The Media is showing their true colors since their candidate Sleepy/Creepy Joe is actually losing. They have no more ground so their lies have doubled/tripled. They forgot to mention "The Russians" in that article, hahahahahahaThere was a demonstration in Vancouver, Wa. last night. A Breitbart article says shots were fired. I looked at most of the major Vancouver and Portland, Or news sites and there's absolutely not a peep about any shots being fired. I can only conclude that either Breitbart is lying, or there's a big conspiracy to suppress information in the Portland area reporting. Either way, it's yet another indicator that you can't believe anything you read from news organizations.
Shots Fired After SUV Rammed by Antifa Truck Protest in Vancouver, Washington
This is my take, I hope I am right. When the Polls are down for one side, that brings out the voters for the other side. I think all of these false Poll numbers are getting ready to backfire on the Pollsters/Media who are far Left...I don't watch the lamestream national/international propaganda "news" but FNN has been reporting surges in the polls for Trump. Anyone watching the lamestream propaganda notice the same thing? I have to wonder if reality may be starting to come out?
My best guess as to the results..... Trump could take PA and WI as well, making it a 2016 repeat blowout.
AZ had a NINETY-SIX MILE LONG Trump car parade last weekend. LOL
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So I can say we have family members in the Medical field and a few have stated they have heard in the hospitals they work in, Medicare's payment per Covid-19 patient on a ventilator is $15,000, but this is office talk, they have even given higher figures. I think there are many factors as to why this number may differ.Haha why? Because you say so? Medicare pays about $8000 more for a Covid case, more if a ventilator is used. Articles I've read say there's been no public reports of misreporting Covid cases, but there are MANY anecdotal accounts of fraud discussed in social media forums. How much of your life savings would you stake that all those personal accounts of greed are false? Not very much I'd wager.
You seem eagerly willing to publicly post questionable information to suit your narrative no matter the cost to your reputation--and believe me, your political reputation is scant. To paraphrase George Orwell: " of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasm—one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the Party depended."
You need to read this before posting the unfactual nonsense that the media floods our nation with:From the Gaslighter in Chief:
TRUMP: “You know, our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID. You know that right? I mean, our doctors are very smart people. So what they do is they say, ‘I’m sorry, but, you know, everybody dies of COVID.’” — rally Friday in Waterford Township, Michigan.
THE FACTS: No, the virus death count has not been overstated because of doctors lying to get more money. No evidence has emerged of such systemic fraud.
Almost 230,000 deaths from COVID-19 have been confirmed as of Saturday. The true number is almost certainly higher by a considerable margin.
As of Oct. 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counted 299,000 more U.S. deaths than would be expected in a normal year. Some of those deaths are sure to have been from COVID-19 — how many cannot be known.
This is important news, Trumps Presidential Executive Order is changing the H1B / L1 game which many large US companies have used to replace white collar skilled Americans with cheaper imported labor.
The mainstream news does not seem to cover this, this is important in helping US white collar workers - especially tech workers - employed.
Trump signs executive order against hiring H1B visa holders for federal contracts
Trump signs executive order against hiring H1B visa holders for federal contracts
Trump told reporters that his administration will not tolerate firing of hardworking Americans in the pursuit of cheap foreign
H1B Lottery to be based on LCA Wage Levels - New Rule. Will impact 163,000 H1B filings.
Details on #USCIS new rule : #H1BVisa Lottery to be based on #H1BLCA Wage Levels. Read more