They do have a win 10 Home version but for some reason I can't get WSL 2 to install.You need to upgrade to PRO can't do it on home edition is my understanding. Just Google it it'll break it down
They do have a win 10 Home version but for some reason I can't get WSL 2 to install.You need to upgrade to PRO can't do it on home edition is my understanding. Just Google it it'll break it down
Go to BlueIris alerts and uncheck all motion zones. Make sure that only external is checked (Ai Tools/Deppstack is external).I have a parked car in my driveway, and blue iris set to take a snapshot every 4 seconds. Should the car be triggering an alert every time it analyzes an image?
Or I have blue iris set to only take snapshots when motion is detected. the falling snow is triggering the snapshots, then it sees a car and throws an alert.
How can I make it only alert when a car that is in motion is in the scene?
View attachment 78178
Deepstack knows nothing about the movement, it looks only at still pictures. It's like a filter. If you record the street where cars are parked then my sugjestion unselect "car" in AI Tools. Otherwise, you will get alerts each time deepstack sees a car.Ya, only external is checked.
The camera is seeing motion (snow falling), it's triggering a snapshot to be taken and put into the folder, deepstack is saying there is a car in the picture, and it's telling BI to record. The car isn't moving though.
There is an option in AI Tool dynamic masking but I don't know how it works, never tried. Probably it can create "temporary" a mask after it sees a car in the same location for several minutes. Masked area won't trigger alerti want to know when cars pull into my driveway and drive down my road though lol. Thought this was going to solve all my false alert problems![]()
That would be niceya, i'm saying we find a way for it to talk to ai
Could be nice coming from AITools or AITool sending the co-ordinates via MQTT to another program. I'd want to know the movement of a detected person as an example, rather than just Blue Iris stating random movement co-ordinates. Blue Iris natively can't tell the difference between a plastic bag blowing across or a human. Blue Iris just provides a snapshot of an image. Deepstack does the hard work and AItool is an interface that uses Deepstacks data.That would be nice
On to your description of my dream scenario, why would I even need to clone the camera in that instance? sorry if this is a dumb question, but If I'm recording 4k clips when a 4k jpeg is identified as relevant by AI Tool, what would I need the low res stream for?
If Docker works for you then no need to go to windows.Should I worry about using Deepstack Windows or just keep using Docker? (I'm running Windows on a Dell PoweEdge Server so plenty of power).
If yes, can anyone help me with the install?
Should I worry about using Deepstack Windows or just keep using Docker? (I'm running Windows on a Dell PoweEdge Server so plenty of power).
If yes, can anyone help me with the install?
Can we get some important posts pinned somewhere or something so people can find the instructional posts easier?
Does the latest Windows version allow auto start on boot without AItools calling it? I have noticed some people (not all, but includes myself on my setup) have some issues with the Pre-Release versions from VorlonCD and need to revert to the more stable 1.65 or 1.67 release.I run the Windows version of DS on my BI machine and on my personal workstation. I see no reason to add additional layer of complexity by using Docker. I also run a Jetson Nano which uses Docker. The first version of Windows DS that I used started with a GUI and the Gui could not be minimized. However the VorlonCD version of AI Tool will start and stop DS without the GUI. I'm now running the very recently released version of DS for Windows and I start it with a powershell script. Running the latest DS for Windows is pretty straight forward. Just install and run. The earlier version had to be activated.
I start DS with a single line in a PowerShell script. I don't have it in my startup folder but you should be able to put it there and have it start on login.Does the latest Windows version allow auto start on boot without AItools calling it? I have noticed some people (not all, but includes myself on my setup) have some issues with the Pre-Release versions from VorlonCD and need to revert to the more stable 1.65 or 1.67 release.
Edit: As a note, if you are all ready running a server environment with VM's then Deepstack on docker is not really anymore complex than what already is running![]()
I start DS with a single line in a PowerShell script. I don't have it in my startup folder but you should be able to put it there and have it start on login.
deepstack --VISION-DETECTION True --PORT 5050
Most people don't run Blue Iris in a VM so the easiest way to run DS on the surveillance computer is to run the Windows version. I spread the AI load across three DS machines. The BI computer, my personal desktop, and a Jetson Nano. In my case using Windows Docker would add complexity. But you are correct, if you are already running Docker in Windows then you aren't adding any more complexity. However, one problem that you might encounter is if you want to use a GPU. It may be more difficult to get working in Windows Docker than with the native Windows application. I have not checked to see if AI Tool will start the new version of Windows DS as it does with the older version.