US Elections (& Politics) :)

I'm a republican, why would I rage incoherently and bash Trump? Matter of fact, I bash Biden all the time among by friends (they bash Biden too). It's actually fun to hang out with your buddies and bash Democrats and their policies LOL ;). (of course we are civil about it)

The reason I don't like trump are his major character flaws. No one is perfect obviously, and Biden is no saint either, but Trump stands out among the crowd. I'd rather not get in to it because I'm not proud of it. And I don't want to dissuade anyone from voting for Trump.

Yes, my taxes are lower with Trump. Yes, my 401K is higher. It's not about the policies for me. I'm sure it doesn't make sense for many of you. To each his own.

You are correct. It makes no sense. Maybe you live to close to the swamp.
@SJGUSMC21 Thank you for your service.
So rather than support Trump you're willing to help risk getting Creepy Sleepy Joe elected? His major flaw, other than being an outright liar, is that he loves to molest women and young girls. I guess that's a better default than Trump being a loud mouthed bully who actually gets the things done he says he's going to do, like a Conservative Court system. You can argue that your one vote doesn't really matter, but being passively against him sure won't help the Country.

@SJGUSMC21 Thank you for your service and dedication, and I will say Sir to a Sargent in this case.

No Thank You for allowing me to do so. I had a blast wouldn't change a thing. Well, one or two marriages...but that is a story for another day......:) Sir...ha, ha. I had definetly worked for a living all me life. Thank you.

At one point, I did consider myself a Republican, but can hardly compare myself to them now, as most are RINO's. I do consider myself more of a Constitutional Conservative. Do I personally, morally like President Trump? Nope, not at all. Do I like what he has done for our country? Hell yes I do! On paper, I think you will find it VERY HARD (lets be real-impossible) to find any Republican POTUS that has done more for our country than he has, especially with all the attacks he has weathered and still came out strong. God help us ALL is the Creeper and the Sleeper win, and we are forced into socialism/marxism.
No Thank You for allowing me to do so. I had a blast wouldn't change a thing. Well, one or two marriages...but that is a story for another day......:) Sir...ha, ha. I had definetly worked for a living all me life. Thank you.

At one point, I did consider myself a Republican, but can hardly compare myself to them now, as most are RINO's. I do consider myself more of a Constitutional Conservative. Do I personally, morally like President Trump? Nope, not at all. Do I like what he has done for our country? Hell yes I do! On paper, I think you will find it VERY HARD (lets be real-impossible) to find any Republican POTUS that has done more for our country than he has, especially with all the attacks he has weathered and still came out strong. God help us ALL is the Creeper and the Sleeper win, and we are forced into socialism/marxism.

Agreed. In my youth I was a Democrat. Supported the likes of JFK and Hubert Humphrey. Then in the 1970's I morphed into a Republican. Later on I have morphed into a Conservative and that is where I am at today. To damn many RINO's in the Republican party.
The funny thing is that JFK and HHH would be considered Conservatives, and probably Republicans, today.

Interesting his 47 years of being a swamp creature Creepy Sleepy Joe has NEVER voted to lower a tax of any kind, only to increase them.
I think most of NoVa is swamp creatures who feed off the government tit.

They have to protect the gravy train!
Lol. I'm sure there is some truth in that. Loudoun County (where I live) is the richest county in America. Fairfax County (next door) is the second richest county. Howard County, Arlington County, etc.

However, I don't work for the government or contract for the government (we call them beltway bandits here). I work for a Silicon Valley company. MAE-East is in Loudoun. IT and Biotechs are huge here. There is a reason Amazon picked NoVa for their second headquarters.

I'm glad Loudoun is three counties away from DC. It would suck to work there.
Lol. I'm sure there is some truth in that. Loudoun County (where I live) is the richest county in America. Fairfax County (next door) is the second richest county. Howard County, Arlington County, etc.

However, I don't work for the government or contract for the government (we call them beltway bandits here). I work for a Silicon Valley company. MAE-East is in Loudoun. IT and Biotechs are huge here. There is a reason Amazon picked NoVa for their second headquarters.

I'm glad Loudoun is three counties away from DC. It would suck to work there.

Do you agree with Biden on packing the Supreme Court with 12 justices instead of 9? Do you agree that DC and Puerto Rico should become states and give the Democrats 4 more US Senators? That is what will happen if Biden becomes President. Also you can kiss the electoral college good bye. This election will determine the course of our country for years to come.
The trend is in President Trump's favor. :)

New Poll Taken After Trump’s Hospitalization Shows Movement Media Didn’t Anticipate

There’s a new poll out that is post-debate and post-news of President Donald Trump getting the Wuhan coronavirus. As such, it provides an interesting window into what voters may be thinking about those two events.
The Zogby poll shows that the President has continued to narrow the polling numbers gap with Joe Biden.

Their July 8th poll showed Biden leading Trump 49% to 42%, their August 29th poll had Biden leading by six points (48% to 42%).
But now, their poll has Biden only leading by two points, 49% to 47%, with 4% not sure. That’s basically a statistical dead-heat. If you factor in the “shy Trump” vote, it might even put Trump on the winning side of the poll.
From Townhall:
The former VP is leading among Democrats 91%-8%, voters 18-29 years of age (60%-35%) and those 30-49 (50%-45%), as well as among women (56%-41%), Progressives (85%-15%), Liberals (85%-14%) and Moderates (58%-36%). He also leads among Hispanics is 61%-34% and Blacks (87%-11%).
The President, who was hospitalized before the poll was launched, leads among fellow Republicans (94%-6%), voters 50-64 (53%-45%) and those over 65 (50%-47%). As of now, Mr. Trump is capturing a slight majority of Catholic voters (51%-46%), Evangelicals (68%-32%), Conservatives (78%-18%), and Very Conservative voters (92%-8%). He also is ahead among Whites (56%-40%) and parents of children under 17 living at home (54%-40%).
Now, the numbers tally with what we previously reported — that Trump has made inroads with the Hispanic and Black vote, with numbers higher than what he got in 2016. Other polls have Trump making even greater inroads with Black voters as we’ve also previously reported.

Do you agree with Biden on packing the Supreme Court with 12 justices instead of 9? Do you agree that DC and Puerto Rico should become states and give the Democrats 4 more US Senators? That is what will happen if Biden becomes President. Also you can kiss the electoral college good bye. This election will determine the course of our country for years to come.
Of course I don't agree. I would rather Trump win than Biden. The reason I'm not voting for anyone are my own personal convictions.
This from the above poll and another forum.

"Shows him getting 11 percent from blacks.

Let’s say that’s 15 to 18 percent (anything above that is absurd)

That’s GREAT. Even at 17 percent That’s 10 percent better than usual.

that’s almost 5 million more votes than usual.

That’s big in PA, MI and some other close states.

Very good news.

It says hispanics..35 percent. I believe 40 percent.

That would be GREAT.

come on guys we were never gonna get the majority of hispanics and more than 18 percent of blacks..but we didn’t need to.
these are HUGE numbers for us..compared to the past"