Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

Uk better fix it's immigration. But even if they stop it completely, UK will be the second Islamic country in the world to posses Nukes and the first Islamic country in the world with a nuclear Triad.

These idiots have around 400 tanks, they gave around 14 main battle tanks to Ukraine. Out of remianing tanks in UK, only 40 remains under operational status.

If the clowns in EU think they can win this war they are going to be for a rude shock.
Ukraine had the second largest army, tanks, IFV, APC and missile force in EU after Russia.

Even after being trained by Nato the Ukraine Elite forces could barely penetrate the Russian first defense line.

If the EU clowns send their troops to Ukraine slaughter house. Islamists will take over UK, France, Belgium and Germany 10 to 15 years earlier then predicated.
Like I've said...EU no likey Trump or his plans, takes pot shots at Trump all the time. I say, have at it EU....we'll sit back with popcorn in hand and watch the monumental failure of these clowns.
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Maybe you'll believe your own Government then?
Let's see...

The covid shot will prevent you from catching covid.
The covid shot will prevent you from transmitting covid.

Maybe there are cases where I don't believe my own government :rolleyes:.
Excellent! Now the US won't have a reason to be in Ukraine. Enjoy the war France!

Excellent! Now the US won't have a reason to be in Ukraine. Enjoy the war France!
And the UK, too.


If they end up expanding the war due to their stupidity, I hope they don't come running to us for help. The fear mongers and war mongers want the US to engage, under the threat of Russia expanding their territory all over Europe. Ironically, it might be the European leaders that make it happen. Memory is getting fuzzy, what was that slogan from the 60s? Of course: Make War, not Peace!
EU, get your trade imbalance with the US taken care of and NATO contribute your fair share. When you grifters stop the grift them maybe Trump will be more likely to be a back stop. Oh yeah, he still wants to be reimbursed by Ukraine.

EU, get your trade imbalance with the US taken care of and NATO contribute your fair share. When you grifters stop the grift them maybe Trump will be more likely to be a back stop. Oh yeah, he still wants to be reimbursed by Ukraine.

View attachment 215886

Brits put boots on the ground,
French put boots on the ground,
Brits and French drag Europe into a 3rd World War and....


The Communists and countries who hate us love Ukraine. (As in Communists I mean the democrat party, and the muslim's who have taken over the UK, France and the rest of NATO.)

Fuck Nato, Fuck Ukraine, Fuck the UK and all the other worthless Communist's. Every one of them have stolen way to much money from us and I hope their day of reckoning is close.
Brits put boots on the ground,
French put boots on the ground,
Brits and French drag Europe into a 3rd World War and....

You're right about that. You can always count on the Europeans to start a world war.

Three years of war and the Europeans decide they want to now intercede to form a peace deal? Interesting timing...has nothing to do with Trump, just coincidence. Great leadership Europeans, nicely done. Dummies.
The coke head only said lies in the WH, when he claimed that Putin didn't release Ukraine POW.

Also the Ukraine air defense shot down a Russian transport plane carrying Ukraine POW for exchange. Despite Ukraine being informed before hand about the plane cargo and flight path.

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Russia isn’t going to invade or take over any of that any more than I’m going to get killed by a cow falling out of the sky and landing on me today.
Not what your own CNN is reporting:

and the BBC:

and Politico:

and Business Insider:

:rofl: You realize all 3 of those "news" sources have been discredited, are leftist/socialist paid propaganda, and havent been right on a major story in many years.

But hey, if Europe is worried about Russia invading, I'd recommend getting your guns back from the government ASAP!

And none of those articles, as warmongering as they are, propose Russia invading Europe.

Now good old bloody England and their Euro butt buddies are the ones in the news stirring up war, and they would LOVE to get a shooting match started with western blood spilled to attempt to drag the US into it and fight it for them. Hopefully we'll be pulling out of NATO, or at minimum downsizing soon and not get caught in their poorly planned trap.

Honestly I think Brits and the rest of the Euro countries currently committing suicide (With the exception of the Poles and Hungary) should listen carefully again to the words of our VP JD Vance.
We no longer feel the same obligation we once did and its up to Europe to prove worthy of American blood
I'm starting to believe that Zelenskyy may be riding the white horse or white pony.

If you wanna ride
Don't ride the white horse
(If you wanna be rich)
You got to be a bitch
(You bitch)
If you wanna ride
Ride the white pony

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