Based on the map and the relatively small number of soldiers deployed I’m not sure where they get ‘collapsing soon’ at. This certainly isn’t the 1st or 2nd Ukrainian Front in terms of size. I watch Sky News and some others and see every news agency attempting to gaslight and coerce the narrative to the public. I also have 2 dozen Telegram channels by Russians and see it there also. Fact is, the Ukrainians are falling to classic military maneuvers in the east and are going to be wiped out if they don’t do something about it. The maps and geolocations given of troops online is enough to go by.
At what cost victory?
As always it's hard to form a definite picture but i don't doubt the Russians are advancing slowly and i also don't doubt they are paying a higher price for it.
What can Ukraine do?
While I'm no expert and sitting safely at home here i think at some stage the Ukrainians are going to have to go on the offensive. This could involve using the heavy artillery (supposedly on its way) to hit the Russian front lines or beyond to destroy strategic targets like fuel dumps, military bases, road, railways, communications. The deeper into Russia the better.
If the reports of low morale in the Russian army is true this could also be a benefit. Small specially trained units operating behind enemy lines could also target the above facilities in the dead of night. A few successes on Russian home soil and the young chaps Putin has sent won't be sleeping too well. He'll also have to create some fantastically fake news to satisfy the public
Im also thinking the navy is particularly vulnerable too. Destroy the bridge between Crimea and Russia and target any ships in the area by any means possible.
Remember putin is many things but he's not soft. It would be stupid to think he's being nice and holding back to save lives. He's giving it everything and making slow progress. Soldiers, missiles, tanks etc are a finite resource. The longer it goes on the less resources there will be.
EDIT just had a possible crystal ball moment after posting lol. You'll know Putin's has all but lost when the puppet in Belarus comes to his aid.
With all that said I'd like to point out again behind the strategies and horrible statistics its living, breathing people from both nations who are suffering.
Anybody else any thoughts?