Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

He’s a freakin coke head.
Just what you need running a country trying to pull the world into a major war.
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Not what your own CNN is reporting:
You are falling for a bunch of propaganda. CNN is anti-Trump. For everything they say is bad about Trump, if Obama or Biden had done or said the very same thing they would have praised it. CNN gave an easy fact check in the article. Did you look at it before propagating the propaganda? The CNN article said:

"Anyone looking for clues as to what Putin’s endgame for Ukraine might be should read the transcript, helpfully released here in English.
Putin’s words speak for themselves: What he is aiming for in Ukraine is the restoration of Russia as an imperial power."
The "here" links to: Meeting with young entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists

This is a favorite trick of the dishonest media. They cite another source and invent a conclusion. Seeing the citation, the reader thinks the conclusion must certainly be correct since it's so easily verifiable. The cited source says absolutely nothing to back up the CNN claim. Read it, or for a quick scan, search the article for "Ukraine". It's not there.

and the BBC:
I'm not taking the time to fact check that one. It's at least somebody's opinion and I couldn't help noticing that the someone is promoting a book of his. Is BBC similar to the US's government funded left-leaning propaganda outlet called Public Broadcasting System?

and Politico, and Business Insider:
Politico and Business Insider are both left-leaning globalist organizations owned by German globalist company Axel Springer SE. The very fact that they disguise themselves as US media highlights their dishonesty and agenda.
Pay attention .. this is what it is ..

"Unlimited vs Limited objectives"

Many here are assuming Putin has Limited objectives, he has clearly stated that he does not, so pay very close attention to what history tells us about this topic :

Good Summary ..

Do you want growth ? Or conflict ?

There's a video in this article of Senator Chris Murphy in 2014 bragging how USA helped overthrow the elected Ukraine government. If you're not convinced from the beginning of the video, jump to 3:15 where he admits that Yanukovych was elected, and the US believes in elections, but in this case Yanukovych was judged by the US to not be legitimate so Murphy and McCain went to Ukraine to help overthrow the elected government. Now Murphy is livid that Trump want to stop the war. If you listen to the whole video, it sounds like it was money behind all of it.

Sean Davis: You Can Draw a Straight Line From Ukraine Today to US Policy in 2014
Even your own Fox News (one of the most right wing news outlets in the US) doesn't believe Trump is any nearer to ending the war:

Right wing UK newspaper - although headlining across most of the UK press - Trump considering removing sanctions from Russia:

Still think he's a true blooded American?

There's a video in this article of Senator Chris Murphy in 2014 bragging how USA helped overthrow the elected Ukraine government. If you're not convinced from the beginning of the video, jump to 3:15 where he admits that Yanukovych was elected, and the US believes in elections, but in this case Yanukovych was judged by the US to not be legitimate so Murphy and McCain went to Ukraine to help overthrow the elected government. Now Murphy is livid that Trump want to stop the war. If you listen to the whole video, it sounds like it was money behind all of it.

Sean Davis: You Can Draw a Straight Line From Ukraine Today to US Policy in 2014

Herein lies the crux. I think you have a president who sees everything in terms of money and business opportunity and nothing in terms of politics, allies or people.

I like Trump for standing up to immigration, taking on the Panama Canal etc. But he's lost sight of the ball on Europe, NATO, his allies & Russia.
Even your own Fox News (one of the most right wing news outlets in the US) doesn't believe Trump is any nearer to ending the war:

Right wing UK newspaper - although headlining across most of the UK press - Trump considering removing sanctions from Russia:

Still think he's a true blooded American?

Herein lies the crux. I think you have a president who sees everything in terms of money and business opportunity and nothing in terms of politics, allies or people.

I like Trump for standing up to immigration, taking on the Panama Canal etc. But he's lost sight of the ball on Europe, NATO, his allies & Russia.

Do I think he’s not a true blooded American because he doesn’t want war with Russia? Really?

That type of thinking is why we’re where we are. That question represents 30+ years of continuous brainwashing covering up Euro decline.

Western European Liberal Govts. and the US MIC that funds them and allows you to eat, have to have a boogie man to survive.

Europe has largely become a parasite feeding from US $ and protection while condemning anyone who dares question reality.

Like a little lazy rich kid who screams when he doesn’t get his allowance.

There was a time when NATO was needed and was a true US/Euro partnership. Those days are quickly coming to an end as Europe (and the US liberal MIC) have abused the arrangement to the detriment of all Western society.

Those in power who initiated and inflamed the Ukraine war to feed the boogie man illusion and profit from it (here AND there) are being replaced. Poland gets it, not sure anyone else over there does.

Now the UK and other Euro governments want to send YOUR kids to the front lines as bait to try and pull the US into what would become another 10-20 year war, funded and ultimately fought by US $ and blood so that Europeans can continue to blame someone else for their problems
How much money did you expend on each of the 2 gulf wars?

What Trump is blinding you here is what this is buying. This isn't buying arms for Ukraine. It's buying Security for the US. Both World Wars show you cannot contain war in Europe, it will spread to the US. An emboldened Russia is a big threat to the US as Russian missiles don't respect boundaries or even Oceans and nor do their subs or Status 6 Nuclear Torpedo. The more land Russia aqcuires, the more wealthy it becomes in both physical wealth and tech knowledge and the more able to challenge the US. It also gains overseas markets and trading rights not to mention the US loses all Naval bases, repair stations and supply facilities in Europe.

Lets say for example you follow Trump and pull out of NATO and leave Europe to itself, and Russia takes over Europe. Apart from the monetary wealth of all it's manufacturing and natural resources, (Norway has huge petrochemical reserves for example), it also gains all it's technological capabilities. The chip fabs, the high tech manufacturing, the weapons companies based in the EU giving it the tech and personel to manufacture and develop cutting edge weaponary. Existing weaponary eg captured F35's, Typhoons, F22's if still in Europe at the time or if shot down, US patriot batteries, Aegis radars and interceptors, US radar and listening bases & tech etc. A Russia that has the EU isn't just another quiet country that's got a bit bigger, it's a majorly more powerful nation that has not only the increased wealth, but the knowledge and equipment to take away all US over match and maybe even overtake the US on some weaponary tech, and all that tech is transferred back to mainland Russia as well, so you're looking at a high tech Russia that matches or even over matches the US. That's disaster for the US.

Lets not forget the list of European Defence Manufacturing ocmpanies that have some of the highest tech weponary in the world that rivals the US brands. These are just some of the biggest:

1. Airbus defence arm
2. Safran
3. BAE Systems
4. Thales
5. Dassault
6. Rhienmetal
7. Leonardo
8. QinetiQ Group
9. Babcock
10. Rolls Royce
11. Fincantieri S.p.A.
12. Naval Group
13. Diehl Defence
14. Navantia
15. Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace

That's 15 huge names with some of the highest tech manufacturing and knowledge in the world. Some like Airbus, BAE, Roll Royce and Rheinmetal I'm sure US citizens are already familiar with. Rolls Royce make what many might regard as the worlds best and most advanced jet engines for example. Other companies US citizens might be less familiar with eg Dassault make the Rafael fighter jet amongst others, Rheinmetal make some of the worlds best tanks / armoured personel carriers, Kongsberg make some of the world's most adanced antiship missiles, some of which are used by US forces currently eg Naval Strike MIssile, QinetiQ Group make the UK's Dragonfire Laser System which is amongst the world's most advanced.

A Russia that gains Europe gets all that expertise and everything I haven't mentioned which is the majority of high tech systems these companies make.
Perfect! Sounds like Europe is going to need it. Good luck to them.
Even your own Fox News (one of the most right wing news outlets in the US) doesn't believe Trump is any nearer to ending the war:

Right wing UK newspaper - although headlining across most of the UK press - Trump considering removing sanctions from Russia:

Still think he's a true blooded American?

Herein lies the crux. I think you have a president who sees everything in terms of money and business opportunity and nothing in terms of politics, allies or people.

I like Trump for standing up to immigration, taking on the Panama Canal etc. But he's lost sight of the ball on Europe, NATO, his allies & Russia.

Ooooppssss.. might want to check in with your Gov

EU started off as an economic confederacy to compete with the US. And quite honestly they are using unfair tariffs against the US. Now, they are a political overbearing government that has been taken over by the Deep State. Europe throwing a tantrum wanting US treasure so they can fund their social programs instead of their own defense. The US is broke, we have our own problems that need our dollars to fix. We can't afford the grift of the EU and certainly not pumping in dollars into Ukraine for breast implants. Maybe we should send some money over for ball implants because EU is lacking them.
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Funny how that works

Fuck Ukraine, the EU and GB. Trumps needs to verify that they don't have secret deals going on behind our backs before we take one step further with any of this. Those assholes just want us to protect their secret deals they already made.
I sent my tax $$$ to Ukraine and all I got was this fake set of tits

Could have been worse.

Something massive is happening. Right now, across Europe, troops are moving, NATO is mobilizing, and military drills are intensifying.

The war machine is shifting gears—because the globalists know their time is running out. Trump is cutting Ukraine aid, Russia is open to negotiations, and the Ukrainian people want peace.

But peace is the LAST thing the elites want. A war-ending deal would expose their lies, shut off their money laundering pipeline, and destroy their grip on power. So instead? They are preparing for escalation.

NATO is conducting its biggest war exercises since the Cold War—90,000 troops on the move.
British forces are drilling just miles from Ukraine, while NATO battlegroups expand in Eastern Europe.
Russia is making moves of its own—securing positions, preparing for negotiations, while Western leaders cling to their crumbling narrative.
The people want PEACE—but the elites want WAR. If they can’t stop a deal, they’ll find a way to keep the conflict alive. The question is: How far will they go?

A weak hand .. does not mean you lose ..

Just look at Afghanistan .. is the US colonies ( which France provide assistance to throughout the war )