US Elections (& Politics) :)

Putting this here because there is a strong chance he will serve in President Trumps staff.

Why can't they just keep it in their pants? However, he is innocent and so is she, until proven guilty. But lets see a show of hands that would be surprised that a 'Kennedy' couldn't keep their heat seeking missile behind the shutter doors? Ha, ha. She's lucky she didn't drown in a automobile accident.

Just like with Bill Clinton who lied under oath: Don't care if they dip their wick in the ovary office...they are human (not going to go down the moral and righteous path on this one) but I DAMN WELL DO CARE IF THEY LIE UNDER OATH. As has been stated so many time before...if they lie about this.....

'And now you know the rest of the story...' or in the case, enough to cause an uproar.



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It seems to be more hoax than real?

Not a lot of substantiation, black insurectionist doesn’t seem active now.

Yes quite the mess. Some say he's a scammer, others say they spoke to him and hes in Twitter jail.
A supposed victim came forward yesterday with a video claim.
Another person says they spoke to the "victim" and thought he sounded legit.

Who knows?
I wish more people would focus on the real issue instead of the whole fake Red Team Blue Team crap

Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches​

..... No matter how often the team colors change, the playbook remains the same. The leopard does not change its spots.

Scrape off the surface layers and you will find that nothing has changed.

The police state is still winning. We the people are still losing.

In fact, the American police state has continued to advance at the same costly, intrusive, privacy-sapping, Constitution-defying, heartbreaking, soul-scorching, relentless pace under the current Tyrant-in-Chief as it did under those who occupied the White House before him (Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.).

Consider for yourselves:

  • Police haven’t stopped disregarding the rights of citizens.
  • SWAT teams haven’t stopped crashing through doors and terrorizing families.
  • The Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security haven’t stopped militarizing and federalizing local police.
  • Schools haven’t stopped treating young people like hard-core prisoners.
  • For-profit private prisons haven’t stopped locking up Americans and immigrants alike at taxpayer expense.
  • Censorship hasn’t stopped.
  • The courts haven’t stopped marching in lockstep with the police state.
  • Government bureaucrats haven’t stopped turning American citizens into criminals.
  • The surveillance state hasn’t stopped spying on Americans’ communications, transactions or movements.
  • The TSA hasn’t stopped groping or ogling travelers.
  • Congress hasn’t stopped enacting draconian laws.
  • The Department of Homeland Security hasn’t stopped being a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.”
  • The military industrial complex hasn’t stopped profiting from endless wars abroad.
  • The Deep State’s shadow government hasn’t stopped calling the shots behind the scenes.
  • And the American people haven’t stopped acting like gullible sheep.
So you can try to persuade yourself that you are free, that you still live in a country that values freedom, and that it is not too late to make America great again, but to anyone who has been paying attention to America’s decline over the past century, it will be just another lie.

.....The German people chose to ignore the truth and believe the lie.

They were not oblivious to the horrors taking place around them. The warning signs were definitely there, blinking incessantly like large neon signs.

“Still,” historian Robert Gellately writes, “the vast majority voted in favor of Nazism, and in spite of what they could read in the press and hear by word of mouth about the secret police, the concentration camps, official anti-Semitism, and so on.”

The German people backed Hitler because for the majority of them, life was good.

In a nutshell, life was good because their creature comforts remained undiminished, their bank accounts remained flush, and they weren’t being discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed and turned into slave labor.

Life is good in America, too.

Life is good in America as long as you’re able to keep sleep-walking through life, cocooning yourself in political fantasies that depict a world in which your party is always right and everyone else is wrong, and distracting yourself with bread-and-circus entertainment that bears no resemblance to reality.
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I wish more people would focus on the real issue instead of the whole fake Red Team Blue Team crap

Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches​

..... No matter how often the team colors change, the playbook remains the same. The leopard does not change its spots.

Scrape off the surface layers and you will find that nothing has changed.

The police state is still winning. We the people are still losing.

In fact, the American police state has continued to advance at the same costly, intrusive, privacy-sapping, Constitution-defying, heartbreaking, soul-scorching, relentless pace under the current Tyrant-in-Chief as it did under those who occupied the White House before him (Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.).

Consider for yourselves:

  • Police haven’t stopped disregarding the rights of citizens.
  • SWAT teams haven’t stopped crashing through doors and terrorizing families.
  • The Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security haven’t stopped militarizing and federalizing local police.
  • Schools haven’t stopped treating young people like hard-core prisoners.
  • For-profit private prisons haven’t stopped locking up Americans and immigrants alike at taxpayer expense.
  • Censorship hasn’t stopped.
  • The courts haven’t stopped marching in lockstep with the police state.
  • Government bureaucrats haven’t stopped turning American citizens into criminals.
  • The surveillance state hasn’t stopped spying on Americans’ communications, transactions or movements.
  • The TSA hasn’t stopped groping or ogling travelers.
  • Congress hasn’t stopped enacting draconian laws.
  • The Department of Homeland Security hasn’t stopped being a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.”
  • The military industrial complex hasn’t stopped profiting from endless wars abroad.
  • The Deep State’s shadow government hasn’t stopped calling the shots behind the scenes.
  • And the American people haven’t stopped acting like gullible sheep.
So you can try to persuade yourself that you are free, that you still live in a country that values freedom, and that it is not too late to make America great again, but to anyone who has been paying attention to America’s decline over the past century, it will be just another lie.

I for one am GLAD that the dumb @ss Oxygen Thief VP picked Tim Walz. I mean the smart thing would have been ANYONE else, but this didn't happen and she is not capable of make a 'smart' decision. So once again, she proves her inability to make a smart, logical decision. I do care what he has done...but the fact of just what a fuking idiot, communist, POS he really is, should be enough. The truth will come out either way.

But yes, the issue at hand need to be front and center, not this crap. IMO. There is so much wrong right now that needs to be resolved and eliminated immediately before it's too late.
Don't know how y'all feel about Louder with Crowder, BUT...

This morning's show was 110% SERIOUS in his commentary about last night's Harris-Baier spectacle.
At least for the first ten or fifteen minutes, anyway. Haven't gotten through the rest, yet.

Putting this here because there is a strong chance he will serve in President Trumps staff.

Why can't they just keep it in their pants? However, he is innocent and so is she, until proven guilty. But lets see a show of hands that would be surprised that a 'Kennedy' couldn't keep their heat seeking missile behind the shutter doors? Ha, ha. She's lucky she didn't drown in a automobile accident.

Just like with Bill Clinton who lied under oath: Don't care if they dip their wick in the ovary office...they are human (not going to go down the moral and righteous path on this one) but I DAMN WELL DO CARE IF THEY LIE UNDER OATH. As has been stated so many time before...if they lie about this.....

'And now you know the rest of the story...' or in the case, enough to cause an uproar.

View attachment 205168

He is a Kennedy, I would expect no less from him ..

Thanks @Oceanslider

Sir Niall and Ben .. always expect a good conversation when you get these 2 in a room together ..

( lol, as an American, I really do not care for the "Sir" Royalty thing, but still interesting as Niall is now an American that is Knighted .. )
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