I can think of an AL widow right now that will be compensated heavily and rightly so. I also know of a doctor in FL that's out of a job and soon to be broke......also rightly so.
No real winners in this scenario.
I can think of an AL widow right now that will be compensated heavily and rightly so. I also know of a doctor in FL that's out of a job and soon to be broke......also rightly so.
No real winners in this scenario.
My mother told us, one time she was with her dad in the hospital and the doctor came in with the wrong chart, started talking about a surgery that was for someone else. I am sure they would of caught it with the arm band but it was a bit of a shock. My Mom's position was what if she was not there, her dad went back to speaking German at the time, being all drugged up.
When I lived in CA I recall a local hospital amputated the wrong leg, circa 1980. As I recall the leg that was SUPPOSED to be removed was gangrenous and the one that got cut off was I'm no expert but how can you make that mistake unless you're extremely intoxicated or drugged up?
"Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital said it was investigating Bryan’s death but wouldn’t share more information.
“We take allegations like this very seriously, and our leadership team is performing a thorough investigation into this event. Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast has a longstanding history of providing safe, quality care since the hospital opened its doors in 2003,” the hospital said in statement"
Translation: "We are taking all the necessary steps to make sure that what happened is covered up to the point where we are not liable. You will never be given an explanation of what really happened, nor will you be given an explanation from us at all."
Zarzaur Law claims Dr. Shaknovsky had a previous “wrong-site surgery” back in 2023 where he supposedly removed a portion of a patient’s pancreas instead of performing the intended adrenal gland resection.
Barely a year ago this same doc ID'd another organ wrongly in a different patient? Anybody see a pattern here? Enough to run a drug screen or an eye test on this "doc" ?
Zarzaur Law claims Dr. Shaknovsky had a previous “wrong-site surgery” back in 2023 where he supposedly removed a portion of a patient’s pancreas instead of performing the intended adrenal gland resection.
Barely a year ago this same doc ID'd another organ wrongly in a different patient? Anybody see a pattern here? Enough to run a drug screen or an eye test on this "doc" ?
Join us as we delve into Florida's latest initiative targeting illegal custom license plates. In collaboration with the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office and...
A bunch of years ago I was standing on a between-2-tracks station platform in Germany, waiting for a train on one of the tracks. I had backed up near the other side of the platform, within 1 to 2 feet of the edge. An ICE train that does't stop at this little station blew through right behind my back. Scared the crap out of me. I hadn't heard any sound whatsoever as it approached. In hindsight, pretty stupid for me to get that close.
A bunch of years ago I was standing on a between-2-tracks station platform in Germany, waiting for a train on one of the tracks. I had backed up near the other side of the platform, within 1 to 2 feet of the edge. An ICE train that does't stop at this little station blew through right behind my back. Scared the crap out of me. I hadn't heard any sound whatsoever as it approached. In hindsight, pretty stupid for me to get that close.
This was the Bush Sr. 4141 train that went by our neighborhood that I filmed with my phone CAM. Why I turned my phone to try to get the car he was in, you could see the coffin, was an amateur mistake.
Not sure where to share this, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III game that I play has been supporting the LBGQT++++ community for several years, with Pride month, they fill our screens every year.
Well I have not played much lately but now I see they have a Trans Player skin you can get.