buddy, this forum has a high threshold for idiots like you, so I will not ban you just yet. If you reread my posts you will see the instructions I gave you. I gave you my opinion because I was trying to help you. You dont get that. I try and help innocent users from buying and getting stuck with junk. You obviously dont care despite the fact that there are better cameras in the price range. That is foolish! I get it, you are a fool. Any rational person would ask about alternatives and return a camera that is known to be crap. Next time do a bit of research BEFORE buying. There is NO reason to buy junk. Unfortunately, we cant fix stupid.
Sep 29, 2015
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listen duche ididnt come to you personaly for your advice. i asked about setting it up. why would you respond if you cant answer what is asked. oki you think sricam is crap. great it is, but i asked about setup. Now i am done with you respond if you want, but im done. i dont want your advice. but thank for it anyway.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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listen duche ididnt come to you personaly for your advice. i asked about setting it up. why would you respond if you cant answer what is asked. oki you think sricam is crap. great it is, but i asked about setup. Now i am done with you respond if you want, but im done. i dont want your advice. but thank for it anyway.
Great. Dont let the door hit you on the way out.


Nov 9, 2015
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So I bought this Sricam IP Camera off of ebay and got it and tried to install it & nothing is going right. The Device Viewer doesn't work properly, in the Device Management section where I should be able to right-click "Device List" right next to the little planet earth icon well the "Device List" part is not there. So I can't even search my device. The other thing is every time I connect this little camera to my router, the router crashes. I can't even get past these two issues to even get started trying to install these cameras. There is virtually NO tech support from this company either.

Any suggestions?:sad2:
Dear friend,

Please try right click on program icon, and choose "run as administrator". I did forget this and trial for many hours. BTW, The H/W is cheap enough to try. But the S/W need a lot of improvement.
Nov 16, 2015
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So I bought this Sricam IP Camera off of ebay and got it and tried to install it & nothing is going right. The Device Viewer doesn't work properly, in the Device Management section where I should be able to right-click "Device List" right next to the little planet earth icon well the "Device List" part is not there. So I can't even search my device. The other thing is every time I connect this little camera to my router, the router crashes. I can't even get past these two issues to even get started trying to install these cameras. There is virtually NO tech support from this company either.

Any suggestions?:sad2:
came here from google, cuz i needed help with my sricam sw too; i've been very disappointed to have to read through so many ranting and egoboosters/arguments on this thread, in trying to get
helpful info.
seems EVERYBODY fell into that trap (crap?)

anyways, since i could not get any help from here, i played with the hw/sw for almost a day, in attempt to organize and make sense of english translated chinese material. remember, they read

vertically from bottom to top and i think from right to left. i give 'em thumbs up; their english is way better than my chinese!
the stuff maybe cheap, but work it does very well, once you understand what does what.

my setup is for a desktop view, not these new fancy gadgets "smart gizmos". hope you got that little brochure that came with the ipcam, or you use the pdf file "device viewer instructor.pdf"
on the little cd supplied with cam.

The main problem for me aniways, resided in the fact that i had set up a cam pw on an obscure window (well it was not obscure, but with so many setups, i did not remember where); and not
knowing, while into deviceviewer, i had set a pw which belonged only to the viewer and not the webcam (didn't know that then).
you can see that info in the viewer bottom panel, when you click on "LOG" it tells you what the viewer is doing; in my case it was telling me that my ipcam password was incorrect.
once i sorted that out, the pix came through with all the bells and whistles.

one thing though, after i got everything in order, i started playing with recording, playback, looking at the logs, etc. in so doing, my ipcam pw changed to something else and again i got
locked out, (i.e. not getting video).
there is a little white rubber button on the "other" plug from the cam (mine sricam ap001); hitting that was "supposed" to reset "something". well that was not enough and i did not waste
any more time, reinstalled my ipcam into the system, following the brochure instructions, and setting the wifi through iexplorer "admin" button (the little icon, on iexplorer, bottom left).

so got all that going, and yes it may be cheap, but a little patience will bring big paybacks.
i have already ordered more of those "cheap" sri cams (20bux a piece: imagine all that technology, software, hardware for 20 bux?). you can get in deviceviewer, a screen with
128 cameras displayed!!! only drawback with deviceviewer is that you can only display ipcams.

found another program "ipcam viewer3.0" (free), which will display ipcams and webcam (including cctv analog stuff). but it crashes when clickin to add a webcam!!!! haven't sorted that out yet.
see u later alligator


Jan 22, 2016
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hello all, i read from your problem and i have found that you must run the program as an administrator. i have the same problem with win 7 64bit. before i start the program i run the
compatibility manager. and then i start i as an administrator. then it works well. i hope you understand what i mean to tell you. i´m a german and my english is not verry well.


Apr 6, 2016
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i got it working, but febderman why do you even bother to reply to these post with advice about getting a camera to work by buying another. people dont ask for help to be told to buy more crap. try not responding if you are unable to aid.
for anyone needing info about getting this to work, the pc software dosnt allow proper wifi settings. once you have it conected via cable, then use android apcamera network setting to set the cameras wifi login.
you said you got yours to work. maybe you can help me i got the sricam app for my phone to work and its connected to wifi. my issue is i would like to view/record from my pc. the software DeviceViewer is downloaded to my pc. I had to go online and view a youtube video before I could even search for my camera because of problems with the download. so I found my camera in the search but after i select it appears under device list with a red x next to it. see attached pic. i think if i could figure out and correct what goes into the modify camera section it would work



May 17, 2016
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Having just joined with similar problems, or so I thought ... I thought I'd stick my nose in. ;)

I had to reset my system last evening and after putting everything else to rights I went to check on the CCTV and found the new addition to the system, My first PTZ SriCam (£65.99) eBay special had ceased to function ... so, I did all the usual OMG running around like a fool pulling the little hair I have left out by the roots. When I calmed down, I remembered two things. 1) as has already been mentioned 'Run as Administrator' and 2) the password in the 'Device Details' is not the same as the administrator password, it is indeed, the password for the device, as in this case, the camera, usually 666666 or 888888 or similar depending on what part of the world you are in.

Now as for that other .. cough ... conversation, let me just say, as the above will no doubt show, I am a complete technophobe, but I do have an eye for a bargain. I also know a person trying to protect their livelihood when I see one but we'll not go there ;)
I don't know what it's like in the US, but here in the UK CCTV is the domain of the rich. It's pricey, comes with long and unnecessary 'service contracts' and is way beyond the reach of 'the working man' so little wonder then, that folk like me, ordinary Joes on a living wage, go to eBay and the like and buy VFM kit. 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with ptsd, could have knocked me down with a feather but I guess it explained my obsession for home security so a year later I went to eBay because a buddy suggested that cctv may help to alleviate the problem. I bought the cheapest DVR & cameras I could find, cheap Chinese imports via eBay and yep, here I still sit with 4 cameras still sharp, still with the same DVR that has needed not a single service or any expensive contracts from any Security Company trying to sell me more and more 'crap' every time they visit.
SriCam #5 is now reinstalled and working fine, and I do like the PTZ functionality, means I can follow the foxes and badgers across the garden at night ;)

I have done the same with Chinese ham radio and the same for FPV drones / quad-copters ... I read all the negative nonsense spouted in the trade & hobby mags and find that 90% of it is professional ( I use the term loosely) jealousy. I have 2 Chinese Quadcopters (one is FPV the other just records video to miniSD card) and both have superb HD quality yet both are a fraction of the price of the so called 'better kit' The same goes for the radios, I bought a stack of 12 of the Beofeng H5 series UHF / VHF radios when they were REALLY cheap (before the main manufacturers had a quiet word in their ear) and they get regular use almost every weekend out and about with raynet or on adventure weekends, still working fine thanks. :)

Don't be fooled by expensive crap that quite often has a fancy case with the same guts inside. Granted, the cheap imports leave a lot to be desired when it comes to support and / or even documentation but it is out there, and especially now the way eBay is slanted almost all in favor of the buyer, sellers, even from China, will bend over backwards to make you happy and get good feedback.

Just my take on things as I've experienced them, but then Im old and a bit wiley, some would say cynical but when I see how much all this sort of stuff costs over here, for no other reason that to rip us off, I get a bit peeved ;)


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks for this post. I registered with this site, just now, to respond to your comments. I almost stopped reading this thread after the first page. Can't understand why, when someone asks for help with an issue some want to respond with less-than on-point replies.

Anyway, I found this thread by doing a search on the same issue as the original poster. I also have a cheap (Chinese) PTZ, 720p camera which I found the image to be amazingly good (compared to other higher-end cameras I have). I think the one I have is the same as the Sricam. Mine, however, came in a box labeled "Zilink" but has a logo stamp on the front for "Ctronics". The client viewer has nothing to indicate who it's made by. The problem is with the software. The "Client Viewer" works under Windows 8 but some of the functions don't work. I can view the camera in IE, and access some of the functions that are missing in the Client Viewer, but it's missing the PTZ controls.

Anyway, your post is encouraging because -- as you said with yours -- the image is actually very acceptable. I'm still exploring options to get it so I don't have to use two methods of access to control settings.

Just want to say thanks again for your positive post. Yes, the Chinese cameras are cheap. And, I would prefer that we could still make quality items here in the US for low prices. But, alas, that's another topic for a different forum...
You both are completely missing the point. If you think a 720p sricam then you havent seen a decent 1080p camera. Note that there is more to a camera than the image quality, specifically the software, firmware and hardware all of which are horrible in the sricam. Its junk and should NEVER be purchased. There are MUCH better options in the 60-80 dollar range.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Actually you're missing two points. First one is that when someone asks for help with a problem either you have an answer for dealing with problem or it's better to not respond.

As for your comment above, I mostly have Acti cameras in the 5 megapixel range, three of which have mechanical zoom lenses (with more than twelve Acti cameras altogether, with lowest resolution of 1.3 megapixel), both indoor and outdoor. Also have an Axis 231D+ PTZ, Arecont Vision 5 megapixel, and a Samsung 3 megapixel. All of these (other than the 1.3 megapixel Actis) were more than $500 each, and then several other cheap cameras (like Trendnet, etc).

I paid $55 for the 720p "Sricam/Ctronics/Zlink" PTZ. The picture is amazing for the price. It's a hobby. I -- like many other enthusiasts -- simply enjoy the challenge of making things work, and can afford the hobby...
First, lease dont advise me on when or how to respond to any post on my site. This forum was started to specifically help folks avoid making dumb purchasing mistakes like this sricam.
Second, if the user, still has the opportunity to return a junk camera, the BEST advice is to return it. It is really that simple. Acti makes junk cameras as well. Axis is extremely overpriced. There are great cameras that provide a middle ground from dahua, hikvision and even longse. The 55 dollar sricam is not a ptz. Its a pan tilt camera with a narrow fov. You are better off with a 1080p camera with a wide view covering the entire room. Again, no one should EVER buy sricam. They make garbage and there MUCH are better options. Enthusiasts dont buy crap then "try and make it work"..they also dont sucker others into making the same junk purchase.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I just, last post, noticed that you are an (or the) administrator. I thought I was advising merely an uninformed user.

Where is your forum directive posted, as the the purpose? I thought it was a hobby/special interest forum.

I did not suggest/recommend that anyone should buy a Sricam camera. I said, I have one and am trying to see what it will do. The video is quite good.

Acti is well above Dahua, which used to be disdained much like Sricam. Until Camera Critic posted some good reviews on a particular bullet camera (which, itself had various versions and various levels of "quality").

On a different note, I've searched the site and did not find a recommendation for a "cheap" (or least-expensive) PTZ camera. The ones I did find seem to suffer the same problem as many of the Dahua offerings; same camera model number with different firmware/hardware offerings (which can't be easily distinguished).
Acti is not above dahua. Their reliability and image quality is terrible (on their high res cameras). This is an ip camera forum and as such users will be advised to stay away from junk. Not very complicated.
Once again, the camera is NOT ptz. Its PT. There is no optical zoom. In MOST senarios are wide angle 1080p view is better than a narrow 720p view with pt. The laview 2.8mm 1080p cube (a hikvision rebrand that has a PIR motion sensor as well as advanced line crossing detection is available for 80 dollars regularlly. You will not be manning your camera 24/7. If you insist on pan tilt, Even a foscam or an amcrest like this which often goes on sale for 50 dollars is miles ahead of sricam.
Dahuas website has the specs for all their cams. Not that complicated really.
As an Amazon Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.


May 31, 2015
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Fenderman, you wrote this:
"there are better cameras in the same price range..."
Can you tell us which camera is for 30 $ Shipping free better than Sricam AP011 (Android app for view, ip, wifi, microcard slot, pan, tilt, alarms on email...)
Tnx in advance.
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
a box of crayons..

the camera already built into the old phone you have stuffed into your junk drawer..

if your price range is the dollar store, perhaps you should worry about feeding your family and forget about silly lil cameras.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Fenderman, you wrote this:
"there are better cameras in the same price range..."
Can you tell us which camera is for 30 $ Shipping free better than Sricam AP011 (Android app for view, ip, wifi, microcard slot, pan, tilt, alarms on email...)
Tnx in advance.
On amazon its 37 dollars where it scores 2.5 stars ...The pan tilt is completely useless in a security environment because lets face it you are not manning the camera. The better option is a fixed wide angle camera that covers the entire room 24/7. That said, even foscams that are available in the 40-50 dollars frequently on sale are MUCH better options than sricam. I cannot stress this enough, JUNK hardware AND JUNK firmware is simply NOT an option for security cameras. If you want to watch your dog thats another story. The motion detectioin is useless, compared to more advanced cameras like hikvision that have line crossing a PIR sensors (even foscam has a pir sensor in the c1 which is often on sale for 50) SRICAM is complete junk and should never be purchased. You can try and justify your purchase all day long, its JUNK and the users here will be warned about it, each and every time its promoted. Same with other crap cameras. You need to understand that you purchased a piece of junk, its really that simply. Once you become informed about IP cameras you will better understand that crap that is SRICAM.
For example this foscam has a PIR sensor, and at least the provide firmware updates for a while and return/warranty. Only 45.


May 31, 2015
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you did not replied on my simple question.
And I do not want to know, why are you so against Sricam. So predictable reply.
My two 011 works fine more than one year...

What a forum ???
Admin, you can delete my account.
Kind regards to normal members.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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you did not replied on my simple question.
And I do not want to know, why are you so against Sricam. So predictable reply.
My two 011 works fine more than one year...

What a forum ???
Admin, you can delete my account.
Kind regards to normal members.
I am agains sricam because its COMPLETE GARBAGE. Not sure why you dont glean that from my other posts.
I did answer your question. The 45 dollar foscam. Are you blind? The difference is 9 dollars.
I will not delete your account - you can try to do that yourself. Next time do some research before wasting your money. If you cannot take criticism on a JUNK camera then dont let the door hit you on the way out. This forum was started because other forums were actively deleting comments about junk cameras thus folks had drawers full of CRAP. Wasted time and money. Dont try to come here and cause other folks to waste their hard earned cash. You are an amateur and eventually will learn the difference between a toy like sricam and a true ip camera.