Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

Tell me again that its RUSSIA that wants to expand and take over Europe?

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DO you believe Trump won a landside victory ?

Why do people come here for buy security cameras ? ( hold that thought .. )

Yes, Russia does want to restore the USSR / Tsarist Empire .. you have to listen to watch Putin has stated, written ..

THIS is WHY NATO has grown, is because all of those independent Nations want a defensive alliance to stop Russian aggression.

Why did the people of Sweden and Finland VOTE to join NATO ??
On 22 March 2023, the Swedish parliament approved the country's accession to NATO by a vote of 269–37
On March 1, 2023, Finland's parliament overwhelmingly backed its bid to join NATO, with 184 members voting in favor, seven against, and one abstaining. ( 184 for, 7 again, 1 abstaining )

These ARE landside votes .. it is a simple cause and effect.

JUST like why people buy security cameras .. cause and effect. Most of us have better things we want to spend money on before we became victims.

USA Media really does not understand this, and the claim Russia does not want to expand is 100% gaslighting
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Isn't that special? The hypocrite Europeans are funding Russia's war against Ukraine. Hey Europe, quit indirectly funding Russia's war. Maybe you should have pressured your butt buddy Biden to open the US energy spigot instead of shutting it down.
Do I think he’s not a true blooded American because he doesn’t want war with Russia? Really?

Avoiding war or appeasement?

It's a greenlight for Russia to annexe anywhere it wants. Poland or Moldova are prime targets, Moldova because it has virtually no army and Russian bases already there becasue he's already annexed part as Transnistria. Poland because as one of the biggest ex-soviet states he wants it back.

Just look back in history what happens when you appease - both WW1 and WW2 started that way.

The US is a laughing stock the world round which it already was since pulling out of Afganistan. It shows the US to be weak to hostile countries. The US got defeated in Afganistan / Iraq when it pulled out with a job 1/2 done, appeased in Syria (which is probably why Russia got the green light to invade Ukraine), and now Ukraine. The US has also made itself hated amongst much of the 2nd / 3rd world by abandoning them or using them for oil / minerals then abandoning them half way through wars leaving them to die again reference the Afgan / Iraq pullouts. Maybe in the 60's the US might have got away with this. But in the modern world, with better educated 3rd world populations, this type of behaviour is seen through and unacceptable. Ths US is no longer seens as a saviour of the people but an invader only after oil or wealth. This has killed the US's credibility amongst most nations and makes it's role as world police almost impossible. What we're going to see as a result, and are already seeing, is many countries gravitating towards Russia or China eg Sri Lanka has just elected a communist leader, most of Africa wants alliences with Russia. India, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam and many other pacific nations are friends and trade partners with Russia, and many of these side with Russia. Many of the South American countires are befriending Russia. India has bought most of the Russian oil despite sanctions. Now the US is alienating Europe. The US is alienating the rest of the world and you cannot police without some consent. What we're going to see is China and Russia slowly emerging as world police and the US being sidelined as they project power and make friends all over the world. China started the friendship push a long time ago with it's Belt and Road Initiative. I'm afraid many in the US only care about stocks and shares and money and know very little about the rest of the world.

Those in the US may see the US as strong. But the rest of the world now sees the US as weak, both militarily and pollitically, ever since the Afgan pullout. The US's downfall is coming as a world power and those who wave the flag and sing the anthem are blind to it coming. The world is turning it's back on the US and has been for some time. The US has lost it's respect, fear and friends and is standing ever more alone in the world by the day, and it won't be long before the rest of the world simply bypasses and ignores it.

I don't hate the US, I'm trying to make you see where this is heading because many in the US are blind to the politics of the rest of the world which have changed. As I said previously, UK citizens used to worship the US in the 80's. Now most hate it and Israel and love and support muslim nations instead. The majority are behind Palestine for example. US is seen as an invader the world over in the same light as Russia, not as a saviour or policeman. This needs to change if the US is to have any power on the world stage.
I think you'll find we're tired of being the worlds policeman and piggy bank. Mostly we're tired of helping those who won't help themselves. Those looking for a free ride handout and draining our tax $ like parasites but won't deal with their own internal troubles.

From what we're seeing, Putin and/or the Muslims can have Britain. Its not British nor a western democracy any longer anyway. It would be a big improvement,

You should read the comments, from Brits, on this thread.

You know what it really comes down to that most American's won't say out loud?
The British people seem to have lost their balls and will to fight for their country and their way of life.
Same goes for much of Europe sadly.

We can't change that, we've given you a blueprint, but we can't do it for you. And as JD Vance said just last week, if you're not willing to save your own ass, why do you think we should do it for you? What is the benefit to America to continue to provide $ and security if you're willing to quietly allow your country to be destroyed?

Stand up and push back in real tangible ways, and you'll see 300+ Million American's in the trenches right beside you.

But continue having afternoon tea and turning up your nose while the country burns, we'll have no choice but to sit back and watch

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Funny how brokering peace for Ukraine is seen as a bad thing in Europe...
It is interesting how the leaders say they're worried about Russia invading, yet these same leaders have fought for and encouraged invasions over their open borders.
Choosing Cruelty: Sacrificing Ukrainian Lives to Pressure Zelensky
Preston Stewart

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It is interesting how the leaders say they're worried about Russia invading, yet these same leaders have fought for and encouraged invasions over their open borders.

Open Borders, as in letting immigrants in ?

Very different situation .. European countries do not want this to happen to their civilians

Very different situation .. European countries do not want this to happen to their civilians
Right. Instead they get rapes, no-go zones, murder by stabbing instead of firearms, and people run down by cars.
Zelensky is free to stop the war at any time. Its HIS choice

Are you serious ?

Zelensky was voted in to stop the war in the first place, and Russia renewed the attack ..

How on earth can Zelensky stop this war when Russia will not stop.

I can not believe how people are so easily gaslighted.

Bad enough I have to deal with people who think boys are girls if they want to be ..
Right. Instead they get rapes, no-go zones, murder by stabbing instead of firearms, and people run down by cars.

Russia doing that also in the invasion .. so, it is not instead .. it is in addition.
( countless reports of rape by Russians in the occupied areas, murder, .. )
Ukraine is 33 years old. Before that it was Russia.The Donbass regions never wanted to leave USSR when it broke up and asked to stay. They were convinced they would be treated equally and fairly. Ukraine lied and tried to exterminate them. They indiscriminately bombed their cities since 2014 killing over 14,000 civilians.
Knowing folks like conspiracy theories ..

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