US Elections (& Politics) :)

An old man went to Congress and asked to see Pelosi, Schummer and Biden. At first they refused but he insisted and so they felt sorry for him and took him in. Pelosi asked him, "Why did you come to Washington". He said, " I want to join you in Congress". They all laughed and Schummer said " What qualifications do you have to join us"? The old man said. " I am old, sick, and suffer from dementia."
Now lets see... DC has more cameras then Vegas , and they (the Trump hating FBI) can’t locate those that reportedly laid “pipe bombs all around the Capitol” but they can find Trump Supporters that, on video recording, strolled through the Capitol peacefully while ANTIFA broke windows and caused CHAOS... NOW FBI Wray is saying they have “chatter” of threats. DURING the past 7 months the FBI stood by as Federal Buildings across the country were defaced by ANTIFA .

Can anyone say, "Reichstag Fire"? I thought you could...
I probably will not post again for a bit as I am so damn upset with this country and the bullshit that is playing out right now. I honestly don't GAF if the capital is attacked/rioted on or not. If there is to be a civil war, get it the f$$k over with already. If there isn't one, then everyone grow up and act like f*****g Americans should act. Unfortunately, I know that liberals will NEVER accept anything but their views, where as most REAL Conservatives will at least listen and start a conversation. So, in essence, the only thing that will fix this is either a split in the the boundries of the country, or a civil war. Now, if we had someone that was willing to try to heal this country, bring the sides together, different story. But we don't, and 'Joe and the Hoe are just hell bent of total there you have it.

Game over man, Game over! I just don't really care any longer....maybe I will again if I take a break. It is overwhelming and sickening to see what is occurring to our great country and our Constitution. :(

Game over man, Game over! I just don't really care any longer....maybe I will again if I take a break. It is overwhelming and sickening to see what is occurring to our great country and our Constitution. :(

imho time to retake the education system...
President Trump has declassified and authorized the release of "more than a foot-high stack of documents" related to the Obama administration's surveillance and espionage committed against the 2016 Trump campaign, as part of a larger campaign to discredit and undermine the incoming US president.
My prediction on this...the MSM will not cover anything that disparages Obama and the left. But any little item that makes Trump or the conservatives look bad will be amplified and put front and center for months. Those items will be twisted and taken out of context until the MSM gets a nice long ride from it.
If they're a Democrat
And their lips are moving
They're lying
Bullshit. I'm a Democrat and when my lips move they're not lying. I've watched this lunacy in this thread for a while. In the words of my republican friends in 2016-

Fuck you, you lost
Stop whining like a little bitch
You lost, get the fuck over it
Take your ball and glove and go the fuck home
America spoke, you fucking lost

I like a number of you guys in this thread and you're helpful and generous with your time and knowledge about all things cctv. But man, it's like alter egos in here from the same people. The truth is, YOU'VE been lied to. There was no steal to stop. Americans spoke in a free and fair election and trump lost. Two republican senators lost. The dems hold all three for a reason. Republicans lost. Republican judges across the country concluded the same thing. It's that simple. And because people can't get the fuck over it, we're at this insane place now. I don't agree with everything the democratic party does either. I'm not blind to the sell out of the entire system by both parties. But in this instance, a truly evil POS president had to go. I would have voted for Biden if he was embalmed in a coffin just to get rid of trump... and so did the majority of Americans... and of course Biden mostly looks as though a coffin isn't that far off either. But there it is, so get the fuck over it. You'll keep your guns and all the other shit you think is gonna get fucked by democrats. In two years you can vote some more and four years vote again. But make no mistake, you got fucked this time by trump. That's who fucked you over, not some lie about an illegal stolen election. Please, lol. Be a republican. But don't prop up a fuck head who never gave a shit if you lived or died, to this day. It's all about him, not you. Let it, and him, go.
  • Haha
Reactions: samplenhold
Bullshit. I'm a Democrat and when my lips move they're not lying. I've watched this lunacy in this thread for a while. In the words of my republican friends in 2016-

Fuck you, you lost
Stop whining like a little bitch
You lost, get the fuck over it
Take your ball and glove and go the fuck home
America spoke, you fucking lost

I like a number of you guys in this thread and you're helpful and generous with your time and knowledge about all things cctv. But man, it's like alter egos in here from the same people. The truth is, YOU'VE been lied to. There was no steal to stop. Americans spoke in a free and fair election and trump lost. Two republican senators lost. The dems hold all three for a reason. Republicans lost. Republican judges across the country concluded the same thing. It's that simple. And because people can't get the fuck over it, we're at this insane place now. I don't agree with everything the democratic party does either. I'm not blind to the sell out of the entire system by both parties. But in this instance, a truly evil POS president had to go. I would have voted for Biden if he was embalmed in a coffin just to get rid of trump... and so did the majority of Americans... and of course Biden mostly looks as though a coffin isn't that far off either. But there it is, so get the fuck over it. You'll keep your guns and all the other shit you think is gonna get fucked by democrats. In two years you can vote some more and four years vote again. But make no mistake, you got fucked this time by trump. That's who fucked you over, not some lie about an illegal stolen election. Please, lol. Be a republican. But don't prop up a fuck head who never gave a shit if you lived or died, to this day. It's all about him, not you. Let it, and him, go.

See, feel better? ;)

  1. It was never about Trump for me or many others, but what he stood for and against. Could have been anyone.
  2. 74-75 Million people disagree with you
  3. There was well documented fraud. How much is anyone's guess
  4. The 62 court cases were effectively 'punts" not. a. single. evidentiary. hearing.
  5. Im not going to "get over" the last 4 years of lying attempts to overturn MY vote in the LAST election that I had to listen to on every "News" channel daily. If you want to see unhinged, look no further than the MSM. (I'll take Russian Collusion for $500 Alex)
  6. I've yet to hear specifically what that " truly evil POS president" did that specifically hurt those who complain about him
  7. We're in "some insane place now" because of 4 years of endless harassment from the Left. Its hypocrisy to think were all just supposed to accept the policy's of the Left without question, and you're telling us to 'just get over it"?. I wont agree with or get over: defunding the police, teaching grade school children to apologize because they're white, censorship of opinions in the public space, being called a racist, deplorable, or domestic terrorist, Hiding Biden's unethical ties to money from China and Ukraine, Impeachment of a President for inciting a "riot" on Jan 6 when its been shown clearly and stated by the FBI it was planned well before Jan 6th, Left wing Cancel Culture, and so many others it would take a few hours to list them. Those are good starters.
  8. I've yet to see a single instance of any liberal jumping to the defense of the countless articles and opinions posted in this particular forum (US Election 2020 & Politics). I'd welcome a debate about policy and current event issues brought up here, instead we typically get smug one liners.
  9. Nope, not gonna "get over it"
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Fuck you, you lost
Stop whining like a little bitch
You lost, get the fuck over it
Take your ball and glove and go the fuck home
America spoke, you fucking lost
I'm responding on the assumption that you're not a troll.
For a history lesson, the degrading, divisive language began with Barack Obama. When you see similar language from Trump supporters, they're returning the same brick over the wall in the opposite direction.

"Elections have consequences. and at the end of the day I won”, “Tough luck, you lost. Get over it.” Barack Obama, Jan 23, 2009

"We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back." Barack Obama, Oct. 25, 2010

'If some of these folks were around when Columbus set sail, they must have been founding members of the Flat Earth Society . . . They would not have believed that the world was round.' Barack Obama, March 15, 2012

'Now I know he's taken some flak lately, but no one is happier to put the birth certificate matter to rest than The Donald. And that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter, like ‘Did we fake the moon landing?’ ‘What really happened in Roswell?’ And, ‘Where are Biggie and Tupac?’' Barack Obama, April 30, 2011

There are lots of other examples. I'm not out to write a research paper.
Bullshit. I'm a Democrat and when my lips move they're not lying. I've watched this lunacy in this thread for a while. In the words of my republican friends in 2016-

Fuck you, you lost
Stop whining like a little bitch
You lost, get the fuck over it
Take your ball and glove and go the fuck home
America spoke, you fucking lost

I like a number of you guys in this thread and you're helpful and generous with your time and knowledge about all things cctv. But man, it's like alter egos in here from the same people. The truth is, YOU'VE been lied to. There was no steal to stop. Americans spoke in a free and fair election and trump lost. Two republican senators lost. The dems hold all three for a reason. Republicans lost. Republican judges across the country concluded the same thing. It's that simple. And because people can't get the fuck over it, we're at this insane place now. I don't agree with everything the democratic party does either. I'm not blind to the sell out of the entire system by both parties. But in this instance, a truly evil POS president had to go. I would have voted for Biden if he was embalmed in a coffin just to get rid of trump... and so did the majority of Americans... and of course Biden mostly looks as though a coffin isn't that far off either. But there it is, so get the fuck over it. You'll keep your guns and all the other shit you think is gonna get fucked by democrats. In two years you can vote some more and four years vote again. But make no mistake, you got fucked this time by trump. That's who fucked you over, not some lie about an illegal stolen election. Please, lol. Be a republican. But don't prop up a fuck head who never gave a shit if you lived or died, to this day. It's all about him, not you. Let it, and him, go.

Since you and your cancel culture buddies are on this Marxist trip to reimagine America.

Just to set things straight...

Lincoln didn’t just end slavery, he died for doing it.
THIS is where our current insane state of affairs started for me and countless others:

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Friday released a slew of additional documents and transcripts related to his panel’s investigation into the origins and aftermath of the Trump-Russia probe, calling the original probe "one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ."

"The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes," Graham said. "The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down. It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America."

"There was a blind eye turned toward any explanation other than the Trump campaign was colluding with foreign powers," he continued. "At every turn the FBI and DOJ ran stop signs that were in abundance regarding exculpatory information."

Ultimately Graham said of Crossfire Hurricane, "There was no ‘there’ there," and contends that the "investigation was pushed when it should have been stopped and the only logical explanation is that the investigators wanted an outcome because of their bias."

Mueller’s investigation yielded no evidence of criminal conspiracy or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 election.
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LOL, you guys kill me man. I've debated republican friends and family for a very very long time. There's nothing I can say that will change your mind and vise versa, I know. So I spoke my mind and there you have it. Rock on- peace. I just lost a close friend to covid- stay safe out there. Seriously- stay fucking safe out there.
  • Haha
Reactions: samplenhold
LOL, you guys kill me man. I've debated republican friends and family for a very very long time. There's nothing I can say that will change your mind and vise versa, I know. So I spoke my mind and there you have it. Rock on- peace. I just lost a close friend to covid- stay safe out there. Seriously- stay fucking safe out there.

FYI - I vote against the swamp...