The problem with these sites that summarize voter registration and talk about turn out is that they all use different terminology or report different data. After @sebastiantombs post #6011 I decided to look into that claim. What I found was hundreds of sites that at first glance, seem to report summaries as facts. Some of these sites, the ones that come up first in a Google search, are obvious 'progressive' leaning sites as they talk about easing requirements on registration and restoring felon's right to vote. So one has to take the data with a grain of salt.
But they toss around 'registration percentage' in very loose terms. Some report percent registered as a percentage of the total population. Some report it as the percent of adults over 18 that are registered. While others look at the total number of eligible adults that are registered. They also misrepresent the percentage of people that voted. Some report it as a percentage of the total population, some as the percentage of eligible voters, while others proport to calculate it against registered voters.
But a lot of that is moot. People die. That has been proven over and over. But they do not get removed from the voter rolls, at least in most states. There is no procedure that removes a voter from the rolls when they die. No one in the voter registration office gets a notification when someone dies. They do not get the death certificate mailed to them. The only time rolls get purged is when they look at those people that have not voted for years and puge them. But many states do not do this anymore as Democrats have always fought against it claiming it hurts minorities and it is a form of Republican voter suppression.
Sebastiantombs said there are 122 million registered voters. That is less than then number of votes cast in 2016 when trump was elected.
And I dont think the problem is the sites using different metrics. The problem is people do not read them properly. Before coming out with something as proof a bit of checking must be done. I am only looking at the article he linked to, and nowhere does it mention registered. If you are going to alledge fraud, I think it is only fair to make sure you have correct stats.