My Comment. This is just downright hilarious. It is the consumers fault for buying things. Bwahahahaha. IMHO it is driven by successive tsunamis of government deficit spending, and the policies of the Biden administration such as oil production.
The problem is, it has been at least three if not four generations since anyone was taught the lessons from the Great Depression and the World War I and WWII years. Just to make it VERY SIMPLE for anyone who wants it short and sweet.What do you suppose they are buying? Aside from fuel, electricity, water, food and other "essentials" I'd recommend consumers stop going out to eat and make due with the electronics and durable goods they already have unless they died and they NEED TO be replaced. Also, for non-durable goods like clothing, shoes, etc. just make due with what you have. Any extra disposable income should be saved, invested or purchase things you should have like firearms/ammo, alcohol and security cams, of course.
I don't know, I am not sure we are there yet, not that we will fully follow suit of other countries but the next Plandemic is a definite and from what is going on in other countries, they are attacking the food and energy supplies. That will definitely get people out on the streets.
The problem is, it has been at least three if not four generations since anyone was taught the lessons from the Great Depression and the World War I and WWII years. Just to make it VERY SIMPLE for anyone who wants it short and sweet.
It's not about what you WANT or what you THINK you need.
It's ONLY about what you need to survive, for NOW and TOMORROW.
Food, water, shelter.
Wayyy too quick in my opinion.That piece of human scum, and I don't care if he worships a toaster or Muhammad, should have gotten the lethal jab within a year of being captured. This is utter bullshit!
But mommy mommy, I want to be a princess too