Unable to update?

In a previous post to this topic I provided the six (6) steps I used to manually update my Blue Iris installation. Below is my amended procedure which is offered because of the following issue which I have experienced when installing over today...
  1. Executed the installer ("Run As Administrator"). Chose the installer's "Modify" option. The Installer completed and -- after a manual reboot, Blue Iris Options > About reported ("Release x64"). Hmmm.
  2. Manually stopped the Windows "Blue Iris Service. Executed the installer ("Run As Administrator"). Chose the installer's "Modify" option and -- after the installer completed, and after another manual reboot -- Blue Iris Options > About reported ("Release x64"). Hmmm again.
  3. Manually stopped the Windows "Blue Iris Service. Executed the installer (Run As Administrator). Chose the installer's "Repair" option and -- after installer process completion and yet another manual reboot -- Blue Iris Options > About reports ("Release x64"). Joy.
Therefore, unsure of precisely what the issue is, I have amended my Blue Iris manual update procedure as follows...
  1. Blue Iris Options > About reports that my Support Level is "Basic [Expired] Expires: 10/24/2016"
  2. is running on my Blue Iris server
  3. Manually downloaded the Blue Iris installer from Download Blue Iris (to determine the installer version RIGHT-CLICK the installer file, click the "Detail" tab and look at "version")
  4. Manually stopped the Blue Iris Windows Service on my server
  5. Ran (as Administrator) the BI installer I had previously downloaded
  6. Chose the installer's "Repair" option
  7. Rebooted my Blue Iris server
  8. Started the Blue Iris console and noted that Options > About reports that is installed
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I updated around noon, eastern, and had no problems. Used the "Check for Update" tab in the main configuration icon.

As far as after the first year goes. When you buy BI it comes with one year of support. After that, you need to pay for support on a yearly basis. As the old saying goes, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch". Even with that, BI is by far the most inexpensive, professional, VM around. Others that compare, or are even better, cost upwards of $100 per year per camera.
Here are the steps I have been using.
1-Download the update file, Blue Iris Updates
2-Either choose run or save as, both works.
3-Bi was left running during this.
4-After update completes, BI opens backup.
This is the same procedure that updating via the About Tab uses.
No reboots needed.

That used to work for me but -- for some unknown reason -- no longer. smiley13.gif
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Here are the steps I have been using.
1-Download the update file, Blue Iris Updates
2-Either choose run or save as, both works.
3-Bi was left running during this.
4-After update completes, BI opens backup.
This is the same procedure that updating via the About Tab uses.
No reboots needed.

This is what I do, works perfectly. I then rename "update64" to "update64_4.8.4.6" and move it to a folder for updates.
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Much simper to use BI Update Helper. It preserves the previous version automagically before each update. I have versions going back almost two years now either on backup media or on the live drive.
Much simper to use BI Update Helper. It preserves the previous version automagically before each update. I have versions going back almost two years now either on backup media or on the live drive.

I was using it but it seemed to stop working, just reinstalled with the latest 1.6.4 and I will keep track of it. Maybe it was my error why it wasn't working.
I agree he deserves the $. But he should obey my proposed law - if greyed out, it MUST have an explanation provided near or in a tooltip popup. It worried me. I'm holding off till BI5 to buy, psssst --- don't tell Ken.
I agree he deserves the $. But he should obey my proposed law - if greyed out, it MUST have an explanation provided near or in a tooltip popup. It worried me. I'm holding off till BI5 to buy, psssst --- don't tell Ken.
The explanation was given a release note more than a year ago. Trust me. Ken doesn't care about your stinking $30 upgrade fee. Let us know what software you go with we're all waiting to hear. Stop being a cheap leach. He's not your slave and doesn't have to obey you. It's comical how folks like you are so demanding on a $60 piece of software. You're too damn cheap to try anything else so you'll come running back.
I found in the messeges section a note about a new version. I manually downloaded it and loaded with no issue. ManUallynupdating remotely as i do was always hit or miss, but this one went smoother than most.