US Elections (& Politics) :)

We let Chinese spy balloons float all over the US, over highly secured military bases for days on end, but let a US Citizens plane fly over DC, we'll blow the MFer right out of the sky at mach speed and be damned where the debris falls........

Virginia state police have "1" chopper in the air, currently. Only one?

Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 7.09.24 PM.png
I read the F16s said the Cessna pilot was unresponsive and they followed it till it crashed ina wooded area...
The Myth Of Systemic Racism
The Myth Of Systemic Racism | ZeroHedge

.... To be truthful about the causes of social disruption in the U.S., we must point a finger not at white America, but rather at the black community. What we are experiencing is not systemic racism from whites. It is systemic violence, mostly from black people, who "commit murder eight times more per capita than any other group," in the words of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. The leftist canard that racist police and the justice system deliberately discriminate against black Americans is a lie.

In spite of a continuing history of violence, blacks are not being held responsible for their behavior. Black men make up six percent of the U.S. population but account for a majority of all violent crime, said Heather Mac Donald in The War on Cops. Ignoring the obvious connection between black criminality and black incarceration, the left continues to blame the police.

"Numerical disparities result from differences of offending," said black talk show host Larry Elder, "not because of racism."
Blacks lag behind other groups in economic success, safe neighborhoods, and family cohesiveness. Addressing the question of who or what is responsible, Heather Mac Donald contends that blacks must be held responsible for their own negative behaviors. The notion that blacks are victims of a racist society may have been true prior to the 1960s, she says, but this is a half-century after the civil rights movement.

"When Americans are viewed as individuals responsible for their decisions," says David Horowitz, "it is apparent that disparities in income, education, and even susceptibility to diseases flow principally from poor choices made by individuals who fail to take advantage of the opportunities available to them in a country where discrimination by race or gender is illegal."
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Want to talk about privileged white trash? THIS IS PRIVILEGED POWERFUL White Trash! Look at those 'Better then thou, smug' faces...omg.

This adolescent garbage is wayyy out of hand

If You Stand In The Way Of Their Agenda, You Will Pay A Price
If You Stand In The Way Of Their Agenda, You Will Pay A Price | ZeroHedge

The cultural environment that we live in has become insanely oppressive, and I am about to share an example with you that perfectly demonstrates this.

A few days ago, a high school student in a rural area of Idaho told his fellow students that “guys are guys and girls are girls”, and the fallout from that statement proceeded to create a firestorm of controversy that is making headlines all over the nation. Sadly, the truth is that we now live in a society where anyone that tries to resist the new culture that is being imposed on all of us must be severely punished.

Dissent is simply not allowed, and Kellogg High School senior Travis Lohr found that out the hard way

On Thursday, Kellogg High School senior Travis Lohr took part in an activity where seniors share advice for lowerclassmen. In a departure from his preapproved remarks, Lohr spoke from his heart, saying, “Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.”
Despite the fact that this simple statement has been a truism for all of human history, the leadership of Kellogg High School seemed to think it was unacceptable. Principal Dan Davidian informed Lohr that he would not be allowed to walk in his graduation ceremony on Saturday.
This didn’t take place in California.

Kellogg High School is located in one of the most conservative areas of one of the most conservative states in the entire nation.

If this can happen in Idaho, it can happen anywhere.

When the community learned what had happened, a peaceful protest was quickly organized, and that is when things started getting really crazy.

The following is how a member of the Idaho legislature named Heather Scott summarized what we have witnessed so far

UNACCEPTABLE! The Shoshone County Kellogg High school graduation is canceled for all students! So how I am understanding this is:
1. A student speaks scientific truth at a school assembly (“Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.”)
2. Science denier “adult” teachers were offended.
3. The student was punished and is now forbidden to participate in graduation.
4. Parents, students, and community members voiced their concerns in a peaceful protest.
5. The school then fired an off-duty bus driver for joining the peaceful protest!
6. The Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office informed the school of concerns about “safety”
7. The school will now punish the entire student body and community by postponing graduation for all students
Why in the world would a bus driver be fired on the spot for simply joining a peaceful protest?

Unfortunately, all of those that showed public support for Travis Lohr are being framed as the bad guys.

And it turns out that the sheriff that raised “safety concerns” about the graduation ceremony also happens to be married to an art teacher at the high school

Shoshone County Sheriff Holly Lindsey cited “Safety Concerns.”
Sheriff Lindsey is “married” to Kellogg HS Art Teacher Rachel Krusemark, one of the 3 teachers offended by Travis Lohr’s statements.
If those teachers had not made such a fuss, this controversy never would have erupted.

Why can’t they just let people say things that they disagree with?

People say things that deeply offend me all the time, but I am not trying to shut down their right to say those things.

Sadly, it isn’t just the school that has taken action. According to Travis Lohr, he has also just had a job offer rescinded

A student barred from his high school graduation ceremony after stating there are only two genders said in a Sunday interview on “Fox & Friends” that a firefighting job offer has now been rescinded.
He was supposed to work on Sunday, but when he showed up to complete his paperwork he was given the bad news

Lohr told Campos-Duffy he was slated to start work Sunday, but when he went in to complete the final paperwork, his boss informed him he was rescinding the offer. He described the job as “fighting wildland forest fires.”
“That’s part of life, as I am learning, and I am going to continue to grow from here. I’m not going to dwell on it.”
Yes, this has actually happened in the deep-red state of Idaho.

This just shows how far our society has fallen.

In other areas of the country, radical activists have been making bomb threats against Target just because the retailer removed “some of its Pride Month merchandise after significant backlash”

LGBTQ radicals reportedly deluged Target with bomb threats in retaliation to the retail giant pulling back on some of its Pride Month merchandise after significant backlash.
The bomb threats were allegedly made against several Target stores in at least three states: Utah, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
Our nation is being ripped in two, and there are no quick fixes on the horizon.

Of course a similar revolution is currently underway in Europe. This week, we learned that a “topless pregnant transgender man” is on the cover of Glamour U.K.’s June issue…

A topless pregnant transgender man featured on the cover of Glamour U.K.’s June issue ignited a fierce reaction from online critics Thursday.
Author Logan Brown, a 27-year-old who was born female but now identifies as a transgender man, posed as the cover star of British Glamour Magazine’s digital issue celebrating Pride Month in a painted-on suit, showcasing a large baby bump. Brown unexpectedly became pregnant with partner Bailey J Mills, a non-binary drag performer in the U.K., while taking a break from testosterone treatments due to health reasons, the fashion magazine said.
Everywhere around us, we are being bombarded by propaganda that has been carefully designed to promote the new culture that is relentlessly being imposed upon us.

If you dare to stand in the way of this agenda, you will be punished.

If things are this bad now, just imagine what our culture would look like if we were given another 40 or 50 years…
The cultural environment that we live in has become insanely oppressive, and I am about to share an example with you that perfectly demonstrates this.
Here's another from communist Oregon:

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) – The Central Oregon Diversity Project has called for the resignation of state Rep. Vikki Breese-Iverson, R-Prineville, the Oregon House minority leader, after a photo was posted on social media of her son posing by a WWII German plane on display in Madras and giving an apparent Nazi salute. [note added, the display was likely at a recent airshow. Madras is about 35 miles north of Bend.]

1. "Apparent" = without doubt.
2. We not only punish adults for dumb acts as a teenager, but also for dumb teenage acts of their kids. (What about the same for Hunter and his dad????)
(I however don't consider this to be a dumb act as opposed to just innocent playing around).
3. In the article it also says they want the kid's school to punish him.
4. This smacks of thought police.
5. Why the heck are they apologizing?????
6. Why does a Central Oregon Diversity Project even exist? It's really a political bullying organization. What a crock!

C.O. Diversity Project calls for Breese-Iverson to resign over offensive photo of son; lawmaker and teen issue apologies
.... and more

"Your Speech Is Violence": How The Mob Is Using A New Mantra To Justify Campus Violence
"Your Speech Is Violence": How The Mob Is Using A New Mantra To Justify Campus Violence | ZeroHedge

Just for reference ..

"Hate speech and speech is violence" rules have been attempted at educational campuses for a few decades ..

example :
"There were approximately 75 hate speech codes in place at U.S. colleges and universities in 1990; by 1991, the number grew to over 300. " - Campus Hate Speech Codes
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The Strange Pandemic Of 'White' Disparagement
The Strange Pandemic Of 'White' Disparagement | ZeroHedge

....We are wasting trillions of dollars in capital, labor, and time in tribal cannibalism as our friends abroad watch in horror, and our enemies savor our decline into collective suicide—while we sink into debt, our cities turn medieval, our border disappears, our criminal justice system collapses, and our military chases its tail.

We know from history the ultimate destination of tribal chauvinism, and it is not pretty. Once a society retribalizes, it descends into a Hobbesian war of all against all. Everyone eventually seeks out or manufactures a tribal identity for self-protection. Tribalism operates on the principles of proliferation: if a neighboring nation goes nuclear, then everyone in the neighborhood must too.

Unless some passengers on our runaway train force our engineers to hit the brakes, we are headed over the cliff into Yugoslavia.
Our government is corrupt to the very core

US Refuses To Release Over 8,000 Hours Of Jan. 6 Security Footage: Court Filing
C.O. Diversity Project calls for Breese-Iverson to resign over offensive photo of son; lawmaker and teen issue apologies
This story is in a local outlet where the liberal bots haven't taken over the comment section. The comments are encouraging:

  • It's laughable that his mom should be called on to resign because of it.
  • So what about Hunter? Prostitutes, drugs and shady deals run in the family?
  • Oxymoron of the day: The Central Oregon Diversity Project
  • I'm really disappointed in my Representative Breese-Iverson: that she would apologize to those silly folks. Any kid that doesn't have the urge to throw a Nazi salute in front of a Messerschmidt has no sense of humor and didn't pay attention in history class.
  • How stupid.
  • The Sun rose this Morning, someone should be offended..... Cancelled... Destroyed.... Resign... Perhaps executed... Maybe imprisoned...
  • Make her pay for her kids transgression! Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!

My vote for the best overall comment:
- If everyone in government resigned because of something dumb their kids did, there would be no government.
Long interview with RFK, over an hour and a half. Once I started I couldn't walk away. Almost everything he said was the "right" answer. There's a long time for more info to be revealed, but he's sure looking like a strong choice, perhaps stronger choice, to Trump. I am kind of shocked hearing myself say that.