US Elections (& Politics) :)

AOC has met her match......

"FYI there’s a fake account on here impersonating me and going viral. The Twitter CEO has engaged it, boosting visibility.
It is releasing false policy statements and gaining spread.
I am assessing with my team how to move forward. In the meantime, be careful of what you see."
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 30, 2023

lol .. guess the key word "parody" isn't well know by her followers ..


What, 4 freakin' years of fake Russian Collusion. For what, Facebook ads that neither I, and I doubt anyone from the left can say they ever saw. You know, the FB ads that were the main reason that DJT won the Presidency :rolleyes:.

Yet when there is real election meddling it's nothing but crickets. The atombrains are so impressionable. Feed them a narrative and they run with it with full hysterical gusto.

What happens when foreign governments have absolutely no respect for an administration?

