Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

'No, In Fact—To Be Frank—We Paid': Macron Corrects Trump After He Claims Europe Loaned Ukraine Money

Feb 24, 2025
In an Oval Office meeting, French President Emmanuel Macron corrected President Trump when he claimed that Europe loaned money to Ukraine rather than giving them support outright.
infodomwar ..

recall Lord HawHaw

The Truth about Tucker Carlson and Ukrainian Weapons in Mexico
Ryan McBeth

My initial reaction to this is, I don't care or give two F's for what the world thinks about it. The US has bent over and taken it without lube for a long time, and things have to change. There is NOTHING to stop EUROPE from keeping that lovely little Ukraine war going if they want. The US won't stop them. That war IS in their backyard after all, and if they feel it's in their best interests, then THEY SHOULD FULLY FUND IT. Unfortunately, EU and NATO countries have been sucking on the US tit for a long damned time, and they want ME (or more likely, my great-great-grandkids) to pay for it instead. Questions...
  • If Europe funds it but fails to get Ukraine back the territory gained by Russia, how long will they keep paying?
  • How long will Ukrainians keep enduring war and seeing their population killed? How many Russian and North Koreans will die as "acceptable losses" for those two countries?
  • Do you think the US should just go balls deep and send in a half-million troops and push Russia back? I bet EU will send 10,000 or so troops to say they participated...
  • Should we threaten to invade and repel?
  • Do we treat Ukraine AS IF they are in NATO?
  • Are we all ready to start WWIII over that corrupt shithole Ukraine?

Don't believe Trumps bullsh*t propoganda. Even Macron pulled him up on live US tv over his inaccuracies claiming the EU has loans and the US is paying. The EU has no repayments unless Russia voluntarily hands over it's seized assets to pay for the war. What are the chances of that happening? Failing that, the EU doesn't get repaid.

Europe has contributed far more than the US. Independent analysis shows the US has only contributed @ £128 Bn not the £500 Bn that Trump claimed and of that, only around £71 Bn was weapons, the rest was humanitarian aid. So the US has put in £71Bn in military aid.

EU countries by contrast have collectively put in SIX TIMES AS MUCH AS THE US financially in military aid at nearly £400 Bn.

Even your own news websites are commenting on this:

As for it not being in your backyard. As already explained above, history of the last 2 world wars shows war in Europe spreads to the US.

As for you don't give a care what the world thinks. Fine. But you've turned the whole world against you and no country can police a world where every other country hates it. Ultimately, it will be the US's downfall as non G20 countries gravitate towards Russia and China for security and trade (we're already seeing this with many African, Asian and Pacific Countries with groups such as BRICS), and G20 countries gravitate towards Europe with both seeking trade and security from elsewhere than the US. As Matt pointed out, the US has relied on UK and European support in wars for years both for political legitimacy and help with the fighting. Lose your allies, which Trump is well on the way to doing, and future wars will become much harder for the US as it will be fighting alone without support which equals more hatred towards it and more US troops lost as more US troops and equipment will have to be committed to make up the gaps perviously filled by other nations. Lets not forget in the Gulf war, Britain made significant tank and air assaults. Without that, you're going to have more US casualties as more have to be committed. Trump may see countries like the EU and UK as insignificant, but they play a major role in US security. eg. Diego Garcia, one of the most important US bases in the Pacific is leased to the US by Britain (provided Starmer doesn't sell it!). If Britain ceases leasing it (or sells it), no forward air base for the US. Gibralter is a major refuelling and repair port for US ships and subs in the Med. UK hosts numerous forward air bases for US forces in Europe not to mention Fylingdales and other important listening posts and radar stations. The same with the EU nations. Without the UK and EU, the US is blind to the East with no listening or early warning radar, has no forward air or ground bases, no where to repair or replenish it's ships or subs in the Atlantic or Med, no where to stage forward readiness in the middle East. The US is f*cked. Without the UK and EU forward listening / radar posts, it can't even detect and attack on the Mainland US until too late. Pushing US power around the world will be logistically far more difficult to sustain without it's allies. Another example, if Trump takes the US out of NATO which is widely predicted, bye bye Incirik Air Base in Turkey. Probably one of the most used US air bases for projecting air power to the middle east. I agree with Trump, on NATO, EU countires needs to up defence spending. Problem is it's not as easy for the EU as the US as many EU countries are still wallowing under covid debit and their economies are much much smaller than the US's making recovery much harder. However, the US without NATO, is as equally fubar'ed as Europe. The US couldn't have fought half it's wars without Incirlik or Deigo Garcia.

The US needs to wake up quickly to Trump. He's a businessman not a politician and his political inexperience and money based policies are quickly destroying all US legitimacy and security around the world. Without allies, the US cannot function militarily as it has done in the past and the threat to the US will be greater than ever without NATO.
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Don't believe Trumps bullsh*t propoganda.
So whose BS propaganda do you believe? Referencing a US based organization doesn't mean it's credible. A big part of the US media is controlled by Axel Springer SE via Business Insider and Politico, with other outlets routinely echoing their propaganda. I have relatives in Germany and England and know well that what's in the media there is anti-US liberal crap. After fawning over Obama and Biden, now the media in Europe does a 180 to hate Trump. Trump doesn't like war. Anywhere, not just in his own backyard. Is that the problem?
FAFO Zelensky - enjoy retirement
Don't believe Trumps bullsh*t propoganda. Even Macron pulled him up on live US tv over his inaccuracies claiming the EU has loans and the US is paying. The EU has no repayments unless Russia voluntarily hands over it's seized assets to pay for the war. What are the chances of that happening? Failing that, the EU doesn't get repaid.

Europe has contributed far more than the US. Independent analysis shows the US has only contributed @ £128 Bn not the £500 Bn that Trump claimed and of that, only around £71 Bn was weapons, the rest was humanitarian aid. So the US has put in £71Bn in military aid.

EU countries by contrast have collectively put in SIX TIMES AS MUCH AS THE US financially in military aid at nearly £400 Bn.

Even your own news websites are commenting on this:

As for it not being in your backyard. As already explained above, history of the last 2 world wars shows war in Europe spreads to the US.

As for you don't give a care what the world thinks. Fine. But you've turned the whole world against you and no country can police a world where every other country hates it. Ultimately, it will be the US's downfall as non G20 countries gravitate towards Russia and China for security and trade (we're already seeing this with many African, Asian and Pacific Countries with groups such as BRICS), and G20 countries gravitate towards Europe with both seeking trade and security from elsewhere than the US. As Matt pointed out, the US has relied on UK and European support in wars for years both for political legitimacy and help with the fighting. Lose your allies, which Trump is well on the way to doing, and future wars will become much harder for the US as it will be fighting alone without support which equals more hatred towards it and more US troops lost as more US troops and equipment will have to be committed to make up the gaps perviously filled by other nations. Lets not forget in the Gulf war, Britain made significant tank and air assaults. Without that, you're going to have more US casualties as more have to be committed. Trump may see countries like the EU and UK as insignificant, but they play a major role in US security. eg. Diego Garcia, one of the most important US bases in the Pacific is leased to the US by Britain (provided Starmer doesn't sell it!). If Britain ceases leasing it (or sells it), no forward air base for the US. Gibralter is a major refuelling and repair port for US ships and subs in the Med. UK hosts numerous forward air bases for US forces in Europe not to mention Fylingdales and other important listening posts and radar stations. The same with the EU nations. Without the UK and EU, the US is blind to the East with no listening or early warning radar, has no forward air or ground bases, no where to repair or replenish it's ships or subs in the Atlantic or Med, no where to stage forward readiness in the middle East. The US is f*cked. Without the UK and EU forward listening / radar posts, it can't even detect and attack on the Mainland US until too late. Pushing US power around the world will be logistically far more difficult to sustain without it's allies. Another example, if Trump takes the US out of NATO which is widely predicted, bye bye Incirik Air Base in Turkey. Probably one of the most used US air bases for projecting air power to the middle east. I agree with Trump, on NATO, EU countires needs to up defence spending. Problem is it's not as easy for the EU as the US as many EU countries are still wallowing under covid debit and their economies are much much smaller than the US's making recovery much harder. However, the US without NATO, is as equally fubar'ed as Europe. The US couldn't have fought half it's wars without Incirlik or Deigo Garcia.

The US needs to wake up quickly to Trump. He's a businessman not a politician and his political inexperience and money based policies are quickly destroying all US legitimacy and security around the world. Without allies, the US cannot function militarily as it has done in the past and the threat to the US will be greater than ever without NATO.

Is that a lecture from a failed State?

Reality TV in the Oval Office, Drama made on purpose for the viewers.
Definitely a setup for an excuse why "Peace was not achievable in 24hrs"

Preston Stewart's take ..

This Was Embarrassing - Trump/Vance Berate Zelensky
Preston Stewart

Feb 28, 2025
This got out of control fast.

Ukrainian president Zelensky visited the White House today. It started well and then pretty quickly got out of control.

So whose BS propaganda do you believe? Referencing a US based organization doesn't mean it's credible. A big part of the US media is controlled by Axel Springer SE via Business Insider and Politico, with other outlets routinely echoing their propaganda. I have relatives in Germany and England and know well that what's in the media there is anti-US liberal crap. After fawning over Obama and Biden, now the media in Europe does a 180 to hate Trump. Trump doesn't like war. Anywhere, not just in his own backyard. Is that the problem?

Man, I was so sick of the Gaslighting from the Biden Administration, the MSM, et al .. and was hoping to get more honesty .. just getting more Gaslighting .. seriously, .. Ukraine started this war ?!?!?!

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How to DESTROY your opponent in any ARGUMENT (it's actually very easy)

And I give TWO SHITS WHAT THE WORLD LEADERS THINK! Where TF have they been during all of this? Fuking pussies.

Reality TV in the Oval Office, Drama made on purpose for the viewers.
I don't have my own conclusion over who slimed who in this, and don't think I'll even have enough correct info and/or smarts to know the answer. Having said that, I can say that Zelensky has been riding the wave of fear if we don't stop Russia in Ukraine, it will have a free hand to take other countries. That has given Zelensky a pretty much free hand to extort money from the western countries while negotiating and fighting on his terms. Trump told him the rules have changed, and he has to give up control of how things are run if he wants more support. Zelensky threw a hissy fit over this, then Trump and Vance responded with a bigger hissy fit. Maybe time will tell who the good guys and bad guys were, if any of them were actually good guys.
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How to DESTROY your opponent in any ARGUMENT (it's actually very easy)
This video is close to a training course for politicians. Here's my short summary of the 5 techniques.

At 1:45, Exaggerate to absurdity. Done by putting words in your opponent's mouth.

At 2:30, Molte Bailey technique. Make you opponent angry to look less credible. Changing the subject is one of many ways.

At 3:35, Concede a small point, generalize it to put words in your opponent's mouth, then use them to draw a false conclusion.

At 4:09, Choose favorite metaphors. A big one is to frame your opponent as being "at war with" something.

At 4:42, Persuade the audience, not the opponent. The opponent might be well informed about something but the audience isn't. It's a lot easier to deceive the audience. Associated with this is to make stuff up and declare yourself the winner.

(My own comment) Countering these deceptions requires not only knowing the techniques, but instantly recognizing and countering them. If you figure it out later, it's too late and you're already toast. I've noticed that the new press secretary is really good at defending against these things. Myself, not so much.
And I give TWO SHITS WHAT THE WORLD LEADERS THINK! Where TF have they been during all of this? Fuking pussies.

View attachment 215750
Exactly! Ball is in your court Europe. Feel free to fix the shit storm in your own backyard. You want to sit back and take pot shots okay then we'll watch you come up with a plan and we'll sit back with popcorn in hand

Anyone who thinks this was a planned ambush is dwelling in BS conspiracy. All Z man had to do was shut up and sign the deal his gubermint insisted he sign.
I watched the full 40 + minutes video on Fox.
Trump and Vance where nothing but respectful. But Zelensky was high on coke and that itself is disrespectful. We only saw the last 7 min, when Zelensky wanted to respond to Vance, who was answering a question about free speech in Europe.

Zelensky mostly after being told to do so by EU leaders and democrats/RINOs just a a few hours before is visit to the WH, tried to use the media to put Trump administration under pressure to continue aid and weapons and EU wants to put boots on the ground.

Trump administration wanted the mineral deal without any boots on the ground. This can only work if Russia agrees. Most of the minerals are under Russian control or within the annexed regions.

Russia would never accept Nato troops in ukraine under any pretext.

What Putin is offering at least as per some folks on X is their own mineral deal. Putin said something about Russian oligarchs to work jointly.

Also Zelensky said that Putin violated the 2014 agreement. Well in that meeting in 2014 it was Zelensky who was laughing and he had no intention to keep the deal.
Check video below during the signing of the Minsk II, he knew that all the other signatories of agreement had no intention of keeping their end of the bargain with Russia.


Also this is what Ukraine was doing in 2014 to Russian speaking Ukrainians.

CNN own video.

The Russian speaking Ukrainians where literally begging Putin to intervene. He finally did in 2022 after all diplomatic options where exhausted and according to Putin's own word backstabbed by France, Germany who co signed the Minsk II.

Let's also not forget the famous coup that all started this in 2014.
Zelenskyy overplayed his hand. The mineral deal was done, all he needed to do was sign it but he decided to grandstand in front of the media. Which is why his aid was shaking her head so violently.
Obviously the aids are more intelligent than Zelensky. They know/knew that if the mineral deal was signed, that's as good as gold for them. Getting USA companies drilling, mining, etc... in Ukraine would have been better than any security guarantee.

If a country tried to attack our companies, we'd nail them hard. So what now? President Trump REALLY has the upper hand now. Ukraine has nothing else to offer... they're basically screwed. Europe sure isn't going to be able to do anything to stop Russia.
Anders Puck Nielsen's take on this ..

Trump humiliates Zelensky to save his doomed peace process
Anders Puck Nielsen

Mar 1, 2025
Zelensky's disastrous visit to the White House shows that the American peace process is stalled. Trump and Vance tried to humiliate Zelensky into submission, but it didn't work. In this video I reflect on the diplomatic catastrophe, and what might come next.

My favorite comment on this :

"It's like two aggressive car dealers trying to force you to purchase a brand-new Cybertruck at gunpoint without a test drive or warranty.Many will wake up one day and realize that they were on the wrong side of history" - @123sabong


I watched the full 40 + minutes video on Fox.
Trump and Vance where nothing but respectful. But Zelensky was high on coke and that itself is disrespectful. We only saw the last 7 min, when Zelensky wanted to respond to Vance, who was answering a question about free speech in Europe.

Zelensky mostly after being told to do so by EU leaders and democrats/RINOs just a a few hours before is visit to the WH, tried to use the media to put Trump administration under pressure to continue aid and weapons and EU wants to put boots on the ground.

Trump administration wanted the mineral deal without any boots on the ground. This can only work if Russia agrees. Most of the minerals are under Russian control or within the annexed regions.

Russia would never accept Nato troops in ukraine under any pretext.

What Putin is offering at least as per some folks on X is their own mineral deal. Putin said something about Russian oligarchs to work jointly.

Also Zelensky said that Putin violated the 2014 agreement. Well in that meeting in 2014 it was Zelensky who was laughing and he had no intention to keep the deal.
Check video below during the signing of the Minsk II, he knew that all the other signatories of agreement had no intention of keeping their end of the bargain with Russia.


Also this is what Ukraine was doing in 2014 to Russian speaking Ukrainians.

CNN own video.

The Russian speaking Ukrainians where literally begging Putin to intervene. He finally did in 2022 after all diplomatic options where exhausted and according to Putin's own word backstabbed by France, Germany who co signed the Minsk II.

Let's also not forget the famous coup that all started this in 2014.

Gaslighting us again ..

Does not matter what Ukraine does in their country, Russia made a peace deal with Ukraine to respect and defend their borders after Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons to Russia.
And I give TWO SHITS WHAT THE WORLD LEADERS THINK! Where TF have they been during all of this? Fuking pussies.

View attachment 215750

Summary of the facts :
1) Donald Trump promised he would end this war in 24 hours.
2) Donald Trump promised us he is the master of the deal ( aka Mr "The Art of the Deal" )
3) Donald Trump's team negotiates with Russia and Ukraine separately. Claiming they are close to a deal with each side.
4) Donald Trump's team votes against their allies in the UN.
5) Donald Trump has extensive experience running Reality TV.
6) Donald Trump has access to all the top talent in the USA for diplomacy, state's craft.
7) Donald Trump's team somehow fails to think berating and insulting the man who they claim is a dictator would be happy to Trust America just one more time .. this small jewish man somehow over throws the apple cart and it's all his fault that the 5D chess masters can not get a deal done.

Talk about gaslighting .. I did not like gaslighting by the former administration, and it should be 100% clear to anyone who can step aside from the bias media that this was 100% a setup - either that or team Trump is run by incompetent people.

Honestly, I do believe the Trump team are smart people .. now the question is why they wanted this to fail. Was it just to find someone to blame other than Putin for the failure ? A scape goat for those whose claim to have enough power to end this war ?

Make no mistake about this, we are getting gaslighted by this administration just as we were by the past one.
Yup, basically .. and proving to teammates that you really do not want the USA to be your teammate

The US Just Rage Quit Ukraine
Preston Stewart

Mar 1, 2025
Trump tried three options to end the war quickly, they all fell apart

Yesterday was the diplomatic equivalent of throwing the Monopoly board because the game isn't going how you want. This wasn't because someone's feelings got hurt, I believe it's because the Trump administration tried three different ways to end the war quickly and all fell apart. Today we're going to walk through those three attempts and why they failed.

I miss Ronald Reagan .. one of the best Presidents we have had .. and I am feeling better about Nixon as I learn more about his foreign affairs skills



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