US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
they'd install (choose from your list) BigMike, Hillary, Gavin, ?... as VP
You bring up an angle I hadn't thought of. They'd probably like to see hillary or newsom in there but know they can't get elected, so they use FJB as a Trojan horse that all of their brain dead voters will fall for.
Aug 3, 2015
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Despite the so-called "debate" being at the top of everyone's discussion list,
I think this morning's Supreme Court decision is HUGELY important.

In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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You bring up an angle I hadn't thought of. They'd probably like to see hillary or newsom in there but know they can't get elected, so they use FJB as a Trojan horse that all of their brain dead voters will fall for.
After Obama issued his marching orders today, I think you'll see the MSM fall back in line, and go with Joe at least through the convention. As you say they need him as the trojan horse.

Lets say they appoint Hillary as VP, then shortly after election (which WILL be rigged again) Joe is forced out, or falls down so much even Jill says enough, then you have Hillary as President, who appoints Newsom as VP and the liberals get what they really want.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Oh wow

Comments, maybe not so crazy, seen on ZH

"I wrote this after the Cuomo hit job against Biden about a week ago.
”I’m telling you, my radar has Jaime Dimon being pulled out of the hat by the DNC to be prez, and his boy wonder as VP will be Mike Bloomberg. Nobody else has a chance against Trump. Not Gavin. Not Oprah. Definitely not Cankles or Big Mike.
Dimon’s been selling his stocks and getting his transfer of power over at JPM done. He’s looking more and more to me as the White Knight. The delegates will, and with a vast majority, enthusiastically vote for him, and the fight will truly be on like Donkey Kong.”
Today, none other than Bill Akman posts this on X today:
“If the Democratic Party were smart, it would make Jamie Dimon the candidate. Jamie said he wouldn’t run unless he was anointed president. This would be his anointment.”
Let’s see if he gets on CNBC Monday morning pushing this “Dimon for President” narrative. I bet it happens.


Or they could initiate WW3 and declare martial law, or drop a new deadly plague. Desperate times lead to desperate measures.


You will drop out or we will take you out
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I have a recently re-discovered 1st cousin up in PA that I had communicated with via Facebook, advised we were coming that way and would love to stop and visit with her. She was all excited about it, and then went dark. A week before our trip I reached out and advised we had a couple of days we could make work to inquire what was best for her, she came back with "I wont be available" and havent heard a peep since. Pretty sure she some comment or something (I keep Facebook very non-political) on twitter.

She's an old school PA Democrat as most are. Still stuck in the same old decaying mill towns along the river their grandparents were, still living in the same old 100 yo house, living largely off the government tit.

(Thanks again Dad for getting us the hell out of there when I was young)
My Father was and Uncle is the Old School Democrat. In my youth all I heard was how their party are for the middle to lower class working man, which they both were at that time. Republican's were for the Rich. My Uncle is a hardcore God hating Atheist, my Father did become a Christian in his later years. I got him to go to our church once, he came from the times were the women mainly went to church with the men stayed home working the farms/ranches.

My point is, the Old School Democrats are still around, they are hard pressed and won't change, they are Way out of touch with what their party has become. I remember bringing up points of what the new Democrat party stands for and my Father would deny all of it...except abortion, he grew up being told without abortion clinics all women/girls would use clothes hangers, not joking here...

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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And 40 something percent of the American people would vote for Brandon again. We really need to have a basic intelligence test before people vote like "What is one plus one". That would disqualify at least half the libtards.
You know there was a poll done in Gaza a few months back, they were asked if an Election was held that day (The day they were questioned) would they vote Hamas back into power.
98% said Yes


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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....., he grew up being told without abortion clinics all women/girls would use clothes hangers, not joking here...
And the uniformed today don't understand that all that the reversal of Roe v Wade did was eliminate the Federal standard, allowing states to set policies regarding the legality of abortions and establish limits!

I recall a street poll earlier in the year by some man-on-the-street pollster in NYC; he'd stop people and asked if they were Jewish and if they replied "yes" he'd ask if they were Democrats and the 15 out of 15 I saw said "yes." When asked why they vote Democrat the replies, in the majority, were something like "because NY Jews have always been Democrats." :confused:

Now that's excellent logic, isn't it?
</end sarcasm>

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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And the uniformed today don't understand that all that the reversal of Roe v Wade did was eliminate the Federal standard, allowing states to set policies regarding the legality of abortions and establish limits!

I recall a street poll earlier in the year by some man-on-the-street pollster in NYC; he'd stop people and asked if they were Jewish and if they replied "yes" he'd ask if they were Democrats and the 15 out of 15 I saw said "yes." When asked why they vote Democrat the replies, in the majority, were something like "because NY Jews have always been Democrats." :confused:

Now that's excellent logic, isn't it?
</end sarcasm>
Reminds me of when someone say they are Lutheran, or Methodist, or Catholic, etc. but when asked they say because my parents are/were...Wrong Answer...

I am not married to the Republican party, if they change like the Democrat party has, I will abandon the Republican party in a heart beat. Only reason I am a Republican now is to vote Trump back in. If Trump was an Independent I would join that party. The RINOs in the party are a cancer that fuels the Swamp. Lifelong Politicians, like Joe, they are out of touch with their voters and us citizens. Neither Biden or Trump rebutted the false claim CNN made stating a bag of groceries that was $100 under Trump are now $120, TOTAL BULLSHIT!!! Where are groceries that cheap, we will move there...and trust me in Texas prices are about the best you can get. Now later in the Debate Trump did mention double, triple even quadruple...general prices of everything, but even Trump has not been grocery shopping to know how much the prices have increased these last 3 years.

If we had someone better than Trump who hold the same views, values, love for our country and fully support "We the People", they would have my vote. But 2024, Trump is our man and what a man he is, I have never seen anyone as strong as he is, half his party don't support him, all Democrats hate him, impeached twice by those who hate him, falsely accusing him on several occasions, now they are indicting him on extremely weak charges...Wow, most anyone would of given up. Not Trump, he is fighting for "We the People", those of us who love this country, who love America, even though the evil Left label us as terrorist. We want to keep our Republic, they want Mob ruled Democracy.

Ok I will stop my Rambling :)

GO TRUMP 2024!!!