Don't believe Trumps bullsh*t propoganda. Even Macron pulled him up on live US tv over his inaccuracies claiming the EU has loans and the US is paying. The EU has no repayments unless Russia voluntarily hands over it's seized assets to pay for the war. What are the chances of that happening? Failing that, the EU doesn't get repaid.
Europe has contributed far more than the US. Independent analysis shows the US has only contributed @ £128 Bn not the £500 Bn that Trump claimed and of that, only around £71 Bn was weapons, the rest was humanitarian aid. So the US has put in £71Bn in military aid.
EU countries by contrast have collectively put in SIX TIMES AS MUCH AS THE US financially in military aid at nearly £400 Bn.
Even your own news websites are commenting on this:
As for it not being in your backyard. As already explained above, history of the last 2 world wars shows war in Europe spreads to the US.
As for you don't give a care what the world thinks. Fine. But you've turned the whole world against you and no country can police a world where every other country hates it. Ultimately, it will be the US's downfall as non G20 countries gravitate towards Russia and China for security and trade (we're already seeing this with many African, Asian and Pacific Countries with groups such as BRICS), and G20 countries gravitate towards Europe with both seeking trade and security from elsewhere than the US. As Matt pointed out, the US has relied on UK and European support in wars for years both for political legitimacy and help with the fighting. Lose your allies, which Trump is well on the way to doing, and future wars will become much harder for the US as it will be fighting alone without support which equals more hatred towards it and more US troops lost as more US troops and equipment will have to be committed to make up the gaps perviously filled by other nations. Lets not forget in the Gulf war, Britain made significant tank and air assaults. Without that, you're going to have more US casualties as more have to be committed. Trump may see countries like the EU and UK as insignificant, but they play a major role in US security. eg. Diego Garcia, one of the most important US bases in the Pacific is leased to the US by Britain (provided Starmer doesn't sell it!). If Britain ceases leasing it (or sells it), no forward air base for the US. Gibralter is a major refuelling and repair port for US ships and subs in the Med. UK hosts numerous forward air bases for US forces in Europe not to mention Fylingdales and other important listening posts and radar stations. The same with the EU nations. Without the UK and EU, the US is blind to the East with no listening or early warning radar, has no forward air or ground bases, no where to repair or replenish it's ships or subs in the Atlantic or Med, no where to stage forward readiness in the middle East. The US is f*cked. Without the UK and EU forward listening / radar posts, it can't even detect and attack on the Mainland US until too late. Pushing US power around the world will be logistically far more difficult to sustain without it's allies. Another example, if Trump takes the US out of NATO which is widely predicted, bye bye Incirik Air Base in Turkey. Probably one of the most used US air bases for projecting air power to the middle east. I agree with Trump, on NATO, EU countires needs to up defence spending. Problem is it's not as easy for the EU as the US as many EU countries are still wallowing under covid debit and their economies are much much smaller than the US's making recovery much harder. However, the US without NATO, is as equally fubar'ed as Europe. The US couldn't have fought half it's wars without Incirlik or Deigo Garcia.
The US needs to wake up quickly to Trump. He's a businessman not a politician and his political inexperience and money based policies are quickly destroying all US legitimacy and security around the world. Without allies, the US cannot function militarily as it has done in the past and the threat to the US will be greater than ever without NATO.