US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
CNN Host SHOCKED Biden Knew 'Every One of These Questions Was Coming' but STILL Blew It

At this point it's generally agreed in all but the most loyal of Biden superfan circles that the president lost Thursday night's debate, and badly.

Let’s say it right now: Donald Trump might have won the 2024 election tonight. You’d think President Joe Biden would have at least a good performance for one-third or even two-thirds of the debate. That never happened. Biden was incapable of delivering cogent and coherent remarks about the cornerstones of his presidency. He was incapable of defending what little legislative wins he clinched during his first term and was lost trying to pivot and deflect from the pointed attacks from Donald Trump.

Now the excuses will start to pour in.

The lefty loyalists will blame it on Biden having a cold:

TWITTER-X POSTS AT Link...........

Oh, sure, sure!

Meanwhile, even lefties like MSNBC's Joy Reid are sounding the Democrat alarm.

On CNN, the cable net that hosted the debate, host Erin Burnett was surprised that Biden performed so badly even though he knew what was coming:

Actually, we wouldn't be shocked if Biden knew exactly what was going to be thrown his way, and he still blew it.

That wouldn't be a shocker.

That's totally open to interpretation (cue massive eye roll).


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
I do not know if this has been posted yet:

BREAKING: In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court overruled DOJ’s interpretation of a key statute used to wrongfully imprison hundreds of J6 defendants. The Court found that DOJ misconstrued the statute, which only pertains to destruction of physical evidence in an ongoing case or investigative proceeding. Amy Comey Barrett wrote the dissent, which Kagan and Sotomayor joined. Jackson sided with the majority.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
I fear that most of you are selling the dems short, and that the debate show was all part of a scripted plan. There's some sort of dem strategy playing out, like the surprise play at the end of a football game, or the hidden ball trick in a baseball game. I just have to hope the Trump people are aware of it, and the dem's plan will fail.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I fear that most of you are selling the dems short, and that the debate show was all part of a scripted plan. There's some sort of dem strategy playing out, like the surprise play at the end of a football game, or the hidden ball trick in a baseball game. I just have to hope the Trump people are aware of it, and the dem's plan will fail.
Hard to say. I don't really think it was something the big $ Dems and folks running the show behind the scenes so much as planned as planned for. Hell in recent days they've trotted out big money CEOs saying they were donating and behind Biden.

More I think they hoped he'd squeek by until the convention, and they'd install (choose from your list) BigMike, Hillary, Gavin, ?... as VP knowing and planning for Joe's exit soon after the election. I think they all knew he was gone, hasnt been calling the shots for well over a year or more, but assumed that their voter base was too stupid to notice (most are).

But to your point they were definitely prepared for the worst, the MSM got the memo and all in unison started backing away from him just hours after the "debate". Clearly the memo went out and was ready ahead of time.

When Jill, I mean Joe ;) came out this morning and said they were'nt gonna step down, it put the Dem machine in a pickle.

I dont trust them as far as I can pee, so yes agree they'll try something. But it did expose the Dem leadership, and the MSM for lying so blatantly about his mental decline that even some Dem voters could see it.


Getting comfortable
Jan 12, 2020
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Lubbock, TX
On the other hand, my brother still brings up Trump's mean tweets, still believes the Russians and Trump are working together, likes to say that Trump is a convicted felon (but can't tell anyone what Trump was convicted of), and what we need are more people like Mitt Romney and (deceased) John McCain who work/worked across the aisle with Democrats. :banghead:


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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On the other hand, my brother still brings up Trump's mean tweets, still believes the Russians and Trump are working together, likes to say that Trump is a convicted felon (but can't tell anyone what Trump was convicted of), and what we need are more people like Mitt Romney and (deceased) John McCain who work/worked across the aisle with Democrats. :banghead:
I agree with your brother on one point....we DO need more of our existing Rhinos to be like the late John McCain.....NOT alive and NOT voting ! :headbang:


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I have a recently re-discovered 1st cousin up in PA that I had communicated with via Facebook, advised we were coming that way and would love to stop and visit with her. She was all excited about it, and then went dark. A week before our trip I reached out and advised we had a couple of days we could make work to inquire what was best for her, she came back with "I wont be available" and havent heard a peep since. Pretty sure she some comment or something (I keep Facebook very non-political) on twitter.

She's an old school PA Democrat as most are. Still stuck in the same old decaying mill towns along the river their grandparents were, still living in the same old 100 yo house, living largely off the government tit.

(Thanks again Dad for getting us the hell out of there when I was young)


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Hard to say. I don't really think it was something the big $ Dems and folks running the show behind the scenes so much as planned as planned for. Hell in recent days they've trotted out big money CEOs saying they were donating and behind Biden.

More I think they hoped he'd squeek by until the convention, and they'd install (choose from your list) BigMike, Hillary, Gavin, ?... as VP knowing and planning for Joe's exit soon after the election. I think they all knew he was gone, hasnt been calling the shots for well over a year or more, but assumed that their voter base was too stupid to notice (most are).

But to your point they were definitely prepared for the worst, the MSM got the memo and all in unison started backing away from him just hours after the "debate". Clearly the memo went out and was ready ahead of time.

When Jill, I mean Joe ;) came out this morning and said they were'nt gonna step down, it put the Dem machine in a pickle.

I dont trust them as far as I can pee, so yes agree they'll try something. But it did expose the Dem leadership, and the MSM for lying so blatantly about his mental decline that even some Dem voters could see it.
He is probably one of the 35% that thinks Biden won the debate. Also, that Trump told all lies and Biden told the truth.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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And this is the feeble man that has our fate in his hands if nuclear war broke out? But we've all known this from before he took office :(

And 40 something percent of the American people would vote for Brandon again. We really need to have a basic intelligence test before people vote like "What is one plus one". That would disqualify at least half the libtards.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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I fear that most of you are selling the dems short, and that the debate show was all part of a scripted plan. There's some sort of dem strategy playing out, like the surprise play at the end of a football game, or the hidden ball trick in a baseball game. I just have to hope the Trump people are aware of it, and the dem's plan will fail.
Queue up Michelle's coming.