Uk better fix it's immigration. But even if they stop it completely, UK will be the second Islamic country in the world to posses Nukes and the first Islamic country in the world with a nuclear Triad.
These idiots have around 400 tanks, they gave around 14 main battle tanks to Ukraine. Out of remianing tanks in UK, only 40 remains under operational status.
If the clowns in EU think they can win this war they are going to be for a rude shock.
Ukraine had the second largest army, tanks, IFV, APC and missile force in EU after Russia.
Even after being trained by Nato the Ukraine Elite forces could barely penetrate the Russian first defense line.
If the EU clowns send their troops to Ukraine slaughter house. Islamists will take over UK, France, Belgium and Germany 10 to 15 years earlier then predicated.