David L
Trump may be right about fraud, but until I see proof I have to remain skeptical, you dont have to, but I can. If you call cheat before the game has even started it is a bit suspect. Trump himself has voted by mail. Was it ok then?
Yes trump got the early lead in states that counted election day ballots first. This was expected. It is possible to catch up on a lead that big if many people vote early. Which was close to 100 million people I think.
Have to get back to work now.
We are not talking about Legal Mail-In Ballots here. Most on this Thread are retired and most states allow 65 and older or disabled to vote by mail if you are unable to vote in person. But a lot or most here did vote in person, guess what, ON ELECTION DAY...There is a reason why it is called Election Day, look it up.
Another true statement by Trump, on the eve of Election Day when polling locations are closed, you are suppose to know who won, the wait is for West coast normally but even then you usually already know where most likely those Electoral votes will go. 2016 it was around 2am the next day/early morning, if my memory serves me right, that we knew Trump won.
Look, all the Republicans in my family did early voting as myself and my wife, actually many others I know did too. Speaking for myself, I did it out of convenience, we had a map in our county where you could see how many were in line at each polling location, how convenient. Sure there are more Dems who early vote, mainly as stated here, because many older Republicans wait until Election Day to vote, also many older Democrats, my father being one and he was in his 80s. I find honor in that but not everyone has that convenience. I actually was told by one older friend that this was the most important Election to him over his many, many years of voting and he did not want his car breaking down to stop him from voting. His vote was not out of Hate for any candidate, he felt a need to protect the freedom he so valiantly fought for in hope that morals return to this Great Nation, his words...So yes 100 million I heard too, but I saw Trump supporters pull up to the polling locations in huge droves, can't miss them, they all had Trump flags/signs, I drove by a few location daily to personally witness this. I truly did not see any or maybe a few Biden-Harris stickers, no flags though. Guess what, the huge county I live in has voted majority Democrat the last 4 Presidential Elections, they were close though. Anyway, lets go back to 2016, I saw way, way, way more Clinton signs back then, plus she actually campaigned, not like Sleepy Joe with is all Jeep Audience, hahaha, why did he have to pick a Jeep, I love Jeeps, hahaha.
Trump even gained many more Supporters/Voters this Election than he had in 2016. C'mon Man

, this don't add up, no matter what side of the fence you are on...
To elaborate on my Dad, he was an old school Democrat, back before the party went completely nuts (in my opinion), back before they starting riding on the backs of Activist, back before the push to get the women's vote who supported abortions, back before the gay movement, back before Anti-war movements (My Dad served in the Korean War), the party stood strongly for Civil Rights (Kennedy and LBJ), helping the Poor, more support for the middle-class, so I was told by my Dad. I am sure much more, it was a much, much different party than it is today. My brother and I think my Dad got complacent and he stuck with his guns until his passing this year, when we told him what his party now stood for he did not believe us, we truly believe had he known the Truth, he would of switched parties. I remember his statement, Planned Parenthood did not do abortions. It was hard to break it to him that our country has aborted 60 million babies, New York at the top, sad but more abortions than Covid Deaths...