Trump roasts Biden with hilarious blooper bonanza of Joe’s greatest gaffes
Trump roasts Biden with hilarious blooper bonanza of Joe's greatest gaffes: 'Pssst... Jackie's dead'
Former President Donald Trump brought down the house at his Minden, Nevada, “Save America” rally on Saturday with a brilliantly edited two-minute video highlighting some of Joe Biden’s most mortifying gaffes as his packed audience chanted “Joe’s Gotta Go!” After commenting on Hunter Biden and the lack of real accountability regarding the first son’s alleged corrupt behavior, Trump said to the raucous crowd: “We had just a little, quick video made up. Would you like to see it?”
Rather than rumble, a booming voice urged attendees to “
Let’s get ready to bumble!” as the clips rolled to the tune of “Get Ready for This” by 2 Unlimited for a howling audience. Featured in the reel were such memorable POTUS moments as:
The people’s right to badakathcare
“I can’t believe I said that!”
Easter Bunny assists
Trouble with stairs
Trouble with coats
And everybody’s favorite: “Where’s Jackie?”
Yes, for more than 120 side-splitting seconds, Minden and the world were treated to a feast of faux pas, falls, and… you know… “the thing.”
Were it not for the fact that Biden holds the nuclear football and keeps talking about Armageddon, it would be an instant classic.