Known around here
Agreed, I just respect the woman and cringe at the correct post by the English lady in response. If I had a Twatter account I’d apologize for the 1/2 of our country who don’t deserve to be American citizens.
Desantis is saving Florida tax payers millions of dollars by paying to fly them to Martha's Vineyard. They should start doing those flights 7 days a week. Won't take but a day or two before the rich assholes blow a hemorrhoid....They got exactly what they wanted. Now deal with them.
It appears Marthas vineyard is giddy over receiving illegal aliens on their exclusive rich island. Time to step up the flights from Florida, Texas, Arizona, Georgia, Tennessee, and any other state that has tens of thousands of illegal alien freeloaders they need to get rid of. Marthas Vineyard will take them all! I give it 24 hours, Marthas Vineyard airport will mysteriously be shut down indefinitely for unforeseen maintenance!
Fernandes shared a picture of cots in a room. He said the island “jumped into action” to put together 50 beds, making sure everyone had a meal, providing a play area for children, healthcare resources, and other supports.
“We are a community that comes together to support immigrants,” he said.
Planes full of immigrants dropped off in Martha’s Vineyard, sent by Florida Gov. DeSantis
The Martha’s Vineyard Times reported it was told that the refugees arrived from Texas, “but the situation has been fluid and there has been a lot of confusion surrounding today’s events.”
He saw what happened in 2020 and doesn't trust the election processI wonder if he voted for himself since he is running for senate? @@@@ing scumbag dementia-riddled sack of $$$&.
Right there with you sir.Agreed, I just respect the woman and cringe at the correct post by the English lady in response. If I had a Twatter account I’d apologize for the 1/2 of our country who don’t deserve to be American citizens.
Right on the money. Another example is when they were subpoenaing big tech heads. They had their little hearings, but nothing happened at all. Just a huge waste of time.I don't know about you but I've become very skeptical. I really like Rand Paul but I hear all this talk from Republicans about what they are going to do and I have serious doubts that anything will ever happen.
I give this 4 weeks, After that, the NIMBY's will have relocated everyone off the island. Once winter comes, they will no longer need any landscapers to take care of their lawns.It appears Marthas vineyard is giddy over receiving illegal aliens on their exclusive rich island. Time to step up the flights from Florida, Texas, Arizona, Georgia, Tennessee, and any other state that has tens of thousands of illegal alien freeloaders they need to get rid of. Marthas Vineyard will take them all! I give it 24 hours, Marthas Vineyard airport will mysteriously be shut down indefinitely for unforeseen maintenance!
Fernandes shared a picture of cots in a room. He said the island “jumped into action” to put together 50 beds, making sure everyone had a meal, providing a play area for children, healthcare resources, and other supports.
“We are a community that comes together to support immigrants,” he said.
Planes full of immigrants dropped off in Martha’s Vineyard, sent by Florida Gov. DeSantis
The Martha’s Vineyard Times reported it was told that the refugees arrived from Texas, “but the situation has been fluid and there has been a lot of confusion surrounding today’s events.”
...They had their little hearings, but nothing happened at all. Just a huge waste of time.
I hope they run this footage against her where she paid this guy to harvest ballots. Only thing Democracks know how to do is Cheat...2000 Mules Texas Style:
Newly Discovered Police Body Cam Footage Implicates
Top Tarrant Co. Texas Democrat Officials in Ballot Harvesting
By Brian Lupo
The Gateway Pundit dot com
Published September 14, 2022 at 8:00am
2000Mules Texas Style: Newly Discovered Police Body Cam Footage Implicates Top Tarrant Co. Texas Democrat Officials in Ballot Harvesting | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo
Newly discovered police body cam footage in Forth Worth, TX obtained by The Gateway Pundit shows that the claims made in True the Vote and Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000Mules were not exclusive to the “swing states”. Or the 2020 election. This footage implicates two top Democrat leaders in the county’
Newly discovered police body cam footage in Forth Worth, TX obtained by The Gateway Pundit shows that the claims made in True the Vote and Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000Mules were not exclusive to the “swing states”. Or the 2020 election. This footage implicates two top Democrat leaders in the county’s party: former Tarrant Co. Democratic Party (TCDP) chairwoman and now candidate for Tarrant Co Judge Deborah Peoples and the director at The Peoples Group, Stuart Clegg. Clegg was also the executive director for the TCDP and Peoples was a member of the Tarrant County election board and commission responsible for overseeing the integrity of county elections.
You may remember Tarrant County from the 2020 election: it was a red county for 56 years until the COVID lockdowns and a massive push for the fraud-ridden universal mail-in ballot system. The Gateway Pundit reported on this back in November 2020. Tarrant County hired Heider Garcia, who obtained his engineering degree in Venezuela and worked for Smartmatic for 12 years, where he was an executive level employee. In 2010, Garcia was called “a son of a bitch” by Philippine Congressman Teodoro Locsin after “unforeseen” circumstances led to huge election discrepancies in the country.
But this story isn’t about him, however, it is about an accusation of a long time fraud perpetrated on the people in the jurisdiction he supervises. In October 2018, four women were arrested in a voter fraud ring in Fort Worth. According to the Star-Telegram:
Body-cam footage, worth the watch:
Former Tarrant Co Dem Party Chair and Candidate Deborah Peoples Implicated in Ballot Harvesting
They can't win if they don't cheat. And they know it.I hope they run this footage against her where she paid this guy to harvest ballots. Only thing Democracks know how to do is Cheat...
And the sad thing is, they know they don't have to hide it. They have set everything up over many years, and now, they can do everything in the open.They can't win if they don't cheat. And they know it.
Here you go:That’s one of the many problems in this country; there is no class, dignity, or respect. Instead of promoting grace and lady-like qualities, people are too focused upon whoredom, wholesale murder of babies, trashy living, and having everything handed to them.
Instead of classy figures such as the Queen, we have jill biden, kamala harris, nancy pelosi, and the like. Yeah, those pieces of &&&& just scream class, huh?