A Florida woman stole a sheriff deputy’s patrol car and then led authorities on a high-speed chase before crashing head-on with oncoming traffic — killing herself and two others on Thur…
If you told her it is the fuel's vapor that is flammable, she'd probably argue that air doesn't burn and it is only the liquid on the ground that is flammable
These are the same type of parents who take their young children to restaurants and let them run wild. They expect patrons to babysit their children while they enjoy themselves.
These are the same type of parents who take their young children to restaurants and let them run wild. They expect patrons to babysit their children while they enjoy themselves.
Dontcha just love it when those 7 year olds that stand below the spit-guards at the buffet style food tables serve themselves...with their hands and sometimes even put food back? And their dumbass parents don't abide by the #$%@ sign posted on the table to NOT allow children under 12 to serve themselves?
A Scottish tourist is thankful to be alive after a close encounter with a wild bear sent her to the emergency room. She rolled down her car window to take a photo with the animal, which then attacked her.
This video shows:
Stupid people often F themselves in spectacular fashion.
Sometimes shit happens.
The best drivers in the world can't do anything to be safe when stupid people get behind the wheel.