US Elections (& Politics) :)

This will light your fire....

View attachment 107539
Sounds like they need to up her anti-depressent. The dose she is currently on obviously is not strong enough. Sounds like she also needs to take a visit to Pearl Harbor and then maybe she will understand the concept of "tit-for-tat".
This will light your fire....

View attachment 107539
Sounds like they need to up her anti-depressent. The dose she is currently on obviously is not strong enough. Sounds like she also needs to take a visit to Pearl Harbor and then maybe she will understand the concept of "tit-for-tat".

I have no respect for those who feel "ashamed" about the atomic bomb yet do not feel ashamed if more Americans died on a foot invasion .. too many leftist teachers not doing a good job educating in the USA.

The main concern for the Americans was the potential for huge casualty rates. Nearly every senior officer involved in the planning did his own research regarding American casualties – this was based on the experience America had fighting the Japanese since Pearl Harbour.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff estimated that Olympic alone would cost 456,000 men, including 109,000 killed. Including Coronet, it was estimated that America would experience 1.2 million casualties, with 267,000 deaths.

Staff working for Chester Nimitz, calculated that the first 30 days of Olympic alone would cost 49,000 men. MacArthur’s staff concluded that America would suffer 125,000 casualties after 120 days, a figure that was later reduced to 105,000 casualties after his staff subtracted the men who when wounded could return to battle.

General Marshall, in conference with President Truman, estimated 31,000 in 30 days after landing in Kyushu. Admiral Leahy estimated that the invasion would cost 268,000 casualties. Personnel at the Navy Department estimated that the total losses to America would be between 1.7 and 4 million with 400,000 to 800,000 deaths. The same department estimated that there would be up to 10 million Japanese casualties. The ‘Los Angeles Times’ estimated that America would suffer up to 1 million casualties.

Regardless of which figures were used, it was an accepted fact that America would lose a very large number of men. This was one of the reasons why President Truman authorised the use of the atomic bomb in an effort to get Japan to surrender.

What the holy hell is wrong with her? I think what ever Brandon has is contagious. Must be something in the air duct system in DC.

Watch starting @ 1:13:20

If you tied her hands together or behind her back her #$%& head would probably explode !! :headbang:
So when do we get compensated for all the mess panning throughout the country? :rofl: $450,000 anyone? :facepalm:

People make their own choices. They knew the risks of coming to the US and illegally entering long before they hopped on a bus and got let off at the border. They knew what the chances were of kids getting separated from their families if caught. They made a choice. Now, they have to live with it. Why should the US citizens bankroll the rest of the world? Because some liberal politician thinks we should? Good. Then they need to donate their entire paycheck and future pensions all to the very people they want the citizens to pay for. It was their idea to begin with. They should fund it themselves.

My Dad had dementia for 8 years before he died. I know the symptoms very, very well. Brandon, there, has advanced dementia. His handlers are not there to stop him or pull him off the stage when he has a outburst and embarrasses himself. Any medication for dementia is only experimental. (kind of like covid) You can't cure it and it is really debatable if you can even slow it down. Pull his ass out of the whitehouse now, send him home with a bucket of ice cream and a box of depends. One of those items makes him happy and the other one makes his caretakers happy.
Another little known fact about the use of the atomic bombs on Japan is that the bombing campaign had changed. LeMay was put in charge and he evaluated what was going on. The B29s were bombing from 14000 to 15000 feet. Even with the accuracy of the bomb sights they were missing far more often than hitting the real targets.

LeMay decided they would come in at 5000 feet, or lower, and drop napalm instead. The result was everything was being hit, industrial and military targets but the civilian areas were getting caught in the ensuing fire storms. Roughly half of Tokyo was incinerated in one day of raids.

There is an argument, probably well founded, that Truman decided that destroying two cities, decisively, in a single strike was a better solution than burning down most of Japan and putting them back into the 14th century.
I have been watching a Polish series on Netflix titled, '1983'. Pretty sure it is modeled after the book, 1984. Regardless, it is pretty damn good, and it reeks of government power overreach, just as this does. Is the POS POTUS weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI for his own personal vendettas?

Sweet, where's my hard to find toilet paper? Went to Costco the other day only to find out they were out of it. I crapped my pants :rofl: Everyone put their masks back on in full swing

Time to invest in a bidet

Perfect timing @Arjun


You think this stolen 2020 election, Brandons fast-track plan to eliminate petrol cars, or anything petrol is a coincidence? You think the government buying up all of the housing at any cost in the US is a coincidence? You think people like Bill Gates snapping up farmland everywhere and becoming the largest single landowner in the US is a coincidence? You think the government pushing to keep people sucking on the government tit forever is a coincidence? You think "Covid" scare, everyone forced to wear masks and attempting mandated vax's forever is a coincidence?

Read the attached World Economic Foundations (WEF) plan for 2030 and tell me we aren't well on our way in the past 10 months to everyone in the US forever being prisoners to the government?

I don't think he knows he's lying, he can't remember the last sentence he said. The anger displayed is also a symptom of dementia.
Guess I'm one of the 'older' people she is targeting. Shut your trap you worthless tramp...make me a screw-driver! :) It's only two ingredients so hopefully that would be simple enough for this twat.
