[tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

Make sure you are not using the BI Alerts Folder.
Recommend setting up a new folder dedicated to store alerts for AI Tools (Blue Iris -> Clips and Archiving" ) then for the Camera select this folder in the Camera -> Record under JPEG Snapshots.
Do you have any examples of a before and after re-name to help determine what is re-naming the files?
Thanks. I made those changes, so we'll see how it goes now.
I would see a file go from Porch.20210128_065431.0.2.jpg to Porch.20210128_065431.0.2.592.jpg. This didn't always happen for every image, but when it did, the AI tool couldn't process it, and wouldn't show an image in the history tab.
I cross checked the alert image against the video in Bi and the image was taken 12 seconds afer the vehicle was fully in frame.

The cooldown in aitool is zero, in BI it's 3s, but changing it to 4s didn't seem to impact it.
Sorry just wanna check, So you are only getting 1 image from bi on trigger and it is 12 sec late? the only thing I can think of is either make time in motion detection (how long motion has to go for before it will trigger) or a cross zone setting where it is crossing a zone just as it is going out of view. Is it just 1 camera or all cameras doing this? If it's just the 1 maybe you could try re adding it with fresh settings. Hope this was of some help I'm no expert
This maybe has already been asked but for those who are running Deepstack on Windows, are you using the Deepstack program or Docker version? Is there a performance difference between the two?
This maybe has already been asked but for those who are running Deepstack on Windows, are you using the Deepstack program or Docker version? Is there a performance difference between the two?
Docker is IMHO the best implementation for Windows. It has the advantage of being able to run newer Deepstack versions that have not released as a Windows app. Can't advise on performance as I never made a comparison.
Sorry just wanna check, So you are only getting 1 image from bi on trigger and it is 12 sec late? the only thing I can think of is either make time in motion detection (how long motion has to go for before it will trigger) or a cross zone setting where it is crossing a zone just as it is going out of view. Is it just 1 camera or all cameras doing this? If it's just the 1 maybe you could try re adding it with fresh settings. Hope this was of some help I'm no expert

It helped. I was able to get it working with this post but now alertsaren't working after upgrading to version 2.0627.7696. By the way, should URL result in "404 not found"
Hi there,

Just installed this and seems to be running great
however when trying to setup "draw mask" for each camera , if i try to draw on the image, it resizes to about 1/4 of the original size and i dont know where to draw on the mask anymore.

anybody has this error?
i had blueiris resize the saved images from 1080p to 720p. but even after disabling that and clear all saved photos in aitool saved jpegs, it still doesnt work
If I manually trigger a camera in BI and it does successfully send me an email (as configured in the BI Alert tab) but when an actual alert is logged in BI Alerts but doesn't send me an email, what could be the problem? I'm using the most recent version of AITool and it does have the event logged in History, but under the Detection column it says "false alert"
If I manually trigger a camera in BI and it does successfully send me an email (as configured in the BI Alert tab) but when an actual alert is logged in BI Alerts but doesn't send me an email, what could be the problem? I'm using the most recent version of AITool and it does have the event logged in History, but under the Detection column it says "false alert"

Is AI Tools set up to flag the alert? &flagalert=1 ? In my set up non flagged alerts don't cause BI On Alert actions like "send email" to fire off. False Alert would also mean it didnt match anything you have checked off for that camera in AI Tools.
If I manually trigger a camera in BI and it does successfully send me an email (as configured in the BI Alert tab) but when an actual alert is logged in BI Alerts but doesn't send me an email, what could be the problem? I'm using the most recent version of AITool and it does have the event logged in History, but under the Detection column it says "false alert"
Need to see your Alerts TAB but basically;

In BI -> Camera -> Alerts, you need to ensure the following;
In "Fire when": select "This camera is triggered"
You also need to select "Also re-triggers" (especially if you create JPEGS's on motion events)
Select: "Extern" in Trigger sources and zones (AI Tool fires of an API call via a URL these are EXTERNAL triggers.

If you are creating JPEGS on motion events, to avoid a loop of death, in Alerts ensure in Trigger Sources and Zones "Motion Zones" is DESELECTED.

To rule out AI Tool, always test BI by sending the Web request to BI in a web browser.
Since I switched to trigger alert in BI from AI TOOL (so external alert), I realized that, in the BlueIris app on iphone, when we are on the "CAMERAS screen", the right column that shows the last ALERT do not report me the "real last alert".
It looks like the image is coming from the last alert that BI raised itself.
Is it possible to get the real last alert ? even if it coming from "external"?
Updated Got this working . Using the beta of deepstack

Just got this setup. I am not running in docker. I have Deepstack,bi and AI tools by AITOOL-VORLONCD.
I am getting an error in AI tools when it sends an image to deepstack it looks like. I am running windows 10 Her are some updated logs

2021-02-02 21:19:51.355416|Info|AITOOLS.EXE|WaitForNextURL||driveway|None|---- Trying previously failed URL again after 30 seconds. (ErrCount=1, Setting 'MinSecondsBetweenFailedURLRetry'=30): 2021-02-02 21:19:51.355416|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|ImageQueueLoop||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| Adding task for file 'driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg' (Image QueueTime='1.1' mins, URL Queue wait='29536ms', URLOrder=1 of 1, URLOriginalOrder=1) on URL '2021-02-02 21:19:51.355416|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| Starting analysis of C:\BlueIris\aiinput\driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg...|134|1||9
2021-02-02 21:19:51.369381|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|IsValidImage||driveway|None| Image file is valid: driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg|135|2||11
2021-02-02 21:19:51.370381|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| (1/6) Uploading a 784552 byte image to DeepQuestAI Server at 2021-02-02 21:19:51.372379|Error|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. [IOException] Mod: <DetectObjects>d__31 Line:999:48|137|1||13
2021-02-02 21:19:51.373377|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| Total Time: 66114ms (Count=4, Min=2833ms, Max=66114ms, Avg=35749ms)|138|1||13
2021-02-02 21:19:51.373377|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| DeepStack (URL) Time: 1ms (Count=2, Min=1ms, Max=1ms, Avg=1ms)|139|1||13
2021-02-02 21:19:51.373377|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| File lock Time: 0ms (Count=1, Min=1ms, Max=1ms, Avg=1ms)|140|1||13
2021-02-02 21:19:51.373377|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| Image Queue Time: 66096ms (Count=4, Min=2775ms, Max=66096ms, Avg=35721ms)|141|1||13
2021-02-02 21:19:51.373377|Debug|AITOOLS.EXE|DetectObjects||driveway|driveway.20210202_211845251.jpg| Image Queue Depth: 2 (Count=16, Min=1, Max=15, Avg=8)|142|1||13
2021-02-02 21:19:51.373377|Info|AITOOLS.EXE|ImageQueueLoop||driveway|None|...Problem with AI URL: '' (URL ErrCount=2, max allowed of 5)|143|0||13

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I'm currently running the version shown below. Is there a more recent build I can download somewhere? Thanks
Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 11.12.42 PM.png
how do we proceed if the camera is pointing towards a big glass door
im interested to detect only people inside the room
how do we proceed if the camera is pointing towards a big glass door
im interested to detect only people inside the room
Camera Placement is key and within AI Tool mask our the areas you don't want (Cameras -> Draw Mask -> Custom (highlight the areas to ignore)
Really need a sample pic, but I am assuming you don't want to detect people on the other side of the door and you can't move the camera and masking can't be used as it would also block detecting people in the room.

That's a tough one. I would again go back to moving the camera, frost the glass, really not sure what you expect AI Tool to be able to do in this instance.
Other than that perhaps consider a Philips HUE bridge with motion sensor, and fire off a PowerShell to trigger an External Trigger to BI to fire the camera when movement is detected in the room.
there is no setting in aitool for limit of height of objects detected ?:)
i remember i tested another similar program that had ths feature
that would've solve the issue in my case
Hi All,

After trying a few months ago to get this working but being unsuccessful, I ended up putting it on hold. Now, I'm trying again to get it working. I seem to be having a problem again getting the AI tool to communicate with Deepstack. Here are some details:

Everything is running on a Dell R710 with Proxmox
BI and the AI tool are on a Win10 Pro VM (CPU ~50%, RAM ~25%) (
BI seems to be working well.
Deepstack is running in Docker on a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VM (
I can confirm that Deepstack is running and activated on the correct port by browsing to the IP and port in a web browser.
I am able to ping the deepstack VM from the BI VM

I've tried 2 different versions of deepstack, :latest and :noavx (since my CPUs don't have the AVX flag). The no AVX version can not be activated anymore and therefore the AI tool produces an error saying so. I did read somewhere that the latest version of deepstack is supposed to be able to handle AVX and NOAVX CPUs. The latest version creates the following errors:


If i point to a port I know is wrong, I get a different error, so I think the AI tool can see the Deepstack server, but is not allowed access for some reason.

I don't know what to try next to get this working. I'm looking for any help you can provide. I've spent the last 2 days searching for answers and have come up empty.


EDIT: I just saw in the log on startup that there is a not that says "no docker support yet". Is this true or a carryover from an old version? I'm using version from 2020-10-30.
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I have a question about Camera Settings. Will Deepstack identify the items listed in the "Additional Relevant Objects" setting? I've added several additional things that I'd like to have Deepstack trigger on but I'm not sure Deepstack can actually recognize any of these.
Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 1.09.30 PM.png
I have a question about Camera Settings. Will Deepstack identify the items listed in the "Additional Relevant Objects" setting? I've added several additional things that I'd like to have Deepstack trigger on but I'm not sure Deepstack can actually recognize any of these.
View attachment 81403
There could be more but here is a list of all I'm aware of
person, bicycle, car, motorcycle, airplane, bus, train, truck, boat, traffic light, fire hydrant, stop_sign, parking meter, bench, bird, cat, dog, horse, sheep, cow, elephant, bear, zebra, giraffe, backpack, umbrella, handbag, tie, suitcase, frisbee, skis, snowboard, sports ball, kite, baseball bat, baseball glove, skateboard, surfboard, tennis racket, bottle, wine glass, cup, fork, knife, spoon, bowl, banana, apple, sandwich, orange, broccoli, carrot, hot dog, pizza, donut, cake, chair, couch, potted plant, bed, dining table, toilet, tv, laptop, mouse, remote, keyboard, cell phone, microwave, oven, toaster, sink, refrigerator, book, clock, vase, scissors, teddy bear, hair dryer, toothbrush.
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