US Elections (& Politics) :)

What does this have to do with rather being a proven liar?
You are another liberal from California who thinks you and social elites like the lying dan rather can dictate how we live. You may be happy with your high taxes and government over reach. We are not. Stop picking my pockets to distribute my money to the leeches of society. You can keep your homeless shit stained sidewalks.
Post a copy of your tax return and I would love to see the charitable donations you have made over the last 10 years. Stop trying to save the world with your failed experiments on my dime. Perhaps if you cut down a tree or two your cities would not be burning down. Google, forest management.
I am puzzled by your need for cameras. You support open borders and reparations. You should be thanking those that take your shit not spying on them.
Another dimwit from whitelandia sipping expensive wine who is lecturing the rest of us. Why dont you live in the inner city for a bit. See what your policies are doing. Why are so racist as to segregate yourself to a city with a 3.2 percent black population and 1.5 million dollar homes? Take your white racist virtue signaling and shove it.
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What does this have to do with rather being a proven liar?
You are another liberal from California who thinks you and social elites like the lying dan rather can dictate how we live. You may be happy with your high taxes and government over reach. We are not. Stop picking my pockets to distribute my money to the leeches of society. You can keep your homeless shit stained sidewalks.
Post a copy of your tax return and I would love to see the charitable donations you have made over the last 10 years. Stop trying to save the world with your failed experiments on my dime. Perhaps if you cut down a tree or two your cities would not be burning down. Google, forest management.
I am puzzled by your need for cameras. You support open borders and reparations. You should be thanking those that take your shit not spying on them.
Well said @fenderman , I do not think people should pay for others failure or illegals at the most.

Chicago: Does not give scholarship to citizens or legal immigrants but they do give it to illegals I wonder how that works. Its called STAR SCHOLARSHIP I do not want and neither anyone wants to spend their money on people violating the laws entering the country should be treated with gifts. Neither I want a dime of mine to go to their health care etc.

Americans do not agree on high taxes so these liberals pay for illegals foodstamps, housing, utility,healthcare, education, etc.

I do not understand if people want to contribute as a donation form, do so but not through taxation.

@DsineR You are no one to tell how people should live. Maybe you can pay higher taxes to bail out your state called CALIFORNIA or may be go out on the street and help a homeless give them food, money, etc.

ITS called USA not a zombie land
Haha, always wanted to say that since every news media outlet does.
Facebook/Twitter BUSTED!!!

Social media backlash resurrected over Biden's transition team's ties to Facebook and Twitter

The Biden campaign is facing renewed criticism over its deep connections with Big Tech after both Twitter and Facebook censored a story from The New York Post detailing allegedly corrupt business deals by Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.


The move prompted fresh criticism on social media over the Biden transition team’s hiring of top Facebook executive Jessica Hertz, which reportedly came days after the 2020 Democrat’s campaign penned a letter to the social media giant urging them to censor President Trump’s posts.

Twitter’s suppression of the Hunter Biden revelations also came days after the company’s director of public policy, Carlos Monje, reportedly left his post to work for the Biden transition team.

Joe Concha, a media reporter for The Hill, underscored the timing of the events on Twitter Sunday after a user observed that the New York Post is “still locked out of its Twitter account for publishing a story that made Joe Biden look bad.”

Well said @fenderman , I do not think people should pay for others failure or illegals at the most.

Chicago: Does not give scholarship to citizens or legal immigrants but they do give it to illegals I wonder how that works. Its called STAR SCHOLARSHIP I do not want and neither anyone wants to spend their money on people violating the laws entering the country should be treated with gifts. Neither I want a dime of mine to go to their health care etc.

Americans do not agree on high taxes so these liberals pay for illegals foodstamps, housing, utility,healthcare, education, etc.

I do not understand if people want to contribute as a donation form, do so but not through taxation.

@DsineR You are no one to tell how people should live. Maybe you can pay higher taxes to bail out your state called CALIFORNIA or may be go out on the street and help a homeless give them food, money, etc.

ITS called USA not a zombie land
This is why they are coming here, for all the Free stuff we stupidly give away, including jobs. Down in the Texas border, pregnant women are crossing the border and getting Free Deliveries everyday at OUR Expense. This has been going on for decades. I would like to see a pregnant women scale a Wall lol :)

When my mother and her family migrated here back in the 50's, they did it Legally, you had to have a Sponsor from the US before coming here, not an easy task back then. A sorta probation officer type who would vouch for you and help you settle and most time they would work for them. They all became US citizens the Right way, they did not send the money they made here back to the country from which they came, they did not get or take ANY handouts, all the kids had to go to school and work to help the family. My grandmother cleaned houses, my grandfather ended up becoming a Master Electrician (Passing the Master's test his first take, which is very rare, ask any Electrician). When asked how he did it, he would tell us he studied every night even sometimes to tears (Think of the Language bearer), never missing a night until he got it right. Well into his retirement a sizable company ran off his license while he taught new workers for the company. One of the son's joined the US Army and went back to their country to work for the US Army in Safety Training (Teaching Driving and Country Laws, etc. ) for the soldiers stationed there. I still Skype with him to this day, he speaks Perfect English!!! The other son became a computer programmer, for the state of Texas from which he retired from. My Mother helped Sam Walton open several Walmart's back when they sold mainly U.S. Made products, when Sam passed his kids sold out to China, unfortunately Mom had to go through that horrible transition, she even once showed us one of her paychecks with a Chinese emblem on it. To this very day I will not shop at Walmart. We try our best to support Made in the U.S. based companies. Going for this flatware next, our daughter bought some, they weigh a ton :), excellently made.

Oh, we have a family member who is close to retirement and has been an Electrician his whole career that has taken the test 5 times and has yet to pass it, I/we pray he passes it before he retires, he is a great Electrician but not great with test, I am the same way...

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to share our families LEGAL Immigration story since my Mother passed way earlier this year, she was a Great American!!!
Damn, even SNL gave Biden more airtime :facepalm:
This is really biased

Wow, Jim Carrey did a good Biden.

For those who do not know who Candace Owens is:
(She Rocks!!!. in my opinion, she is Spot On and brings the Truth Beautifully)

I agree and I do have respect for her as well. She isn't hard on the eyes either! :p
You know I truly feel that the Dems do not want the black community to become as well versed and as educated as Candace otherwise they will come to find out the truth of their parties evil intentions. Maybe that is why they support aborting black babies, to lessen the odds? I really feel for the black community as they are being used by the Dems as their pawns.

You're a fucking idiot sadly misinformed

Dan Rather, Fake Newsman | National Review
Another Dan Rather Scandal
Dan Rather stands by CBS News report that led to his firing
CBS - disgraced by Dan Rather forged document scandal - warns of 'fake news' -
Dan Rather’s Big Lie hits the big screen

And by the "news" organization he used to work for
Fake War Stories Exposed
Take Dan Rather. In "Bias," the book about CBS by former CBS reporter Bernard Goldberg, the author describes telling Rather about a soon-to-be published article citing a CBS News report as a particularly onerous example of left-wing bias. To Goldberg's amazement, "Rather's voice started quivering, and he told me how in his young days, he had signed up with the Marines — not once, but twice!"
Again, Burkett comes to the rescue with the truth. Rather signed up with the Marines only once, and "never got through Marine recruit training because he couldn't do the physical activity," Burkett says. And he notes that Rather was "discharged less than four months later on May 11, 1954 for being medically unfit." And yet, Rather has been known to brag about his "career" in the Marines.
Rather has "made such a big deal out of this 'I'm a Marine' thing," Burkett says. "This is like a guy who flunks out of Harvard running around saying he graduated from Harvard. "You're not a real Marine until you get out of basic training. And Rather never did."
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Here is another one from that rally.

Wow Awesome sight to see, we really need to keep the Republican's in California, as well as everywhere, in prayer.

Here is video from Biden supporters:
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It's a good thing that breathing is an involuntary reflex because Biden would probably forget and pass out and have to be resuscitated a dozen times a day! :smash: