WOW so almost a year since I last popped my head in here and it would seem little has changed
Oh and another year that my cheapo eBay cam & DVR system has been up and running and our first repair, year eight, so I'm not complaining, Cam1 and The cheap and nasty cabling has finally disintegrated inside the coax insulation. Seriously, I kid you not, We lost visual on cam1 so the first ting I did was check the coax, well you would right? it was not showing on the meter so we stripped it down and the inner core had quite literally turned to dust. So, lesson learned, buy higher grade coax when you come to service your cams. I'm taking an in house sweepstakes on which one goes next

So what else ... oh yes, eight years and the HDD started to misbehave, luckily the system did throw up a HDD error so I managed to save a few bits of data that we needed to keep for legal reasons and then replaced and upgraded it as HDD prices have fallen so steeply we decided to double up on teh storage capacity and go for a much better brand of HDD.
So eight years and one HDD and one cable later, we are good though I do think the other cable will need replacing any time now but even so, it's not a bad investment at £345 or thereabouts for 4 cameras and a DVR.
Now then, the infamous Siricam, well, I have to agree it sure as hell aint nothing to write home about. Stability is shite, the so called zoom (that isn't) is shite the picture quality even in it's pretend 720p mode is avarage at best. Would I buy another one? Only for the pan and tilt drive and the waterproof housing because believe it or not, over here in the good ole UK just those are more expensive than the whole siricam system. And that's the point I guess. It works for me at the moment as it covers an area where there really should never be any activity so when siricam alarm goes off, I pay attention and look at the screen and yes I know, I'm using it as not much more than a visual movement sensor and OK, I do use it to patrol from east to west and back again but I have to do that manually because the patrol function has never worked.
camera,= meh (technical term)
Software, = also meh, but not as bad as first thought once one has played with it for a while
Housing,= useful and good VFM (the trick is how to fit an altogether better camera guts into it
4 cam & DVR unit ala eBay,= 'bang on' as we say over here, meaning= actually quite good. To be completely honest, I'm very impressed with it and will soon be upgrading to the 8 camera unit as we are expanding our footprint. (the look on a toerags face when he finds you nonchalantly leaning against the wall with a cricket bat at your disposal is priceless ) and it will be nice to complet our very own 'ring of steel' lol Paranoia rules and all that.
So, question and please remember I'm based in the UK so shipping will be an issue but, what would any of you suggest for a budget weather proof ptz that's a little more serious and useful without the requirement for a second mortgage? Oh and I know haters godda hate

but I have used several search engines and found a number of cameras that look like they might fit the bill, I just coujldnt find any that come recommended.