True story.
Yesterday I went to my urologist for my annual finger-in-the-butt test (yeah, I STILL don't like it) and while walking from the parking lot to the hospital where his office is I had to use the crosswalk.
It's a 2 lane street with sidewalks on both sides, ped xing signs on right and flashing beacons's a damn hospital, many people in wheelchairs, walkers, etc. (see Google Map image at bottom).
It's clear, I start from the left side (parking lot) and see a car coming a little too fast but I got my eye on them. One reason I'm still here after 31 years working in the roadway on traffic signals (29 in Silicon Valley CA), other than by God's grace is that I NEVER assumed anyone saw me or is going to stop and I NEVER turned my back on anyone.
Well I get to the 3rd white bar in the crosswalk (on the left) and I have to stop ABRUPTLY as this young lady comes breezing on thru, going the same direction as the map view below, holding her phone up in her left hand so can see it while she drives. I think I scared the crap out of because as her driver's side window got next to me and I was 2 feet from her window I yelled very loud "PUT THE PHONE DOWN AND DRIVE!"
She slammed on the brakes and looked at me like I had 2 heads. I achieved the desired effect and am still around to post this. And so lucky to survive so I can discover if my urologist's finger is any longer than last year.
Moral of this story? Keep your head on a swivel, these young 'uns are out to get us old farts...especially the 20 to 40 year old women in department store and grocery parking lots...they are on a mission, on the phone and on the gas and you're slowing down their progress. The Walmart parking lot seems to attract the most dangerous ones, those looking to get a free lubrication of their Hyundai's undercarriage with some plump
70 75 year old white guy.