@pmcross Yes I have moved/configured all of my cams to make use of AITools. Initially I did have DQ for Windows installed but that was maxing out mu CPU and pegging it at 100%
Since then I’ve moved over to Docker Desktop and have DQ running within it.
This makes the CPU less spikes but when multiple cams trigger then I can spikes of around 84% but the system will then quite quickly settle back down to around 25-30%.
When I was using substreams my system idled at around 8% but after cloning the cams I found thy at the images that BI was saving were from the sub stream and this caused DQ to miss some alerts so I had to remove substreams from the AI cloned cams which results in BI then pulling individual streams so the overall CPU usage goes up. I’m hoping that a future update will fix this issue and allow images to be saved using the main stream res but still allow motion to be detected using the substream for the AI cloned cams. If and when this does come it should hopefully help to bring the CPU usage down further. This has been reported to Ken and I urge others to also report this and ask if it could be an option to allow you to choose which stream is used for the image.
Apart from the above, I think I’ve already stated that I have had to enable motion detection on my main cams as some events were being missed so again this might be adding to the overall CPU usage?