Looking for a couple 8-10 inch tablets for remote of my cameras on my network, $150.00 and under.
I’ve read much on the site about different tablets especially the Fire HD. The Fire HD has a great price point but appears to have many problems. I’m looking for something simple to use like my IPad but without the cost. Is there a consensus on which would work the best without any complications? Also I would be using WiFi to view. So WiFi capable, 8-10 inch, cheap, simple use, and durable.
I’ve read much on the site about different tablets especially the Fire HD. The Fire HD has a great price point but appears to have many problems. I’m looking for something simple to use like my IPad but without the cost. Is there a consensus on which would work the best without any complications? Also I would be using WiFi to view. So WiFi capable, 8-10 inch, cheap, simple use, and durable.