US Elections (& Politics) :)

Why do you care what I think? Sounds like you're recruiting for this RVAT...?
You're not going to change any minds here. And regardless of whether fraud is ever proven, haven been treated like we were by liberal "progressive" Democrats and the morally corrupt MSM for the last 4 years, let alone the lies that led to the Russian collusion hoax and bullshit impeachment, things will NOT be getting back to normal anytime soon. "Progressive" Liberalism is a cancer on our way of life.

I dont buy that 80%+ of all mail-in votes were Democrat, which sinks your primary argument.

Didnt you need to get to work?
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The irregularities are all what is being found by Trumps team, they are not searching for irregularities that dont help their case. I would view them with some scepticism until proof shown of fraud. After all, Trump has been saying that he is going to call fraud on the election since before it started, so when he does it is not a surprise. He calls everything fraud, so it starts to be like the boy who cried wolf.

The reason I see that the swing states had overnight surges for Biden was due to how the vote was counted. Republicans were more likely to vote in person and Democrats were more likely to vote by mail. Some states such as Florida had started counting the mail votes early, which meant that most of the democrat votes were counted early. In some states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, they were not allowed to count early. which meant that Trump got the lead early on, and as mail in votes were counted last, Biden managed to catch up. To be honest, this could be seen before election day, as the republicans didnt want early counting, and trump went on about needing the result on election night. It would be hard to say it was stolen if you were behind and didnt catch up. Much easier to claim if you can get the early lead.

I think it is a factor of a few things. First, with mail voting making it easier to vote, more people that wouldnt normally bother did. Then you have the fact that many people believe this to be a very important election, due to reason such as the pandemic health and economic effect, racial issues are getting out of control, with black people getting killed at an increasing rate, and also the violence and unrest and damage that has come out of the protests as a result. So for these reasons alone, I would expect the turnout to be up on previous years. Then you have the fact that many people dont like Trump. Even if you love him, and many people do, you cant deny that many dont. So based on this, I think alot of people came out and voted against him, regardless of who the other candidate was. Just looking at things like Can anyone show me any other year where a group from a party were actively campaigning against their own party's candidate? This is not a normal thing to happen. Did they have a big impact on the election? who knows? But i think it shows my point that people went out of their way to vote against him.

Thats my take on it. We may not agree, but without hearing what each other think, we will never understand each other.
Trump perfectly stated that Mail-In Ballots will be a bad thing, in his words, IN WHICH HIS STATEMENT IS BEING PROVEN TRUE, not only in this election but in many past elections...How plain do you want it? When States change voting rules months before the election, it is quite easy to foresee a future problem. 30% of Dems believe there was Fraud, that number will increase as more evidence is brought forth or is uncensored, to deny Fraud is ludicrous. What is stunning in this election is the large scale Being Proven. Actually does there really need to be more evidence, it is already overwhelming, all that needs to happen is for this evidence to not be suppressed/censored. One thing I know for fact in my long journey through life. The Truth Will Always be brought to Light and Prevail. Unfortunately, sometimes many years later.

In your own words, Trump got the lead early, and those states were not allowed to count early. SO WHAT CHANGED? MAIL-IN BALLOTS, hmmm, ya think that might be what all this is about? We are not talking a few hundred votes early lead, we are talking hundreds of thousand ahead. YOU DON'T CATCH UP LEGALLY FROM THAT!!!

I think it is a factor of a few things. First, with mail voting making it easier to vote, more people that wouldnt normally bother did. How about those who were not registered filled out the ballots sent to them that they did not even request and SURPRISE their unverified vote was counted. Read one person getting 4 in the Apartment complex he lived in, assuming all were previous happened this guy was a Honest Republican and did not fraudulently fill them out and send them in. Sorry but I stopped here in your paragraph, I could not stop laughing enough to comment, only thing you got right is yes, 50% of those who voted the Harris-Biden ticket only voted out of hatred for Trump (Great Reason to Vote), this explains a lot though of what is going on in this Election.

Thats my take on it. We may not agree, but without hearing what each other think, we will never understand each other. Everything you said/posted has already been said and debunked many, many, many, many times here in this Thread, you are WAY Late for this Debate...I urge you to go back and search this Thread all that you have posted, which is all extremely well rehearsed in the Media, even those who don't even speak English has caught wind of it :), and you will find the Truth. I thank all those here who actually did the research and bought worth the Truth and is not repeating what the Media and Social Media is trying to shove our way.
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You know maybe this Thread needs a 101 like we had to do in our Doorbell Thread. We were getting overwhelmed with repeating/answering the same questions/comments, over and over that we decided to post a Sticky...but normally a Sticky is the first message or first few. I got to this Thread late like I did our Doorbell Thread, so first 101 post was on page 69, then 101. I have seen a few post here with a long, long list of all the Fraud being brought forth. Maybe one of those messages/post could be this Thread's "Go To" that we could send newcomers to. Our 101 was small in the beginning but quickly grew over time, much like all of the evidence being presented in many states of Fraud. If at all possible a timeline would be great...Just a thought. Once a newcomer reads the overwhelming evidence, we can further our Debate, hopefully they will better informed and not in the dark to what they have heard in the Media...Remember the Polls, hahahahahahaha...
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Where did you get the figure that over 95% in all swing states were for Biden? Any source for this number?

Im self employed so I can take a break if I want, I'll make up the time at the end of the day!

If we all just surround ourselves with ideas that support our views, where is the sense in that? I could go to a different forum and discuss my views there and have everyone agree with me and like my posts if I wanted that. I am discussing it here as I have been a member of this forum for a few years, mostly just reading, and was interested in the fact that most people on this forum have a completely different view to mine. You may be right, I may be right. we both may be partly right. Im not here to wind you up,

I have read a good bit of the thread, hard to keep up with every single page as it sometimes moves so fast. I withheld my views early on, as I thought what is the point, I'll be just labeled a troll and fake news. But as time has gone on, and following the progression of the legal battles, I was interested as to the fact that many here still believe that this election was stolen so I thought why not discuss. From what I have seen I have not been convinced of it, but you obviously have, and that is fine.

Im not a member of RVAT, no connection, I am just pointing out that this is not normal to have people from a party so against their candidate, sure you get a candidate that you dont like in your party from time to time, but these people went out of their way to mount a fight against him. You must admit that is not normal, and could be a sign of why he didnt get the support needed.

David L
Trump may be right about fraud, but until I see proof I have to remain skeptical, you dont have to, but I can. If you call cheat before the game has even started it is a bit suspect. Trump himself has voted by mail. Was it ok then?

Yes trump got the early lead in states that counted election day ballots first. This was expected. It is possible to catch up on a lead that big if many people vote early. Which was close to 100 million people I think.

Have to get back to work now.
So what is it exactly you'd like to "discuss"? What is it you're wanting us all to buy?
We've been "discussiing it" for 4+ years. More like 30 for some. If I wanted a true echo chamber I'd be on Facebook and surround myself with people who think identically (you actually choose who you want to listen to). This isnt new, its just a becoming a bigger problem. Sides have already been drawn, if you dont know where you fit by now someone else will help decide for you.

I dont know if you've caught on that this isnt about Trump. You see that's what liberals want to think because they cant come to terms with the fact that at least 1/2 of the country thinks they;re destroying it. I dont particularly like Trump, Ive said it numerous times here. I DO like what he stands for and against. Its much deeper than Trump, but liberals are typically superficial, think of most things in terms of identity politics , and can't get their head around it.
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We've been "discussiing it" for 4+ years. More like 30 for some.
Having grown up in Chicago, it's been about 60 years for me. When I lived there it was called the democratic machine led by mayor Daley, and it was an accepted fact that the elections were rigged. I was once a witness to a hit-and-run accident where the defendant was a city employee. I testified that I clearly saw the accident and wrote down the license number of the guilty vehicle. The police testified that there was paint from the victim vehicle on the defendant's front bumper. Judge threw it out for lack of evidence. The election fraud lawsuits getting thrown out looks pretty similar to me.
David L
Trump may be right about fraud, but until I see proof I have to remain skeptical, you dont have to, but I can. If you call cheat before the game has even started it is a bit suspect. Trump himself has voted by mail. Was it ok then?

Yes trump got the early lead in states that counted election day ballots first. This was expected. It is possible to catch up on a lead that big if many people vote early. Which was close to 100 million people I think.

Have to get back to work now.
We are not talking about Legal Mail-In Ballots here. Most on this Thread are retired and most states allow 65 and older or disabled to vote by mail if you are unable to vote in person. But a lot or most here did vote in person, guess what, ON ELECTION DAY...There is a reason why it is called Election Day, look it up.
Another true statement by Trump, on the eve of Election Day when polling locations are closed, you are suppose to know who won, the wait is for West coast normally but even then you usually already know where most likely those Electoral votes will go. 2016 it was around 2am the next day/early morning, if my memory serves me right, that we knew Trump won.

Look, all the Republicans in my family did early voting as myself and my wife, actually many others I know did too. Speaking for myself, I did it out of convenience, we had a map in our county where you could see how many were in line at each polling location, how convenient. Sure there are more Dems who early vote, mainly as stated here, because many older Republicans wait until Election Day to vote, also many older Democrats, my father being one and he was in his 80s. I find honor in that but not everyone has that convenience. I actually was told by one older friend that this was the most important Election to him over his many, many years of voting and he did not want his car breaking down to stop him from voting. His vote was not out of Hate for any candidate, he felt a need to protect the freedom he so valiantly fought for in hope that morals return to this Great Nation, his words...So yes 100 million I heard too, but I saw Trump supporters pull up to the polling locations in huge droves, can't miss them, they all had Trump flags/signs, I drove by a few location daily to personally witness this. I truly did not see any or maybe a few Biden-Harris stickers, no flags though. Guess what, the huge county I live in has voted majority Democrat the last 4 Presidential Elections, they were close though. Anyway, lets go back to 2016, I saw way, way, way more Clinton signs back then, plus she actually campaigned, not like Sleepy Joe with is all Jeep Audience, hahaha, why did he have to pick a Jeep, I love Jeeps, hahaha.
Trump even gained many more Supporters/Voters this Election than he had in 2016. C'mon Man :), this don't add up, no matter what side of the fence you are on...

To elaborate on my Dad, he was an old school Democrat, back before the party went completely nuts (in my opinion), back before they starting riding on the backs of Activist, back before the push to get the women's vote who supported abortions, back before the gay movement, back before Anti-war movements (My Dad served in the Korean War), the party stood strongly for Civil Rights (Kennedy and LBJ), helping the Poor, more support for the middle-class, so I was told by my Dad. I am sure much more, it was a much, much different party than it is today. My brother and I think my Dad got complacent and he stuck with his guns until his passing this year, when we told him what his party now stood for he did not believe us, we truly believe had he known the Truth, he would of switched parties. I remember his statement, Planned Parenthood did not do abortions. It was hard to break it to him that our country has aborted 60 million babies, New York at the top, sad but more abortions than Covid Deaths...
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The numbers are out there regarding the vote counts after the counting "stopped". It's been all over the places I look at on a regular basis, Parler, Rumble, heck even FNC had some of it before it dawned on the higher ups there that it made Sleepy, Creepy, Crooked, Joe Bunco look bad. You probably won't find any of it on FaceBook, Twitter or any of the other censored sites for the same reason. A little digging and you'll find it and PA was one, in particular, that stands out.
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The irregularities are all what is being found by Trumps team, they are not searching for irregularities that dont help their case. I would view them with some scepticism until proof shown of fraud. After all, Trump has been saying that he is going to call fraud on the election since before it started, so when he does it is not a surprise. He calls everything fraud, so it starts to be like the boy who cried wolf.

The reason I see that the swing states had overnight surges for Biden was due to how the vote was counted. Republicans were more likely to vote in person and Democrats were more likely to vote by mail. Some states such as Florida had started counting the mail votes early, which meant that most of the democrat votes were counted early. In some states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, they were not allowed to count early. which meant that Trump got the lead early on, and as mail in votes were counted last, Biden managed to catch up. To be honest, this could be seen before election day, as the republicans didnt want early counting, and trump went on about needing the result on election night. It would be hard to say it was stolen if you were behind and didnt catch up. Much easier to claim if you can get the early lead.

I think it is a factor of a few things. First, with mail voting making it easier to vote, more people that wouldnt normally bother did. Then you have the fact that many people believe this to be a very important election, due to reason such as the pandemic health and economic effect, racial issues are getting out of control, with black people getting killed at an increasing rate, and also the violence and unrest and damage that has come out of the protests as a result. So for these reasons alone, I would expect the turnout to be up on previous years. Then you have the fact that many people dont like Trump. Even if you love him, and many people do, you cant deny that many dont. So based on this, I think alot of people came out and voted against him, regardless of who the other candidate was. Just looking at things like Can anyone show me any other year where a group from a party were actively campaigning against their own party's candidate? This is not a normal thing to happen. Did they have a big impact on the election? who knows? But i think it shows my point that people went out of their way to vote against him.

Thats my take on it. We may not agree, but without hearing what each other think, we will never understand each other.

Mail in voting is more susceptible for fraud. This election proved it. As to batches of ballots I doubt that 100's of thousand of ballot would be predominantly 98% for Biden. Also in a few states no signature matching was required. Again that is very susceptible for fraud.
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Have a look at the people who post on rvat. They are not people in Washington. These people are only a tiny portion of the voting population, but it shows the feelings of some ordinary republicans.

Yes it is only my view that the pandemic was handled badly, but with the data it is pretty plain to see.

I am on a number of sites with "ordinary" people opining. They were overwhelmingly for President Trump. Only the one world order types were against President Trump. What was handled badly about the Corona virus was the Democrat governors who shoved Covid-19 patients into nursing homes causing thousands of deaths. It was the Democrats who said that President Trump had xenophobia for wanting to close down travel from China than Europe in trying to halt the spread of Covid-19. It was the Democrats who were pushing for people to celebrate the Chinese New Year for example.
Where did you get the figure that over 95% in all swing states were for Biden? Any source for this number?

Im self employed so I can take a break if I want, I'll make up the time at the end of the day!

If we all just surround ourselves with ideas that support our views, where is the sense in that? I could go to a different forum and discuss my views there and have everyone agree with me and like my posts if I wanted that. I am discussing it here as I have been a member of this forum for a few years, mostly just reading, and was interested in the fact that most people on this forum have a completely different view to mine. You may be right, I may be right. we both may be partly right. Im not here to wind you up,

I have read a good bit of the thread, hard to keep up with every single page as it sometimes moves so fast. I withheld my views early on, as I thought what is the point, I'll be just labeled a troll and fake news. But as time has gone on, and following the progression of the legal battles, I was interested as to the fact that many here still believe that this election was stolen so I thought why not discuss. From what I have seen I have not been convinced of it, but you obviously have, and that is fine.

Im not a member of RVAT, no connection, I am just pointing out that this is not normal to have people from a party so against their candidate, sure you get a candidate that you dont like in your party from time to time, but these people went out of their way to mount a fight against him. You must admit that is not normal, and could be a sign of why he didnt get the support needed.

David L
Trump may be right about fraud, but until I see proof I have to remain skeptical, you dont have to, but I can. If you call cheat before the game has even started it is a bit suspect. Trump himself has voted by mail. Was it ok then?

Yes trump got the early lead in states that counted election day ballots first. This was expected. It is possible to catch up on a lead that big if many people vote early. Which was close to 100 million people I think.

Have to get back to work now.

President Trump "requested" a absentee ballot. In some states ballots were mailed out to anyone on their voting list dead or alive or moved. Ripe for fraud.
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We traveled the continental United States for 7 years, full time in our RV. We requested an absentee ballot for every election. The key is, we had to request it by completing a form, signing it and mailing it to the county registrar. So, effort, signature verification, and cost (we returned them with return receipt).

This time around, they showed up in our mail box, we did have to sign them if we wanted to return them and they were postage paid. So, no effort, no real signature verification because in our state (Nevada) the verification threshold was reduced to 40% and no cost.

To make it worse, we received the previous owner’s ballot who moved out of state when we bought our home in 2016. So, no fraud?
You know maybe this Thread needs a 101 like we had to do in our Doorbell Thread. We were getting overwhelmed with repeating/answering the same questions/comments, over and over that we decided to post a Sticky...
We traveled the continental United States for 7 years, full time in our RV. We requested an absentee ballot for every election. The key is, we had to request it by completing a form, signing it and mailing it to the county registrar. So, effort, signature verification, and cost (we returned them with return receipt).

This time around, they showed up in our mail box, we did have to sign them if we wanted to return them and they were postage paid. So, no effort, no real signature verification because in our state (Nevada) the verification threshold was reduced to 40% and no cost.

To make it worse, we received the previous owner’s ballot who moved out of state when we bought our home in 2016. So, no fraud?
I remember you posting it here too. Yeah since then, I read an article, or maybe it was a news segment, about the guy in the apartment complex who got 4, one being his I assume, all to one address, I believe it was California. So hard to keep up with the dozens and dozens of articles.

Again, how come there were no late night ballot dumps in CA or NY? Did they not have mail in voting? How come it happened only the battleground states that everyone was talking about. How come all these states had their big jumps late at night when everyone was at home asleep? How come its ok for Dems like Gore, Hillary, Stacey Abrams to call elections rigged and the media loves them for it? How come the media loved it when the Dems were claiming Dominion systems were open to fraud earlier in the year, but now not so much?

C'mon man!
There's a Congressional seat still "uncalled" in NY. After multiple recounts the vote has been certified to show the Republican challenger the winner by six, count 'em, six votes. Now the Democrat wants the House to award the seat to him/her "just because". That election was contested by a Democrat, multiple recounts called for by a Democrat and, when still declared the loser, the Democrat wants to be awarded the election on brownie points, I guess.
2020... what a year...

Florida agents raid home of ousted COVID-19 data curator