US Elections (& Politics) :)

I fixed a sentence in the article...

I’m told that Hoffman and [adviser Dmitri] Mehlhorn, at a high level, don’t view the Florida governor as an existential threat to democracy the Washington establishment, deep state, and globalists, unlike Trump,
As history always repeats itself, thru weakness and lack of a spine, Biden has probably doomed Taiwan...and now we have the Europeans adding fuel to the fire. Just Swell.

If this is true, know what we need to do with Europe? Get TF out of Europe, THATS what we need to do!


Do you have references on this .. or is this just another falsehood posted ..

honestly, we are spending only 2-3% of of our defense budget to defeat a near peer adversary .. very affordable deal.

Compare how much money we spend to battle Nazi Germany and Japan ..
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