ThanksThat's the version I meant, try again later or tomorrow, or rebooting the doorbell? Mine started loading fine again next day after I got that error... Shrug

ThanksThat's the version I meant, try again later or tomorrow, or rebooting the doorbell? Mine started loading fine again next day after I got that error... Shrug
Just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation of the RCA app. App is stellar! Not a single false notification as of yet, been 48+ hours at this point.That's the version I meant, try again later or tomorrow, or rebooting the doorbell? Mine started loading fine again next day after I got that error... Shrug
Just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation of the RCA app. App is stellar! Not a single false notification as of yet, been 48+ hours at this point.
Only gripe is that I cannot jist swipe to remove the motion notification, have to actually go into the app. But at lease its steady!
Thanks again!
I sort of hate adding another post to what is already a brain-buster of a thread, but thanks to all who have posted about how to work with the HikVision doorbells. I've been futzing with a Nelly's NSC-DB1 for a week or so, and have been struggling to decide whether it's worth the trouble. Spending a couple of hours today reading all 1,344 posts currently in this thread leads me to think I rushed into buying one, but oh well. At least now I know the ONVIF I treated as a steadfast requirement means squat as far as doing much with my basic Dahua NVR (no motion detection, possible conflict with other streaming), and I've picked up a few tricks here on how to recover from the "device is offline" problem I've had about 85% of the time with the dang thing.
what do you mean conflict with other streaming? ...
- RCA was preferable to some due to no branding (until the new RCA version)
- Where can the RCA version (old one) be purchased? I see the new version on Amazon (
... I (finally) got everything set up the way I wanted, 24/7 recording to my Dahua NVR, but using the Hikconnect (RCA App) for Motion Detection and push notification. The MD wont work on the NVR, but I can get the timestamp off Hikconnect and use that to find the recording. My Device offline problem was solved by a combination of solving the wifi signal issue and resetting and readding it to Hikconnect
Can you clarify a few things?
Am I correct to interpret your references to Hikconnect to mean RCA Security app as your preferred flavor of Hikconnect? I noticed it hasn't been updated as recently as all the others. I wonder if that's part of why it might be better for some. Do you know how it compares to Uniden One I gather was (also) for the RCA/Uniden U-Bell? I see it hasn't been updated for a while either.
How do you "reset" your doorbell? I'm only aware of doing that by power cycle or rebooting via the doorbell's web log-in. Is there some other way through one of the hikconnect apps?
Do you do anything through the hik-connect url? IIRC, someone here suggested that was the best place to "re-add" a device that has been having issues. That's what I've been doing in my NSC-DB1 "phase 2".
I'm also curious as to what you use for an app with the Dahua NVR.
Thanks. That does clarify a few things, especially on the reset/reboot. So far in my recent round, the doorbell only went offline once after an intentional power reconfigure, and a reboot through the web portal and a delete/add at the hik-connect URL someone gave earlier (not any app) was all it took to get me back on track. No factory restore.
I certainly understand and agree with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
I think I'm good on the WiFi level. My new location for the access point is actually farther away from the doorbell, but it's now in a normally unoccupied room and I can crank up the 2.4 GHz power level for that AP a bit to give the doorbell a stronger signal without overpowering other active WiFi devices in the area. What I remember reading when setting up my Ubiquiti stuff is that some devices start going into saturation over about -45 dBm, so going stronger may not always be better for all devices. I'll pay more attention to this as I progress to adding the doorbell to the NVR, etc. I do know that my Ubiquiti/Unifi controller is reporting excellent signal strength on what it is receiving back from the doorbell.
I haven't explored the NVR apps much yet, so thanks for the reference to the ADT one. So far I've been exposed to two - Lechange and MontavueGo. Lechange came about as a natural part of the install. I think the NVR prompted me to install EasyIP, which has apparently been replaced by Lechange. My NVR is a Monatvue rebadge, and the documentation referenced MontavueGo. I'm sure that's just a copy of some Dahua app, but I haven't dug into it yet. I don't record anything 24/7 - everything right now is event driven. As best I can tell, with Lechange app notifications to the phone are an all or none. It either reports all the events the NVR triggered on or I can get none of them. Also, something between Lechange, T-Mobile and our LG phones keeps us from being able to reliably look at live view or recordings when on the cell network, which is a big hindrance. I haven't spent any time trying to fix that. I have found MontavueGo is more reliable at being able to view things on the cell network and it gives me the option to pick and choose the channels I want to receive notifications from, even though the NVR is still recording all events. That's a step in the right direction for me, but I find it to be more cumbersome to use than Lechange. I'm mostly interested in figuring out the best "viewer" app for the NVR. Configuration changes and such I'll likely keep doing right at the NVR keyboard/monitor, at least for now.
Edit: A correction on the WiFi level. What I think I remember reading is that the "sweet spot" for most devices is between -45 dBm and -55 dBm, not that devices risk going into saturation at -45 dBm.
I capture all video from 7 cameras but only keep video where there is motion. Blue Iris always has the doorbell up and able to be seen anytime I launch my app. I have access to it remotely due to allowing the port forward through my firewall. Now the cloud based app, has been broken many times where it says the doorbell is offline when it clearly is connected to Blue Iris and working. My internet is fine, because I can stream the camera via Blue Iris remotely. So that tells me, the cloud service is not always up or connected to my camera. Just curious if others see the same results. The reason I care, is for the times someone might come up and hit the button. Funny thing here is sometimes I continue to get alerts via the app from the camera, but it shows offline and I can't see the image or live feed but the alerting is still working. Next time it goes offline I will test to see if ringing the doorbell still will trigger the in app calling of my phone. It may still work however, it seems very likely that they have a backend problem with maintaining a reliable connection to all these cameras in the field.
I just updated from 171219 to 180726 and now the Laview App is showing my doorbell as offline. Nelly's site only has 171218, so I can't even go back to my original.
try thisThanks, that worked.
Another question. I have a regular mechanical chime. Instead of getting a ding dong sound, I'm only getting the ding.... Anyone have an idea how I can fix this? I don't the resistor installed and now sure what it would help.