SRICAM only works while connected to network.

I have a little problem, when I'm conected to the same wifi whit the camera it works nice, but when I use another wifi or my mobil data it don't work, can you help me please???
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Hello everybody, I have 6 sricam IP66 outdoor wifi bullet cameras. They been working fine for three months, installation and set up went nice and easy. until two weeks ago I notice that the app "android phone" doesn't want to show the cameras when I am at home connected to my wifi network. In order to see the cameras on my phone I have to turn off the wifi and use the cellular network 4g, then I can see them like in remotely way..
Also my NVR and Device viewer sricam software work fine I can see the cameras..
Does this ever happened to any one not be able to see the cameras in your LAN using the android app..????
Any help will be appreciated.. Thanks
Use the WAN address when on another network.